Thursday, September 19, 2013

Laundry Room Makeover

Several weeks ago, I took on a project while the kiddos were at school... I wanted to go "Extreme Home Makeover" on my laundry room.

 The room before:

(Yep, that is a monstrous heap of clean clothes, now wrinkled, that had yet to be folded...don't judge)

 I worked all day, by myself, and finished just in time to pick the kids up from school:

It is a pretty grayish blue color~ very calming... and I love the little laundry sign that I picked up at World Market.
Next up, I need to have a wooden table made that will go right across the tops of my washer and dryer---to fold clothes as soon as they come out of the dryer. (wishful thinking)
So there you have it. One project down, about 44, 444 to go in our new house. ;)

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  1. I fold laundry using the top of my washer and stack folded clothes by person on the dryer. No wooden table. That said, I have a top loading washer, so the board wouldn't work.

  2. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Try ikea for your laundry table, they have a bunch of different tables/desks that would probably work perfectly & cheap!

  3. I'm impressed that you showed the before picture with all the laundry! I only have 3 (now grown) kids but oh, do I remember those days of stacks of laundry everywhere! Love the makeover and I believe that you will get the clothes folded when you have a table to do it on! I love your blog.

  4. Doesn't a finished project feel so good?? I really like the color you painted the room. It goes great with the washer and dryer. Hopefully it will make you want to spend lots and lots of time in there. :)

  5. Good job ! I do one project like that a day (if I plan more, I do nothing) Today I did the closet (thanks Ikea hanging organizers) You know what would look really nice? A big wicker basket for your paper towels on that shelf ! :p

  6. Great job! Hey I just read the school article about the children, I know their school is so proud to have your bunch with them, they always just seem so happy and so very know I feel like I know them, and I do know them through your blog, thank you so much for sharing.....a friend in East Texas, Pam!

  7. Hi Suz! Long time reader, infrequent poster...

    The laundry room looks great, nice job! Our family just moved to TX (keller) earlier this summer and I've been using your blog to help me figure out the best places to go/things to see in the area. I'm just waiting to run into you one day! :)

  8. looks great! Nice work mama! I keep telling myself that I will have an awesome laundry room in my next house, and it will make me be REALLY excited to do laundry. (not.happening.) ~Jenn

  9. I did a laundry counter in mine too, it has helped me (sometimes) avoid the skyscraper of clean clothes. I found a piece of countertop in the clearance at home store that worked perfect

  10. Good job!

    Clean clothes at my house?? Dining room table...

  11. Love that! So very calming! I saw a folding table on pinterest that's just a piece of plywood, cut at lowe's, rubbed down with danish oil. You could totally do it.

  12. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Looks great! We put a countertop over our washer/dryer. Works great for folding and laying things flat to dry.

  13. Hey Suz -
    Long time reader, random commenter. :)

    I know that this is going to sound creepy, but I think that your new home is one that one of my best friends from high school grew up in! At least, in the pics that you have posted, it looks so familiar to me. :)

    Love your blog!

  14. Hi Suz- Saw this post about your laundry room and remembered a fb video from 95.7 KJR Jan 13. It is a cool technique to fold short-sleeved t-shirts in 2 seconds. It works. Figure you have a few of those shirts and your house so am trying to send you the link. here goes. this is the correct info for the link. I tried it in my email and it works. Not sure why it shows a gap after the question mark. The v follows directly after the question mark. Hope you can connect to the link. Happy folding in your nifty laundry room.
