Saturday, February 11, 2006

oh, oprah...

heard something good on oprah yeseterday that i had never thought about...

you know when you are trying to work out and eat right because you want to loose some pounds?
well, whenever i work out really hard and burn a lot of calories, i am sooooo hungry that night..even after i've eaten dinner, i will walk around the kitchen and go, "hmmm...i could eat a small bowl of cereal right now...after all, i DID work out hard, and it's JUST a bowl of cereal...not like it's chocolate or anything..."

well, oprah and her trainer bob greene said that at that moment, when you feel like you could eat something else...and you're kinda still hungry...DON'T DO IT! that is when your body is about to start eating away at your fat! when you satisfy that craving, you are un-doing everything you tried so hard on working off.

So, next time you get that, "welllll...i'm kinda hungry, kinda want to munch on something", be able to recognize what that is...and let your body start eating away at those extra pounds!

Food for thought... :)


  1. I heard the same thing and thought that was a really good thing to remember, because that happens a lot! So hard to do though! I love to eat cereal at night!!

  2. That is so funny that you posted this. I told MDM that same exact quote from Doprah (my little nickname for Oprah) this week.

  3. I will have to remember that...
    Considering I don't get to watch much TV, sometimes I miss the really good stuff.... THANKS SUZ and ooooooprahhhhhhh!!!
    I knew there had to be a reason and there it is...
