Tuesday, October 18, 2005


you probably are not big sports fans....but Joe and I have come to LOVE the ASTROS....we are so close to a World Series shot and we blew it last night...it could have all been over! So now we go back to "Cardinal town" and hope we can pull off a victory...tune in Wednesday night.
GO 'STROS!!!! :)


  1. I'm pullin' for them!

  2. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Jeff and I are huge Astros fans (we love Adam Everett..can you guess why??) We stayed up last night until 11:30 watching the game--I just knew we were going to win...We will win tomorrow night!
    My first memories of the Astros is seeing Kevin wear his orange, red, and yellow striperd jersey when he was about 8. Oh, and eating an Astro pop (remember those long suckers?) because Kevin said the Astros got the money. anyways...

  3. YAE! YES! we WILL win tonight Marce!!! (I do NOT want to be in the same place as my husband if we don't win either tonight or tomorrow) ;) he seriously goes into mourning!

  4. ok this is such an old post i stumbled upon but i wanted to let you know that i (one of your loyal blog buddies from the great state of Texas) am a HUGE cardinals fan! i remember this series so vividly.
