Thursday, March 30, 2006

My Canine Baby turns 1 year old!!!

Today is my sweet little baby girl's one year birthday!!! I'm so proud of her! She is turning from a playful puppy into such a wonderful doggie! ;) Here are pics of her over the past year...(i know, sad isn't it?? she is my dog-child! ha)

I bought her a new toy and a big edible bacon flavored bone! She has been chewing on it for 4 straight hours now!

Look how little she used to be!


  1. Anonymous8:44 PM

    For the love of our PUPPIES! So fun to watch him grow into doghood! Great pics!

  2. I love all the pics shiloh is such a cutie. She is lucky to have you.

  3. SOOO Cute! You are a great mommy to get her birthday presents!

  4. Happy Birthday, Shiloh! She is such a cutie!! I love all the pics!

  5. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Happy Belated Birthday, Shiloh!
    I guess my invite is in the mail for the big blow out B-day party, ha ha ha.

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  7. Shiloh is SO CUTE! We wish we could charge around the yard with her!
