Saturday, December 03, 2005

Shiloh's surgery

Sweet Shi was spayed yesterday. I'm sooo excited! All of her liver enzymes came back in normal ranges and she has no bacteria in her body. She is HEALTHY! ;) Her surgery went great. The nurse who was taking care of her told me the cutest story. She said: "Right after the surgery, Shiloh was waking up from the anesthesia and we had her on a warming blanket. She sleepily raised her head, bit the corner of the blanket and pulled it over her cold little body. Then she dropped her head back down and passed out!" (how cute)

She was the most adorable little thing when we brought her home...she was so drugged up- couldn't walk -could barely keep her eyes open. She just cuddled in my lap like a baby for about an hour before I put her down to sleep in her crate! Too cute!

Around 1:00 AM this morning, we got her out of the crate to see how she was doing and she started grabbing toys to play with, etc.....Adorable! She's doing great today, back to her normal self. (Except, much more calm!)


  1. What adorable pictures! He looks like such a sweet dog! Glad everything went well! Are you going to be here when Marcy is? We can have our c3 reunion (a quick one since it's supposed to be family time!)!

  2. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Beautiful Picture. Congatulations on being "Employee of the Year"

  3. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Suz, Who gave you Shiloh? I didn't know you were crazy about beagles...she's adorable!!
    OK, I will be able to get out the evening of the 23rd to see you guys...let's go out to eat...won't be able to go out all night for obvious reasons (ha ha)
    Sue, did you get Employee of the Year? Awesome.. I always knew you would succeed at any job you had...sniff,sniff

  4. Dr. Small..THANKS!!! WOW, right?! missed you, we had fun!

    Marce & Lar, super bummer...Joe and I drive all over the place during the Christmas holidays. We spend the days before Christmas with his fam in Austin, then drive the morning of Xmas to Brackettville to be with all my fam. I'm not in Whacko at all. :(

    Marce, yes- Joe and I both wanted a beagle! They are wondeful, beautiful dogs. and to answer your last question...yes! ;)
