Saturday, April 21, 2007

Drum Roll Please....ddddddddddddddddd


We have:

ONE little princess and THREE little boys! ;)

Joe smiled and said, "ha! no one is going to want to date my daughter with three protective brothers and a protective father!" It was cute! I'm sure he was feeling a sigh of relief that the wedding count will only be ONE! ;)
(we have all but one name picked out and will reveal those names as soon as we decide on that last boy!) :)
I will just say this: nothing rhyming, nothing starting with the same letter/vowel, nothing weird...just classy, normal, names. ;)

Even more great news is that they were all perfectly healthy! The specialist I'm going to is amazing! He went to each baby and showed us: "Here's the brain with all hemispheres intact, no midline defect or fluid present, skull intact,'s the heart with four chambers, there's the aorta and pulmonary artery, perfect...there's the umbilical cord with the two arteries, perfect, etc..." He measured all the leg and arm bones...all perfect! It's like I would hold my breath until he would get through a certain organ and then exhale when he would say perfect...and so on and so on...Oh yeah, and none of the babies or placentas are over my cervix, which could cause spotting and bleeding, especially when I begin to have contractions. Tabor was actually pretty suprized that none of the babies were sitting over my cervix! So that's a really good thing!

(sorry I have no sonogram pics this time, he was focusing on various body parts and I never really got to see a good picture of the whole time!) He wants to start seeing me every week/sonograms every week.

It is just so fun now! We can start registering for things and start getting to work on the nursery. The babies seem so human and real to us, now that we know what we are having...they are not just little blobs of tissue and organs anymore. (obviously, they were always more than that...I'm just depicting how this news has completely made this all more real) Joe and I are ecstatic!

He also did an exam to check my cervix for any thinning, etc. (sometimes they have to suture the cervix shut, which is not a fun surgery and can be very dangerous for mom and the babies)...well, you know he wants me to carry these babies for 34 weeks and then he will take them no matter what...after looking at my cervix, he laughs and says, "well shoot, with THAT cervix, you could carry these babies to 36 weeks!" Everything looked great! ;)

Now...onto my MAIN problem weight. (or lack there of)

I met with my nutritional specialist yesterday as well. She was WONDERFUL. However, she was very concerned that I have only gained 16 lbs while pregnant. She told me to throw everything I have ever thought about food out the window. GET READY FOR THIS....
I need to concentrate on eating fat, fat, fat. Everything I put into my mouth must count, calorically speaking. She said throw the veggies out, fruit out...I need to eat as much FRIED FOOD as possible! Let me list some of the things she wrote down for me to eat (EVERY TWO HOURS, EVERYDAY!)

greasy bacon, egg, lots of cheese (cheese, cheese, cheese)

pizza: deep dish, double meat, double cheese (keep it always stocked in your fridge)

fried meats: fried chicken, fried steak, fried french fries dipped in ranch or cheese sauce, fried everything

whole milk with powdered milk ADDED TO IT! (gag!)

lots of milkshakes, hot fudge brownie sundaes, banana splits

trail mix with lots of nuts, chocolate candies, some dried fruit

King sized Snickers bars and any other candy bar that has chocolate and nuts

if I'm CRAVING fresh fruit, I must drench it in Nutella or chocolate sauce or peanut butter

if I'm CRAVING veggies, I must drown them in lots of butter/oil/cheese

casseroles with lots and lots of cheese, butter, cream cheese

pasta with lots of Alfredo sauce

and she said fast food was my best friend: double bacon cheeseburgers, extra bacon/extra cheese, lots of mayo, extra fries dipped in ranch dressing or cheese sauce with a large chocolate milkshake

anytime I eat out, get a large decadent chocolate brownie hot fudge sundae with ice cream and sauce and nuts...if I'm too stuffed, take it home and eat it right before getting in bed!

ARE YOU KIDDING ME FOLKS? I felt bad because I kept laughing at her when she was saying all just goes against everything I have EVER DONE or BELIEVED! I pride myself in being a typically healthy person who gets all my fresh veggies and fruits and protein a day...who exercises regularly, etc....God is really trying to teach me patience and COMPLETE TRUST AND FAITH in Him throughout this entire ordeal. I guess this is everyone's DREAM diet...and it normally would be for me too...I just am NEVER hungry and when she was listing all these foods, my stomach was actually cramping up and I felt as if I were about to vomit. And it's not about gaining the weight...I could care less about my figure or anything like that (in fact, I kinda just chuckled to myself as I typed that) is just so incredibly difficult for me to eat........anything.........let alone fried, greasy, fatty foods every two hours! It is SO weird! And absolutely NO exercising...doc doesn't even want me up walking around! But you know what...this isn't about ME. I need to look at this as my JOB, and it is the most important job I will EVER have in my life. What I do now, will affect my children for the rest of their lives. So, I will use my strong self determination (and lots of prayer) to force this JUNK down my body, every two hours, every day, until these little ones are born!

Okay, enough about food...and I apologize that this post is getting REEEEALLY long and verbose. One more subject: house arrest and bedrest...

Doc made sure that I wasn't working anymore and has put me under "house arrest" for the next few weeks before I begin my complete bedrest. I asked him what all that entails and he said, "no getting out and going shopping...stay home and take it housework...etc"
For my bedrest at 20 weeks, he said bathroom privileges only (including one shower a day, sitting down). Like I said earlier, I will start seeing him every week and he said if I continue to be as healthy as I am now, he might even let Joe and I have one night to go out and eat every week when I'm on strict bedrest!

God is just teaching us so many things, everyday..and it is so apparent that many people are praying for us and our babies! Keep sending those prayers and thoughts up for us! MUCH APPRECIATED! more than you will ever know...

Joe, Suz, baby boy 1, baby boy 2, baby boy 3, and baby girl ;)


  1. Three handsome princes and one lovely princess! I praise God that they are all healthy and growing!
    Keep eating and taking it easy! Let me know if you want any pleasure-reading recommendations while you are homebound!

  2. What WONDERFUL news! I know how ecstatic you are. When I was pregnant with our first daughter, finding out she was a girl was a big thing for me. We named her that day and I was able to call her by name throughout the rest of my pregnancy. It made me feel closer to her, as if she could have gotten closer; I mean, we were sharing a body!

    God surely does have you and the babies in His hands. So great to hear that all the babes are so healthy. We'll continue those prayers for you!

    Can't wait to hear their names! God bless all SIX of you!

    Tell your husband that we're praying for him, too!!! My husband is already dreading THREE weddings! :)

  3. Yea!!!! Four healthy babies, what a good God we serve! I will be praying for you and your babies (by name when we learn them :) ) and that you can gain weight with that intersteing "diet".

  4. Haha That little girl will be so spoiled w/three brothers! :o) I am excited for you and I don't even know you!! I am in my 15th week and am not hungry either...Ugh. Good luck w/all the eating...

  5. Congratulations on the WONDERFUL news! Four healthy, growing babies:) AND so exciting to find out the sexes...weird how it makes everything seem more real. I will continue to pray for your family and that God gives you the strength to choke down all that food...WOW!

  6. how great, that you already know what you'll be having! so glad that they are all healthy, too, that's really great news.

    and boy, what a diet! I feel bad about the McD's I had today, and I got really nauseous from all the grease afterwards. I personally couldn't do what you have to now... I'm usually sticking to my fruits and veggies too... I can't even imagine what you'll have to gulp down by doctor's decree!

    how many lbs. are recommended you gain during this pregnancy?

  7. Anonymous1:00 PM

    That is so so exciting!! One of my friends here at Harding just called me and said "the quad website is updated!! she knows what she is having!!" and of course i screamed like i know yall personally and ran to check it with her still on the phone, haha! I am so happy everything looks healthy and "perfect" :) I will pray it will continue to stay that way! Yall have so many people praying for yall, I have confidence God will allow everything to go smoothly! Philippians 4:13, "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength"

  8. OH my goodness congratulations on 3 sons and 1 daughter!!! That is son wonderful and I'm so excited that we all know a little bit more about them now (who/what they are)!
    The diet list made me hungry-gotta go eat lunch-but probably nothing good like on your list!

  9. I just saw your mom at a shower and enjoyed chatting with her about your 3 sons and daughter!! How crazy is it that you know your whole family all at once! This is such a huge blessing! I love them already, and James can't wait to run around with your boys and teach them a few things!

  10. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Ok, this is TOO weird! If you look at your last post, I commented that I could just "feel" that you were having 1 girl, 3 boys!! I had NO idea what you were having yet...just an intuition! When I saw this post, I screamed "I was right!!" WOW! I guess you are having identical twin boys and fraternal girl and boy??

  11. Congratulations! Incidentally, just what we have. (With the big brother thrown in, our little princess may never have a date..) And good luck with the diet! 4 kids fill you up so you're really not hungry. For once (back when) my not-so-slim body was perfect, and I didn't have to eat much :) Good luck!

  12. Oh, and good thinking about the names, different initials makes nametagging etc so much easier :)

  13. Anonymous3:10 PM

    I just want to say Congrats! I don't know you, but I have been reading your blog thru a friend of a friend. You ALL have been in my prayers! Take care and eat up-Stephanie

  14. YIPEE!!! That it just so exciting that you are having three little boys and one little girl:) I think God just knew you needed at least one girl so you could have that mother/daughter bond when she is older! And you are right giving Joe a sigh of relief when thinking about wedding plans:) Three boys will be so much fun as well!!! Thomas is definitely a huge mama's boy. I can't wait to hear the names:) Praying for you guys!

  15. Hello! My name is Karen and I have two children, not multiples, just little ol' singletons. HAA! I saw your blog name on the McNulty Quads "Roll Call" and thought it would be fun to read your blog too. I actually know Gen McNulty from high school, although not well. Your blog is very sweet. You and your husband must be overwhelmingly excited to see your adorable babies. Good luck!

  16. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Yea, I'm completely jealous of (most of) your diet. As much Blue Bell as you want? Just'll want to eat SO healthy for the rest of your life after all of this junk food!!!

  17. Anonymous9:33 PM

    hello!! my name is jillian gibson and i am currently a senior nursing major up in OKC. i stumbled upon your website a few weeks ago through a friends blog and have checked a few times since then and just wanted to say congrats on the babies!!!!! 3 boys and a girl. how perfect!!!! i'll be praying for you over the next months, especially as you start bedrest and also as you try to get things ready for the babies. best of luck to you, your husband, and all those precious babies!! my cousin is in the corp at A&M. glad to know you guys are some aggies!!!

  18. How fun! How exciting! Congratulations! Pink and blue...what could get better than 3 sons and a princess?!

  19. I was just thinking, "Maybe we should try this Clomid stuff, too," only because I saw the list of foods you MUST eat and was totally salivating...especially the ice cream and cheese!!!! I am sure you are so grateful to be able to experience being a mother of both boys and a girl...that way you won't ever have to wonder what it would have been like to have one or the other! I'm just so excited for you, Suzanne! I have lots of good books, just waiting to be sent your way! Say the word!

  20. You just amaze me! I am praying that everything continues to go well for you and your little ones! God Bless!

  21. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I found your blog through someone else and just have to say that you and your husband are absolutely precious! Thank you so much for sharing this journey with us! It is so exciting and I too don't even know you! I am so excited for you both! I know that it must be such a rollercoaster, but you have so many people that are praying for you! We love the details!

    I am so excited to now know what you are having and can't wait to hear the names!

  22. Congratulations Suzanne and Joe! How exciting to know WHAT of each you are having :) Happy Baby Registering :) I did some this weekend with a fun..but kinda difficult since we don't know what we are having yet! Keep up the good attitude...and calories :) EJW

  23. YEAH!!! Let me tell you, having atleast one of each is the absolute best! And trust me, eating so much and all the fat believe or not was one of the hardest things being pregnant with multiples. Power Bars and protein shakes baby! I'll shoot you an email of must haves for multiples soon. Congrats again and we can't wait to hear the names so we can pray for them individually!

  24. Anonymous3:31 PM


    My name is Michelle Tehan and I'm from Starkville, MS. I am the proud mother of 5 month old triplets. We thought we were having twins for several months. We have 2 girls and one boy. I delivered by c-section at 33wks and 5 days. I was able to learn so much from the nurses at the hospital! They have so many wonderful tips that most people never think of. I myself have lots of tips if you're ever have questions. Our babies came home at different times and one was easy, two were not a big deal and three really through us off for a few days. Once you get the hang of things you can't imagine what someone does with one baby. The only suggestion I have from the start is keep charts. I kept a chart above a changing table for each child so that I would know when they had bm's and charts in the kitchen for feeding times. It really does help you as a mother get a good grasp of what's going on. But I was one that wanted to do everything myself or with my husband. I didn't do well with help in and out of my home.

    Please don't hesitate to ask any questions!! The fewer higher multiple moms I spoke with were wonderful's just not the same as a single or a twin birth.

    Life is about to be Awesome!

    Michelle Tehan

  25. Anonymous3:40 PM

    sorry...i was trying to work and type at the same time. not all my words were correct :) hopefully you knew what i meant. also, from your pictures i can tell i was about your size before the babies and don't stress because i'm right back to my old size and no stretch marks...well i'm about a 7lbs heavier. people don't realize you don't gain the last few wks of water and weight that most women do and your children take so much from you that you really don't gain weight like a single pregnancy. i gained 35lbs and my children were and are very healthy! they had no troubles at birth (thank You Jesus)and were only in the hospital a few weeks because of weight issues. they were only on oxygen for a few hours because they were c-section babies and they needed to expand their lungs a bit to get the junk out. i hope some of this info helps! :)
