Monday, February 20, 2006


Have you ever played the game catch phrase? It is so addicting! We were at our good friends house last night and played the game for at least 2 hours into the wee hours of the morning! We actually keep it in the back of our Jeep for moments just like last night...when someone says, "gosh, I wish somebody had catch phrase..that would be fun to play right now"...

too it sometime...

Joe found out last week that he had President's Day off (today), I scheduled myself off of work today and we had a "date day" out to Jersey Village (a subarb of Houston) were we used to live as newlyweds our first year and a half of marriage! We went to our favorite restaraunt and old movie theater! Too fun! We felt like we were playing "hookie" from work! :) Good times!


  1. I so love GAMES! I have to say though, I have not ever played that one. I will have to do that sometime. If you have never played phase 10 (cardgame) or Craniam (?)
    You might enjoy them....

    Good for you on a date day.. I truly don't think that enough MARRIED couples get those these days!!! Note to self: Need more as well...hehehehe

  2. I LOVE Catch Phrase (along with Cranium, Phase 10, and most other games). I can't get enough! That sounds like sooo much fun, taking the day off and having a day date! Those are the best days off, the unplanned ones. If they're planned, we usually end up going out of town.

  3. Catch Phrase is so fun!!! Althought we had a Hillarious (yet incredibly akward and inappropriate) moment with a word that came about when we were playing with my Grandmother. Hmm...I'm debating to write what the word was or not. I don't want to corrupt your blogsite. I better not but lets just say it was a "bedroom" product. Did I say too much? I'll delete this if I need to!

  4. Hey there as JoLee said our game is Cranium Daniel an I keep it in the trunk and play it every chance we get. On New Years Eve we got my Mom, Dad, Kitten and Jacob to play with us you can imagine my Dad acting out Madonna quite entertaining.
