Sunday, May 06, 2007

My Newest Worst Enemy...KIDNEY STONES!!!

Oh yes, folks...finally figured out why I was having all that blood in my urine (hematuria). My specialist had made me an appointment for a urologist for this Wednesday to figure out why I was having hematuria with no other symptoms. Well, Friday night around 8 or 9p, I felt that something just "wasn't right"...I had a dull aching sensation in my left lower abdomen that wouldn't go away; felt like I needed to urinate every 2 minutes; and my urine was blood red, I knew what this meant! I called the OBGYN on call and gave him my symptoms, to which he was like: "well, unfortunately there's really nothing we can do for pregnant women who are passing kidney stones, just drink aLOT of water and go to the hospital immediately if you experience any fever or chills (infection)." I knew there was no narcotic that I could take while being pregnant (BY PERSONAL CHOICE), I geared up for what would be the worst pain I have EVER been through and worst night I have ever experienced in my life...WITH NO MEDICATION.

Now keep in mind, when patients arrive to the ER, writhing in agony with a kidney stone, they are immediately hooked up to an IV and given STRONG narcotics around the clock to control their pain...except PREGNANT women. They might get a weaker narc that doesn't really help all that much with the pain (and to which I would never feel comfortable taking any type of narc while pregnant...especially with my pregnancy being so high risk with quadruplets!). Ironically, they say that kidney stones hurt worse than giving birth! and pregnant women are at a much higher risk of developing stones!!! GO FIGURE, right?! NOT FAIR?!

So from 9-10p, I am still having this moderate dull ache in my lower left stomach which eventually turns into INTENSE STABBING pains in my left lower back (kidney area). There is NO position you can get into, NO amount of rubbing or massage, NOTHING (except pain meds) that can make you feel comfortable. The intense torture lasted from about 10:00p to 7:00am...just imagine if you will:

Suz, pregnant with quadruplets, yelling, screaming, bawling, barely breathing, shrieking to "make it stop...make it stop...please God...make it go away"...intense cramping and tears....nonstop tears...NOTHING made me feel better...NOTHING.

This is kinda funny: meanwhile, Joe is getting sick with allergies/cold/sinuses and took 3 shots of NyQuil before this started he was kinda out of it the whole time (lucky for him!). After several hours of this, I finally kicked Joe out of bed and made him go upstairs around 4am. There was nothing he could do to make me feel better and there was no need for him to have to hear me moaning in agony.

I was SOOOO completely exhausted: physically, mentally, spiritually...I was stumbling to the restroom every 5 minutes for hours. I would cry so hard that I would finally "mildly" pass-out out of pure exhaustion for a couple of minutes, then wake up to the extreme cramping in my side. Several times throughout the night, I remember "passing" least 3 times that I know of. (no, I did not strain my urine to figure out the stone composition..I could have cared less at the time). I kept a hand on my tummy at all times to make sure I wasn't contracting and that the babies weren't in any distress. Throughout my time on the porcelain throne, I kept checking to make sure that I wasn't having any vaginal bleeding or abnormalities going on down there...

Oh yes, and another fun side note...while straining during these longest hours of my life, I got a nose bleed! haha! Anything else? Goodness gracious! So there I sit in excruciating pain, with toilet paper hanging out of my nostril!

Finally, at 7:00am Saturday morning, the stabbing in my back had reverted back into a mild dull ache and I was able to void without any urinary blockage for the first time in hours. Oh, it felt SOOOO good to be able to void without difficulty! I was overwhelmed with the most calming, peaceful feeling of this nightmare finally being least for the time being. Needless to say, I spent the entire Saturday in bed, recuperating and completely exhausted like you wouldn't believe. Feeling great today! But nervous because I know that kidney stones hardly ever attack just once...I am paranoid everytime I use the restroom now--hoping not to see any shade of pink! (TMI? sorry..)

Whew...long post...sorry...just want to journal it so I can always remember. Also, I just wanted to thank all of you for your support and kind advice you have given me. I understand that my last couple of posts have included various medical concerns, but fret not my fellow bloggers- in knowing that my awesome team of health care professionals are right on top of it and that I am doing well! Please know that I am a healthcare professional and I am also "anal" about every aspect of my life--a little too much...meaning, I research everything!...even the most insignificant decision I make.

For example, when Joe and I were thinking about getting a dog, I did about 3-4 months of hardcore research regarding what breed would be the best fit for us, for an apartment, etc. When we had decided on a Beagle, I bought about 5 different Beagle books and spoke with breeders and vets about everything having to do with this breed.

SO, know that throughout this entire pregnancy, from the first day we found out we were expecting quads, I have done nothing but research, research, research. And thank God for my medical background, because I understand everything that I am reading and learning about. Multiple pregnancies, especially quads, are different than any other type of pregnancy out there. The rules are different, the health implications and concerns are care is going to be completely different. Every health care professional/specialist who is involved in my care, is operating consistently with what I have researched (through books, other parents of quads/multiples, other specialists, other anesthesiologists that I know, other nurses that I know)...I am 100% confident in the care I am receiving...from this diet, to my weekly appointments, to all the prenatals/vitamins/medications that I am taking. I am 100% confident in my team of specialists who handle nothing but high-risk, multiple-birth pregnancies and have been doing so for longer than I have been alive. So please rest assured that I am researching every little aspect of my care that I am receiving and it all matches up! In the healthcare field, each person is viewed holistically, as an individual with different concerns and thus have individualized plans of care is exactly what I need...for ME. Keep those prayers coming! Sorry for the novel!! ;)


  1. Anonymous4:13 PM

    I will keep praying for your health and the babies too. May God keep you safe and secure in His care. You are going to be so blessed with four precious children to care for. I love to read about your experiences!
    A sister in Christ
    JoAnn M.

  2. Suzanne,
    I found your blog through Audrey Turley. I know exactly what you are talking about...I also developed kidney stones while pregnant with my son. I stayed in the hospital for two days while they pumped fluids into me. I did pass it weeks later. I do believe the pain was worse than labor. I remember just being in agony.

    I continue to pray for you, Joe and those beautiful babies.

    Take care,
    Alexis Clanton

  3. Wow - I had no idea that kidney stones were so painful to pass or that pregnant women couldn't get any kind of pain meds. I can't even imagine! So sorry you experienced that and I just said a prayer that you will never have to experience that again!!

  4. I'm very sorry that you had to experience this. I've had more than a dozen kidney stones and had another last week or the week before. It's not terribly pleasant, that's for sure.

    However, it's not true that you can't take narcotics (SHORT TERM) when you're pregnant. I've been given both codeine and percocet during my pregnancies. My husband's a pharmacist and pretty conservative about what he'll let me take what with the triplets and all, and he said that with pregnancy you can take just about any narcotic as long as it isn't long-term. (Admittedly, neither codeine nor percet does much to help the pain of kidney stones, but it IS better than nothing)

    While I know that you're more likely to get a kidney stone after you've already had one, most people I know have had one, maybe two, kidney stones in their lives. I'm the exception. So I wouldn't worry too much that you're in for a lifelong battle of stones.

  5. Suzanne-
    I had my one and only kidney stone episode when I was 28 weeks pregnant with Matthew. I have had lots of pregnant friends who have had the same thing. From what I understand, it is fairly common in pregnant women! If it makes you feel better, I thought passing my stone was more painful than labor, so the worst is over!

  6. Suz- I can't even imagine passing kidney stones! I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that pain plus a nosebleed. Is there anything you can do to prevent kidney stones?
    On another note: Isn't it funny how people seem to want to give you medical advice and question what your health care providers are telling you. You may have to make this blog an invite only with as many anonymous "tips" you are receiving. Keeping you in my prayers:) Love ya.

  7. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Hi, Suzanne,
    I don't know if you remember me from Harding. I graduated in Dec. 2001 with a BSN. I have been following your blog after Lindsey E. told me about your situation. I, too, have struggled with infertility. We do have one child so far--he is 2 1/2 years old. He is my pride and joy! Anyway, I had trouble with kidney stones when I was pregnant. My doctor prescribed a low dose of Vicodin, which is supposed to be safe. I really can't believe that your doctors didn't give you anything for pain! You may want to research Vicodin just in case you have more problems. I just had one episode during pregnancy, but I've had two other episodes when I was not pregnant. I have really enjoyed reading your story, and I have and will continue to pray for you and your growing family.

  8. I am sorry that you are in so much pain, just drink lots of fluids, and rest. Be glad you have passed the stones, now just rest.

  9. crazy! so sorry about all of you out there who have experienced stones! especially while pregnant! i, personally, would never feel comfortable taking ANY narcotic with these four, tiny babies inside of me...just too risky and not worth it for me. i feel like i can get through anything now that i've gotten through stones with no meds! ;)

  10. Suz- First- You know I love you and I am glad to hear you are doing your research : ) That's my Suz. So sorry to hear about the kindey stones! It sounds horrible! Sometimes when pregant women come in we give them the "safe"- class B- narcotics for stones- but you know me I would tough it out too. You know I have read that sometimes women who have to have -sections grieve b/c they didn't have a "natural" birth process- Well now you can say you did it!- Maybe that's why you had the stones- I really hope they don't come back!!! I'll be praying about that for you. Love Mo and Fam

  11. Suz, BLESS YOUR HEART!!! My husband rushed me to the hospital 9 months pregnant thinking I was in labor when it turned out to be kidney stones!!!! I feel you!! It IS worse than labor. They kept me overnight to pump fluids and observe me!! I passed it the next day and then a week later I had my daughter!! Hope you are feeling much better!!! Take care! Melanie

  12. Suzanne,
    I have no advice to give-be it good or bad-but I did want to say that I am praying for you in this pregnancy. I found your blog from the Murray Crew Blog. (They are friends of mine.) I have to say that I'm rather addicted to reading your updates! :-) Multiples fascinate me-along with the fact that I LOVE children and was a nanny for twins several years ago!
    It's been great to "see" how God is blessing you throughout this pregnancy-even in the trials.
    I wish you the best throughout the rest of the pregnancy and for the sake of us that enjoy reading your story-I hope you don't make it 'invite only'!
    Many prayers for you, your husband, and four precious little ones. (oh-Shiloh too!) :-)
    ~Jaime W.

  13. Suz,

    OMG!!!! I am so sorry to hear about the kidney stones. I have never had them, but you painted a clear picture of what you went through...and then a nosebleed on top of it!?!? Just make sure Joe doesn't take 3 shots of Nyquil when it's anywhere close to the time you deliver:0 Hoping that you don't get anymore stones. Carrying 4 babies is enough work.
    God bless,

  14. Anonymous12:08 AM

    I am sooo sorry to hear about the kidney stones!! You're definitely gonna be building up that pain tolerance, that's for sure! I will pray they do Not come back!

  15. Anonymous6:23 AM

    The ONLY time I saw my father cry was when he had ONE kidney stone...He ended up on an ambulance to the hospital!

    I am so amazed that you passed the kidney stones WITH NO DRUGS--I'm proud that you chose to go drug free because of your babies. You are already a good mommy.

    I'm glad it's all over. I know you are going through hardships right now, but you are strong and a woman of the LORD. I'm praying for you!

  16. Never had them either but my sis suffers from them often... I knew they were bad but what a vivid picture. I will pray that this was the only and last one you ever get...

    I am glad you posted about the medic side of it (Staff attending to you). As long as you are confident in your providers then that is all that matters. I am sure you are in good hands and so glad that they are there for you.
    We ask because we care... and now that we know you are on top of it....there is "No Worries"
    It is so nice that all the guidance that you have been given can been backed up in your research results.. That has got to be such a relief.

    As always, I will continue to lift you in prayers for the much needed recovery, recup, energy, peace, and confidence. I know that you are in Gods hands and he is whispering in your babies ears telling them that you are a winner...and how lucky they are to be carried by you, too....
    WITH LOVE, JoLee and Family

  17. I'm so sorry! I cannot even imagine going through that! And on top of everything else, you get a nose bleed!

    You should print out all of your "journals" and submit them as a book. It would be great for other moms of multiples!

  18. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Hi there...I found your blog thru a friend of a friend and have been reading your story ever since. Add me to the list of those that had kidney stones while pregnant with twins. Not fun! And I know how you feel about anticipating another, it's like you are waiting for the other shoe to drop. Hang in there. You are on my prayer list.


  19. Oh my goodness Suz, all I can say is BLESS YOUR HEART!!!!! That sounds horrible and now the rest of your pregnancy and labor should be a breeze compared to that! You are a super woman who will be a super mom! I'm so glad you are feeling better and I pray that you won't have any more stones to pass.

  20. oh my gosh, you poor thing. that sounds like such an awful ordeal. But I'm glad to hear that it is over and you are feeling better!

  21. I was cringing the entire time I read your post. I can't imagine how horrible that was for you and I'm so sorry you had to go through it. I'll pray that the worst is behind you and the rest of your pregnancy will be much better!!

  22. I came across your blog last week. I had the exact same thing happen to me last month...I'm pregnant with twins and starting passing a lot of blood w/ clots. It took me a day to realize it wasn't vaginal. Initially I had no pain at all and then boom- talk about pain! It was a large kidney I know what you went through. No fun at all! My March 30th post could be a duplicate of yours. Sorry you had to go through that. I can't even imagine how scary that was with four babies, when I fear every little thing w/ two. Sending many prayers your way for the health of you and your babies.


  23. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Hey there-I have been keeping up with your blog thru Terri Lee. I admire you and your hubby and wish you nothing but the best. On the kidney stone thing. Take it from someone who's been there....I am SOOOOO sorry that you can't do the meds. I have had 8 and 3 surgery's. Fortunatly I wasn't pregnant at the time. My uroligist is great. He told me 4 tbsp of lemon juice a day will keep them from forming (suppose to anyway). This shouldn't hurt the babies. Just add it to water. I will continue to keep you in my prayers. Stephanie Daughtrey

  24. I am a blog-stalker, but love reading about your pregnancy. being a nurse, also, I found this post so funny and "nursy". I am so sorry you had to experience kidney stones ever, especially while pregnant. I am praying for you and the kids!

  25. Happy Birthday!!!!!


  27. GOODNESS GRACIOUS! I can only imagine what that felt like...and you had to be dealing with WHILE PREGNANT. I'm so sorry you had to go through that but at least it's over--and we'll pray you don't experience it again. I have had doctors say drink lemonade and lots of it to prevent kidney stones! Couldn't hurt. Take care! EJW
