Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Joe's First Half Marathon

This spring, Joe ran his first half marathon~ The Rock-n-Roll Marathon in Dallas!

Joe wakes up every morning before work and runs 2-3 miles. I wish I could have one tenth of his self-determination.

The day of the run, it was cold and rainy. Nevertheless, we anxiously stood at the finish line, cheering on everybody...waiting for Dad to cross!

So proud of this guy! He just woke up one morning and said, "Suz, I think I'm going to run a marathon."...3 weeks later, with no training, he did it and with a great time!

Our good friend, Veronica, ran it as well! We were excited to see her cross the finish line!

A free post-run beer...sounds horrible! But Joe didn't complain! Ha.

This Rock-N-Roll Half Marathon was cool because it had live music set up along the runners' route. The grand stage was Eric Hutchinson. Sav was a huge fan!

It seems that Joe has caught the "marathon-bug" and will be running his next race soon. As for me...I'll be standing there at the finish line, cheering him on with the kids.

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