Thursday, August 24, 2006

Waiting for Joe...

This was the cutest thing I saw today, so I had to blog about it. I had been on the computer checking various things and had not heard Shiloh in a while. I went back to my bedroom to see what she had gotten in to: she had pulled her bed all the way from the corner of the room and positioned it perfectly in front of the window where she could lay and look out the blinds to wait for her dad to come home...She was just staring out that window, without hardly blinking. She is precious! When she sees Joe park the car in the lot, she runs to the front door, sits whimpering (as if she is sitting on hundreds of hot, burning coals), and wags her tail (picture a boat propeller swishing through the water at 305 mph)!...TOO CUTE!

(by the way, the small, brown, object on the floor in front of the window would be Shiloh's bone!...JUUUUUST in case a couple of you were getting nervous!) ;)

Just look at that face!


  1. That really is adorable! I could just reach through that picture and give him kisses!

  2. Too cute! Is Shiloh more of a daddy's dog or mamma's? Remmy definitely goes for Matt more and listens to him over me.

  3. A- shi is DEFINITELY a momma's girl (i LOVE and LOVE on her...joe isn't much a dog lover, but has come around!)...HOWEVER, because i don't reprimand her as often or as sternly as joe, she will ALWAYS listen to him over me anyday of the week! (hee hee)

  4. What a smart baby you have! I can't believe she pulled her bed over to the window like that! Those pics melt my heart!
