Baby News
The babies are doing amazingly well! We went to see the babies together, and it was just indescribable! This was the first time Suzanne had gotten to see them without everything covering up their faces, so it was such a neat visit. All 4 are breathing on their own now, with just a little help! Ethan has had the most trouble so far, due to the fact that he is the smallest, but he is still doing very well. He is most likely going to be just fine, but he has a little extra catching up to do. I took lots of pictures and even took a short video of Ben crying his sweet little newborn cry (I will post that soon). Ben's face is fuller than the others', so he has some adorable little cheeks on him. They all have a full head of dark hair, and Ben's is curly! We were amazed at how we could already tell that Savannah looked like a girl, while the boys looked like boys! Not much else to report on them for now.
Suzanne News
I think it was last reported that Suzanne was not feeling great because she was severely anemic. She received a blood transfusion and felt immediately better. Other good news, her diabetes is completely gone for now! She was released to come home from the hospital on Sunday. When I went to pick her up today, she was up, walking around, and looked great! Suzanne was very excited because she got to hold Savannah yesterday! Suzanne and Joe were itching to get back up to the hospital tonight to see them!
It was so amazing to see these four little babies, who so many people have been praying for, looking so perfect and healthy! Please continue to pray for all 6 of them as they grow and adjust to their new life!
Here are the pictures from today...
Suzanne with Andrew
Video will come tomorrow!
What great news! What amazing things God can do! I'm so amazed at His ability to design and create children....and what a good job you have done Suz and Joe. You look GREAT Suzanne. Keep up the good work kiddo's and come home when you are good and ready! So glad many prayers are answered!
Thanks so much for the update! I have been stalking the blog along with lots of other people hoping to hear how everyone is doing. Suzanne and Joe, your babies look great and I am so happy to hear they are progressing well. They will be home with you in no time!
God bless,
Casey in CA
The babies are beautiful! We are so THRILLED to hear that Suz is doing so great.
Praise God for these precious miracles!!
You look great Suz!! Congrats on such beautiful babies! I am glad to hear they are doing well. Is it still hard to believe you are not pregnant anymore! You probably thought it was never going to end. Take time to rest and heal and build up your strength before those babies join you at home! My twins spent 3 weeks in the NICU and after having a csection I am glad I had that time to heal. They are 19 months now and soon the NICU stay will just be a blur!
GOD IS SO GOOD!!! We are so happy for all of you and pray the LORD's sweetest blessings on your family.
Suzanne, you look great!! I am glad you are feeling better. And the babies look great!! I am glad they are doing so well. Get ready they will be home before you know it.
Deanna Turner
I came upon your blog the other day. Congrats on the beautiful babies!
Love those babies so much! I'm so glad to hear all is well with everyone! All 4 babies are absolutely beautiful! I love that curly hair! What sweet tiny miracles!
And Suz, I'm so shocked to see you up and looking so great already! Thanks for the update, Lauren! I'm jealous you got to see them all in person!
Amazing! You all look beautiful and healthy!! Those kiddos are going to be home in no time. Get yourself healed up, Suzanne and then it will be go time. Those kids will have you running around soon enough.
Thanks for the update Lauren! Suz, I am so glad you feel better and WOW...look at those precious little babies! Just perfect! They will be home in no time!!! I've said it before but THANK YOU for sharing your story! It is so touching and I feel like I've known you forever!!!! I will continue to keep all six of you in our prayers!! love, Melanie Smith
(Brandon, MS)
God is good and it's wonderful seeing your with your 4 little ones. You look great and so happy to be a new mom to four beautiful babies. Johnny and I are still in prayer for all six of you and of coarse for grandma and grandpa. They were beaming Sunday, I know they are ready to get you all home and have some holding and loving time. Take care of yourself and rest . You and Joe have a wonderful adventure in front of you.. Love and hugs to all. Donna and Johnny
The babies are beautiful! Thanks for the close up pictures. So sweet! I love Ben's curly hair! Suzanne, I know you are loving every minute of being with them in the NICU. It won't be long before they will be home and you can love on them 24/7!
Suzanne, your babies are truly adorable! It is just incredible to think they were all in there at once! I am so glad things are going well, and I pray they continue to go well. Again, your babies are beautiful! Have a great week!
AMAZING! What gorgeous babies and incredible that they are all already on the nasal cannula (off c-pap) and just looking SO healthy. Suz, you look great and congratulations. They'll be home in no time at all!
So good to hear that you're home Suz. The kiddos look great! Rest up, they'll be home before you know it.
Been anxiously waiting for this update, glad to hear that everything is going okay so far and Suz is feeling better!!
Yea! Thanks for the guest post to the blog Lauren! I am in awe of Suzanne and these babies! How fabulous that all are doing well! Very well, in fact! God is continuing to bestow blessing after blessing on the Steece family! I will continue to pray for continued good health. Thanks for letting the Blog World have another peek!
Jamie Pugh - McMoms
The babies are just doing phenomonal. It is great to see Suz up and around and looking much better as well. Thanks so much for updating, those of us who "feel" like we know them love it. Not to mention once you have been through the NICU its just amazing to see these babies, what miracles. Great job Suz, you have done so great!
Wow, God is wonderful! Thank You so much for updating, I too have been stalking the blog in hopes of pictures or video. Everyone is doing beautiful. How Blessed You guys are! Congratulations♥
YAAAYYYYY!!!!!! That's awesome to hear, and those pictures are sooo cute!!!!
Hope ours do as well!
Everyone looks so wonderful. Thanks so much for thinking of us "cyber friends" who have been anxiously awaiting more news and pictures and providing some for us to fawn over.
Congratulations! The babies are beautiful! We are so happy for you guys. We can't stop think about you all and praying that everything continues to go smoothly. God bless you all!
Good to see you all looking so well and to hear the babes are getting stronger.
suz you look amazing for just giving birth to four babies. glad to see you got your color back. you had us all a bit worried. the babies are adorable. glad to hear they're all doing so well.
Happy to hear everything is going so well. Love the pics.
Thanks for the pics. The babies are so cute and Suz looks amazing!
Thanks for the update! Suz--you look great!! Those babies are precious...god is awesome!
I just found your site and the little ones are so adorable. God is good! One of my dear friends delivered a little girl at 27 weeks, little Maisy was in the NICU for a while, but was release earlier than expected. The doctors contributed it to the time her momma spent touching her and then holding her whenever they would let her. I think for a while it seemed like she lived at the NICU. Cograts again and I'll keep your little ones in my prayers!
Beautiful! God is good! Prayers are being answered by the minute! Suzanne, you look amazing and just as chipper as the day you found out you were pregnant. You and Joe are so lucky to have each other. And now, you're a mommy! And Joe's a daddy! How cool is that? Congrats again and I can't wait for more updates.
Lurker out!
God is good! I'm so, so happy that you are all doing so well! What a testament to prayer! I'm SO impressed that you are home from the hospital already, Suz! I was there for 10 days after my quads were born! You are doing SO GREAT! Your little Ethan sounds a lot like my Thomas. He was my smallest and had the most issues when he was born. But you wouldn't know it now! We love you guys!
So glad to hear everyone is well. Suz you look amazing. Always smiling. Your babies are beautiful. God is good.
Suz, You look GREAT! After having 4 babies, you look incredible!!! I'm so happy the babies are doing well.
May God continue to bless you!
So good to see you up and about Suzanne! The babies are just precious and I'm keeping you all in my prayers! Rest up you will be a busy mom and dad! Praise God!
Thanks for the update, Lauren! And Suzanne, you and the babies look WONDERFUL! I am so happy and excited to hear all is going well. Keep us updated!
Oh my goodness thank you so much for the update! The babies look fantastic and Suz, oh my goodness you look so refreshed! So excited for you all!
I was getting worried without a daily update! I'm so happy to hear that all going well...I'll keep the prayers going your way.
Suz looks so much better and the babies are absolutely adorable!!!!!
Awww, thanks Lauren. You just gave Suz's GA fam a huge sigh of relief with an update! I was about to call her cell, knowing that is the last thing she had time for! I don't know if you remember me but you came and hung out with us one weekend when all of the cousins were together in Dallas. I remember you, I have pictures from then. Anyway, thank you for the update on these precious angels and Suzanne and Joe. Love you, Suzanne!@
Congrats on your four little miracles! You look fab, and the babies are so precious! Thanks for letting us all share in this journey with your family. Praying for you in AL!
Kuddos to Lauren for updating the Blog Family. They have already grown so from the first pictures. Suz you definitely have more color now and YAH HOOO for the Diabetes being gone... As always you are in our prayers for continued recovery. Joe was just beaming in the last photo... what memories...
Use this time to get your home fine tuned for your sleepless nights. Your days and night will begin to blurr together so try and get the little things done while you can.
Their little faces are so amazing to see...each one so differently crafted for God's Will...WOW
I could not get enough of my son's amazing face when he was born. I probably went around smiling unconciously because when I looked at him, I could not stop smiling. I hope that you are able to look at them in wonder and not in nervousness. My first I was so nervous I really don't remember much about the first part of our lives a parents except for long long long nights and blurred days.. and that was just with one baby. Sad I know...
ANYWAYS--- Please continue to keep us all updated on life as much as possible!
You look amazing Suz!! I can't believe how your color came back, just from that picture the other day your hand look so pale. I am so happy you are doing so much better. I know we were all worried about you there for awhile. Prayers sure do work!!
And the babies are adorable. Those are great pictures!! Thank you so much for sharing them with all of us. I know we all can't wait to see them all in your arms and at home!!!
God is good! What beautiful Children you have! We will continue to keep you in prayer! God bless you and your new family!
What wonderful news! So happy to hear the babies are doing well, and Suz is recovering and at home now. Leaving your baby(ies) in the NICU is one of the hardest things a parent can do, but they are receiving great care. That was a comfort to me when my daughter was born. Those babes are heartbreakers already. Continued thoughts to the family.
Girl you look great for just having 4 baibes! The kids look great as well. We continue to pray for all 6 of yall!
Wow- how wonderful!
It's great to hear everyone is doing so well! You look great and so do those precious babies. The prayers are still coming from Arkansas!!
God bless all of you!
Lovely photos! It's such a blessing they're all doing so well :)
I am SO GLAD Suzanne and the babies are all doing well! Thank you, Lauren, for posting pictures and updating us on their conditions.
Wow, what precious little angels you have. I will keep you and your family in my prayers...may God's amazing love continue to bless you and your little ones.
I was just introduced to your blog and I love the stories you tell of your little ones. Please keep posting--I look forward to seeing all their little milestones.
I'm so glad they are all doing so well. Now they are feeders and growers. Grow babies Grow, so mommy and daddy can take you home. Best of luck to you all.
Those babies are precious! Great job, Suzanne!!! I will be praying for you to regain your strength quickly. I'm thankful you are feeling so much better, and I will anxiously check back for more updates on the babies.
You are all in my thoughts. Thanks for the update. Suz, you look wonderful!
The babies are beautiful.
You are a lucky family to have such wonderful friends and family to support you!
Hooray! We check multiple times a day to see how things are going. I'm betting Baby Shiloh was awfully glad to have her mommy home!
Suz, you look great! I'm sure you're glad to be home, and I can't imagine how hard it is to leave those four precious bundles at the hospital. It sounds like they're doing well, and I'm sure they'll all be home with you and Joe (and Shiloh, too) in no time. Thinking of you daily and praying for more good updates on those babies!! :) Thanks to your friends for keeping us all in the loop!!
Thank you so much for the update! The kids are looking GREAT! They are so tiny, isn't it a miracle what God can do!? I mean, Suz, you carried those babies in your BELLY!! What a true miracle!! I still can't believe it looking at my own son that he was inside me for so long...
I can't wait till you can bring them home and start your life as a family!!
Thank you Lauren. Suz honi you look great I have been praying hard for you and it is so nice to see your smiling face. I love you all a ton and wish I could be there to give you a hug. You are all in my prayers.
Love ya a ton,
P.S. I can see your future right now well at least half of it Aaron is pulling up on my leg while the KOdy is trying to stop him and get me to fix his toy ahh siblings so close in age, better go. Love ya
Thanks so much gor the update Lauren! Beatiful pictures! It's so good to see that Suzanne isn't yellow anymore! :) Suz you look GREAT!!!
I don't even know you guys except through your blog, but I have tears in my eyes seeing you with your little ones, Suzanne. Praise God for bringing you through and for bringing them into this world in such good conditions! I look forward to hearing more!
Blessings to you all. Can't wait for the video!
Oh hooray. thanks so much for the update, we've been worried! The babies are beautiful! And Suzanne, you look FABULOUS!
Much Love,
from "My Perky Ovaries"
Yeah, Thanks Lauren for the update. I'm also jealous that you were able to see those precious babies in person. Great news on the diabetes being gone! Suz you look great:) I'm glad all the babies are doing so well:) Suz, try and get some rest in between your visits to the hospital. We will continue praying for all of you guys.
God is answering prayers! I'm so glad everyone is doing well. The babies are adorable and I LOVE Ben's curls! We can't wait to watch them grow. Suzanne, I'm sure you're so glad to be home! Do you know when the babies might get to join you?
You look wonderful and the babies are just precious!!!
Suz, you look great! I bet that it is bittersweet to be at home, your happy to be back home but missing those sweet babies a ton! They will be at home and roaming all over the place before you know it. Continuing to pray for continued health and blessings for all of you!
I visited yesterday (your site that is!!), but didn't have time to leave a message. I can't believe how big the babies look - what a blessing. Prayers still your direction for you & your entire family (that big family of 6!!).
Multiple prayers & blessings,
Cindy Broder, McMoms President
Suz and Joe,
I hadn't read the blog in a while and I was excited to see the quads have finally arrived! Congrats!!! I was so happy for you knowing that you all were doing so well and made it for so many weeks during the pregnancy. It was cool to read the prayers from everyone. Your health and all of the babies' health are proof of the power of prayer. Know we will be praying for you all...It is only the beginning!
(Molly's friend)
Beautiful pictures! I am so thankful everyone is doing well. Thanks, Lauren for the post!
Congratulations from Las Vegas! I found your blog through the Wilkinson Quints site. Your blog is so funny, I love it! You and your husband are very blessed with your four beautiful babies! I had twins last winter and I cannot fathom 4 at one are amazing!
Just a little side note, I noticed your post a long time ago about your metal allergy. My wedding ring is platinum and I had the same problems. Try painting the inside of it with clear nail polish, sounds simple but I have been wearing mine now for months with no issues!
Take care and I hope those babies get to go home soon!
Oh my word! Congratulations!!!
I had found your blog quite a while back and just relinked to it and saw your news! I too am a nurse (L&D) and went to Oklahoma Christian so I had found your blog interesting but hadn't read it in a long time. In fact looking back, I had read it when you were posting about your allergy to your wedding ring. Looks like I just missed your Quad news by one post!
My hubby and I had one little girl this May and motherhood is such a blessing. My prayers go up for you and your now family of 6!!!
THat is wonderful how great they are doing! Thanks for posting pics. They are just beautiful!
i know this blog post is from years ago, but i found your blog randomly from someone else's. i wanted to see the start of your journey w/ quads and i am amazed :) my mom is a nicu nurse (in georgia) so these things really interest me, plus i want to be a nicu nurse as well :) they are beautiful kiddos!
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