Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Weird sick..

Yesterday morning, I felt just fine at work...a little tired, but nothing new. I was looking at holiday party pics with my boss and when I got up to walk back downstairs, all the blood left my face, my mouth began watering with that salty saliva, and I immediately felt like I was going to vomit. This lasted for a good was so random and the onset was so sudden...NO, I'M NOT PREGNANT (believe me, we tested) blood pressure was normal, my Hemoglobin was normal, my fasting blood sugar was a little elevated (129), but okay for me.....

I mean, I got so dizzy and was hugging a toilet that Joe had to come pick me up and take me home around lunch time! So weird...I felt kinda woozy yesterday, but ate supper and felt fine, had a pretty bad headache before going to bed...but definitely planning on going to work today....then, I woke up this morning in a sweat, running a fever, with a killer headache.....go figure! but aside from the fever and headache, I really don't feel that bad....(but you absolutely cannot go to a hospital or surgery center if you are running a fever--that means you are contagious). Joe's throat is killing him, but I feel fine....oh well--I'm guessing it is some kind of 24 hour virus....I guess we'll see!

Being sick is just straight up annoying...I am not the type to call in, EVER! I hate feeling useless and making other people do my work b/c I'm "too sick". I get so irritated when people call in on, I usually just spend the day feeling completely guilty and puny. The main reason I will stay home from work is if I am contagious (or with fever). Also because I don't want to hear everyone say, "Suzanne!! You got me sick!!!!" ;)


  1. Anonymous6:31 PM

    OK, I know you said that you weren't pregnant....but how cool would that be if you were? (probably not too cool for you and Joe right now, but cool for Lauren and I!)We would all be pregnant together.Of course, I'm almost done! 7(or less) more weeks!!!
    I love reading your blog! Too bad I won't see you at Christmas..maybe we can get together this summer...

  2. Being sick is no fun! But I appreciate you not going into work sick and spreading it everywhere. Everyday I feel like I pick up all kinds of germs in my dr.s offices. Okay, I'll admit it I might be just a bit of a hypercondriac (I have no idea how to spell that!). Hope you start feeling better soon!

  3. I'm so sorry you're so sick! That's no fun. I'd almost rather go to work than miss because getting ready for a sub is a pain. I think I'm coming down with something, too, and I think a big reason is that I'm not getting enough sleep to fight it off. I hope you feel better soon!

  4. awww..thanks ladies! you are all so sweet! yes, i feel completely fine today...98%! so was definitely a's going around h-town right now..
