Saturday, October 22, 2005


Things I LOVE about the fall:

1. Decorating with pumpkins and scarecrow
2. The smell and feel of the crisp, cool fall air
3. Burning pumpkin/spice smelling candles at all hours of the day
4. Keeping all the windows/doors open
5. College football Saturdays
6. Friday night lights at the high school football stadiums around town.
7. Seeing the little kiddies get dressed up for Halloween and trick or treating
8. Going for long walks with Shiloh (Joe and I have a ritual every Saturday morning, we walk Shi to the Starbucks, sit and enjoy some coffee outside on their patio..then continue our walk around the neighborhood)
9. Early evening when the sun has already started its descent
10. Cuddling up with my hubby under a blanket while watching our favorite movies


  1. Anonymous7:59 AM

    ah ha. Missed you in W-town this weekend.

    Cya for T-day


  2. Ditto on the fall!! I love everything about it! I also think your place is beautiful! I'm sad I've never actually been able to see it in person. =(
