Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Whelp, we are all moved in…but it’s not pretty, folks


Here is a pic of the first time the kids swam in their new pool! They were SOOOO excited!

Drew, Ethan, Ben, Savannah

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They wake up early every single morning and the first words out of their mouths are: “Mooooommmm, can we go swimming?!!!” . Soak it up, kiddos---school starts in less than 2 weeks! (Muahahahaha)

*and yes, to those of you who so kindly remind me…I BATHE the kids in SPF 50+ sunscreen. We are part Cherokee, we turn black in the summertime, just FYI…



A crazy, boxed up house doesn’t stop us from partying with our friends (who only live like 5 minutes away now! Woo Hoo!)

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All the kiddies enjoying the pool and new pool toys

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LOOOOOVE having a LONG driveway with a gate, so the kids can play and ride bikes safely.

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…and our pool is behind a fence! Yay! But~ Ugh, look at all of this stuff everywhere! Maybe one day it will be in its right place… (in like 3 months?!!!) It is killing me.

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Our current sleeping conditions… bare mattresses on the living room floor while the entire upstairs gets completely de-popcorn-iff-fied ceilings and new paint.

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Before I left, I snapped this picture. Progress people! We have now moved the mattresses upstairs into their rooms. (Drew FINALLY gave in and took a nap for me)

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If you know anything about the Steeces, it is that we like to keep a clean and orderly house. God help us as we sort through all of this mess! Oh my… (and this is AFTER I have unloaded like 20 boxes)

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More pics to come later…


Thank you all so much for the kind words and prayers for my sweet Mama (on the left).



Mom’s biopsies confirmed cancer in both her cervix and uterus. She will be consulting with a gynecological oncologist in Houston this week (at MDAnderson) to determine how to proceed. Chemo and/or radiation, and a total hysterectomy are in her near future. We are terrified, but are trying to keep our eyes (& spirits) lifted up toward the Great Physician and Healer.


suz signature


  1. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Absolutely love reading your blog! Paryers to your mom for a speedy recovery!

  2. Anonymous7:24 AM

    I've never commented before, but been following you for a long while. I am praying for your family! I'm a mom to B/G twins, at the age of 30 which was 3 years ago I had to have an emergency hysterectomy due to cervical and endometrial cancer taking over. I live in Houston and can not say enough Good Things about all the dr's involved. I'm now struggling with my Colon. If you need anything while here in Houston, please call me 281 908 1714!


  3. I have been reading your blog for years now. Praying for your mom and your family as she goes through treatment.
    Congratulations on the new house. What a fun and crazy time this must be. I have 4 kids and I can't imagine moving.

  4. Cindy8:19 AM

    Your new home is beautiful and I am sure the kids are loving their new pool. I have been praying for your mother and will continue. Just keep the faith in our Great Physician.

  5. Your blog is my favorite one to read. I always grin like a little kid when I see a new post up.

    I'm praying for your sweet, loving,Mama. I hope she gets the answers she needs soon.

    Lots of love coming your way!

  6. Sending lots of healing prayers for all of you!

  7. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Lots of prayers to your mom! Your house moving mess makes me so nervous since we are moving in three weeks, yikes!

    Also, me and my little sister have always turned almost black in the summer even with sunscreen!

    Good luck and good thoughts!

  8. Keeping your mom and you all in my prayers.....your new place looks wonderful.....we loved having a pool when our kiddos were little....we love living on the lake now! Take a deep breath and enjoy the rest of your summer....unpacking will happen! A friend in east Texas, Pam! :)

  9. Keeping your mom in my thoughts and prayers!! and giving you lots of strength!!

  10. I have never commenter before buy just wanted to let you know your mom will have THE best care AND doctors at MDAnderson. They are the greatest.

  11. Great photos of the new house! We are moving in a couple of months and I am dreading that messy, disorganized feeling that comes with moving!
    I am thinking and praying for your mom. Sending an extra big hug your way.
    Alissa in Ontario

  12. Oh no! I am so very sorry to hear about your mom. I will be praying for the good Lord to heal her, peace over everyone, and for wisdom for the doctors!

  13. Just an encouraging word for your Mama! My Aunt was diagnosed with uterine cancer April 2012! After many tests she had a full hysterectomy in May 2012. It was so successful she was spared chemo and radiation. Praying fervently this for your Mom!!! That the good Lord would lay his healing hand on her & allow a hysterectomy to be her only treatment needed!!!

  14. First time commenter. I've followed your blog since the kids were babies. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. Many prayers and positive thoughts your way!

  15. Praying for you mom!

  16. Lindsey8:55 PM

    Praying for you family! This is my first time commenting and I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate how upbeat you are! Your blog is such a joy to read! :)

  17. Praying for your mom.

  18. Anonymous12:54 AM

    I think one of the things I like about your blog is that you are so real and we can all relate. My kids are older but I would have loved that side area with a gate for bike riding too! Perfect. I know you will be a huge support system to your Mom and she will want your kiddos around to keep her cheered up!!

  19. looking forward to seeing more house pics. still thinking of your mom.


  20. Long time reader, first time commenter (I think...) Congrats on the new house. My Mom is a cancer survivor and based on what I read here, if you get half of your spirit from your Mom, she'll be a survivor, too!

  21. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Sending best wishes on your new family home from Ontario, Canada. I am praying for your Mom's speedy recovery. Hope life treats you kindly in the coming weeks; don't stress about the boxes too much. Nancy

  22. Prayers to your mom! I can relate. At the age of 33, and only married10 months, I was diagnosed with cervical cancer. They told me I needed a radical hysterectomy and 3 weeks later, I had surgery. Luckily, I did not have to have any radiation/chemo and I get my paps q 6 months religiously. I will pray for you mom and your family as she goes through this. I dont know you but read your blog and feel like I should know you! Ha! I am sure you hear that all of the time. Anywho..........PRAYERS to all of you!!!!!

  23. Three things:
    1) We are going to pray for you guys and your mom during all of this.

    2) I can't imagine how it must be to have people blog commenting all the time telling you to do stuff you're already doing and second-guessing your every parental decision. So annoying!!! OMG!

    and 3) Seriously, moving is nuts! Everything is out of place all at the same time! But the pool looks awesome and I know it will come together - I had to laugh at the snowman on the counter! We just moved and it was the same sitch. Good luck!

  24. Love reading your blog and seeing what your cute family is up to! So sorry to hear about your mom, praying for y'all!!!

  25. I am so sorry to read about your Mom, watching your parents fight this terrible battle is heart breaking especially with little ones. My dad has had cancer three times and in the middle of that my Mom had breast cancer. My children in the process have learned things they are way too little for. Now that we are on the "other side" I can say it makes the time they get to spend with them that much better.

  26. Anonymous10:25 AM

    I was just checking in to see about your move and was shocked to read of your beautiful mom's recent health issues. Your family will be in my prayers! Mama's make the world go round' and I know you have one of the best!

  27. Cute seems like they were having lots of fun :)

    Vintage Inspired Girls
