Monday, March 13, 2006

Stock the Bar Shower

Two of our close friends, Katie and Adam (from Dallas), are getting married in May...This weekend a bunch of us threw them a stock the bar was a blast! Here are some of the pics of the events that took place!
Adam and Katie (soon to be Adam and Katie Sheedy)

The guys watching the aTm/texas game Saturday

The Steeces: Joe, Suz, and Dan


The girls: Me, Katie, Jess, & Molly

Always gotta be dancin!!

Too much fun!


lauren said...

These pictures are hilarious! It makes me miss you and taking silly pictures! I can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks, too!!

Nicki W. said...

Why were we not friends when you lived here? Your pictures make me laugh!

MDM said...

Could you and your man have anymore fun?!! I wanna hang whicha, too.

TEXOSE said...
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TEXOSE said... I am a country kid...
I have never heard of a "Stock the Bar" Shower but looks like I have totally been missing out on some fun....

As Always, it is a blast to be around yah and miss yah as well...
Hugs from B-ville....

Anonymous said...

Funny stuff.

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