Thursday, August 30, 2007

Ben wants to hang with his siblings

Figured I needed to update all the "well-wishers" that Benjamin has decided that he would like to stay up at the hospital and play with his brothers and sister for a while! :) Yep folks, he failed his car seat test!! I jinxed him with all that news coverage! ha!
"What is a car seat test" you may ask yourself? Well, before a baby from the NICU goes home, they perform this test. The nurse will sit the baby up in his car seat for 90 minutes. During this time, they continue to monitor all his vital signs and make sure that he doesn't get shallow breathing (de-satting) or drop his heart rate at all. Ben had a couple of "episodes" that he resolved on his the neonatalogist does not want to rush him and wants to make sure that he is ready. He will have another car seat test early Friday morning, so we may room in on Friday. If he fails that one, they will re-test him on Monday.

What is "rooming-in" you may ask yourself? Before a NICU baby can be released from the hospital, they have the parents come in to spend the night in the NICU- in a hotel-like room. The baby will be in a crib, in the room with us and we will provide all the care for the baby for a 12-24 hour period. The nurses will be available IF we need them. This helps the parents gain confidence in taking care of a baby at home who has spent his life in the NICU up to that point. It also shows the nurses/doctors that you are capable and ready to take of the infant by yourself. This is very important, especially when any of the babies are on any form of breathing treatments that must be given, etc. The day after you spend the night is usually when the baby is discharged.
***UPDATE*** Savannah has gone to all bottle feeds and is doing well! Wouldn't that be awesome if we could get Ben & Sav home at the same time?!?! Maybe THAT is what Ben is waiting for! ha!

So...that's it for now. We are a little bummed...but MAN, there is a bunch of stuff we still have left to do so it will actually kinda be good for us. We still have loads of errands to run and organization to do!!! I went up there last night to see the little ones and Ethan and Andrew are already taking bottles too! They did so well for me last night and finished their bottles like champs!
For the meantime, Ben will get to stay all cuddled up to his sissy and close to his bros. He just wasn't ready to hang out by himself yet! ;)

Sav & Ben

We also had a WONDERFUL shower yesterday, given by the great people that Joe works with! Thank you all so VERY much!

This last pic is hilarious! It's a heavy duty face shield! And boy, let me tell ya...Joe needs it! I can't tell you how many times he's "gotten it"...almost right in the face! ha!


  1. Sorry to hear about the little setback with Ben. I hope you all are able to use this time to get those last errands and organiztional things done. BTW, the babies look so cute in their little hats and blankets. I LOVE the nose to nose pic of Ben and Savannah!

  2. I'm sorry to hear that Ben won't be coming home just yet. Rooming in was a great experience when we had the opportunity with our daughter, and the amazement I felt when they told me she would be coming home the next day...what an awesome feeling.

    Love the shower photos and love the mask!

    Best wishes,

  3. I'll bet you can call/email the paper and they'll get you extra copies! The babies are so beautiful - how fun to be so close to having them start coming home!

  4. I thought they all did a great job with the news coverage. You were so articulate and didn't have a twang at all. I think we all think we sound different than we really do. I'm a pediatric speech therapist and am amazed at how well B and S were chugging down their bottles on the video. That's just remarkable for 34 weeks. I know you guys have tons of support, but if you ever have any speech/swallowing concerns, I'd love to help! Kudos again!

  5. Anonymous10:37 AM

    So, have yall found a car to fit the whole gang?! And, are you breast feeding or formula feeding? You should contact some formula companies to see if you can get discounts or coupons when ordering bulk.

  6. They look so cute all snuggled together.
    Blessings to you all always!

  7. they all look so great!

    It's funny that you have to pass al these tests before you can take your own child home from the hospital, but I guess it's all for a good reason. T

  8. Anonymous11:46 AM

    After having 4 kids at one time, you look great! I wish you the best. God Bless

  9. Maybe face shields should be mandatory...Just a thought! :o)

  10. Hey...You don't know me, I know some of your friends though..therefore have been enjoying your blog. I had my twins at 25 weeks (NICU for 100 days!!) and when we got ready to bring Kanyon home he failed his carseat test too. So...we ended up finding this website:

    They have a thing called the Hug Me Joey. It is a little insert for the carseat that kind of lays the baby back so that they aren't sitting up and then all crunched over. It made a HUGE difference with Kanyon! Just thought you might want to know. The couple that runs this is super nice. They rush shipped ours to us so that we could have it to come home. Congrats on your sweet babies.

  11. Anonymous12:41 PM

    To follow up on an earlier comment, Similac and Enfamil both have programs for mothers of multiples. So make sure you check with the Similac and Enfamil reps - your pediatrician can give you more info. I have 16 month old twins, but I seem to recall that the Enfamil program was great for quad moms! Hopefully it's still the same. I'm glad that they are watching Ben so closely. As I'm sure you have learned, it is not unusual for NICU babies to fail their car seat tests. My littlest buddy failed his car seat test, but they let us take him home anyway ... with instructions to sit in the back with him and watch carefully to make sure he wasn't in distress. On the pediatrician's advice, we then bought a preemie car bed so that he could ride lying down. Most importantly, thanks for sharing all of the pictures!! They are all so beautiful.

  12. Anonymous1:05 PM

    You look great Suzanne! Don't even look like you just had 4 babies! I'm so glad they are all doing well! God is good :)

  13. that website Jaymie was talking about is here

    So glad you will be bringing home the babies soon!

  14. It would be awesome if you got to bring two little ones home at the same time! I'm surprised they didn't mention a car bed. Most preemies if they fail the carseat test just come home in a car bed instead for a while.

  15. Okay, not to spam you guys, but I *blush* realized I somehow misspelled my email from yesterday in my rush to reply before I forgot (or lost the nerve). If you two are interested in the newborn photography session or want more information my correct email is sarah.strong @ not strog, man I'm beet red right now! Need to go have a talking too with my fingers for typing too fast.

    ~ Sarah & Caden, praying for you and yours and hooked on another blog.

  16. They are just the cutest! Their blankets/hats are just beautiful! Thanks for the update!

  17. I was heartbroken when my twins both failed their car seats tests...twice. Turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Wow you continue to amaze me with your positive attitude about EVERYTHING. The babies are beautiful!

  18. The picture of Savannah and Ben melts my heart!

  19. I'm sorry to hear that Ben wasn't able to come home today. :( However, maybe he just does want to hang out with his siblings! Hopefully, things will go better tomorrow and you will be bringing him home soon...and, maybe Savannah too! You and your babies are in my prayers!!! And, you look SO great...absolutely beautiful!!! Love the updates!

  20. I am sorry that Ben is not coming home just yet. But maybe you can bring Ben and Savanna home at the same time. That would be great! You don't want to have to bring him home on a monitor, unless you really have to. When the twins were born Brent came home on a monitor for 2 weeks. The only time it went off was when he was mad or when a lead came off, of course, that only happened in the middle of the night. We were very lucky that none of the quads came home on one. Hang in there, it is just not God's timing for him to come home yet. You never know you might get to bring 2 or more home at the same time.

    Deanna Turner

  21. All the formula companies have good programs for mom's with quads. Just ask the pediatrician to get you in touch with the rep. We recieved a 3 month supply for each baby from Enfamil. Gerber also has a good program for quad moms. It was 4 years ago but we got a LOT of coupons for free baby food. There are only companies as well that provide for higher order multiples. Contact your McMom's membership person and she should be able to give you a list of companies that provides for mom's with multiples. Also the triplet connections and MOST will have that info as well.


  22. Suz- I didn't even know there was a car seat test- : ( Sorry you won't get to take him home yet. There was a family who had quints a couple of months ago, they were at the Children's hospital next door. She took all 5 home at once. WOW- talk about a life change. I am hoping you get to take them home in stages- so you can est a routine before all 4 are at home. Love Mo

  23. Hello!

    Just wanted to say you have the best blog! I love reading about your family. I found your blog just a few days after your beautiful kids were born and I love reading about them. Then I saw you on the news and realized it was the same blog I read. Small world. I live in the DFW area to. Glad to hear things are going well...hope the kids get to go home soon!

    God Bless!!!
    ~~ Elizabeth (Mom to Gabriel and one on the way!!!)

  24. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Those precious little ones will be in their beautiful nurseries and sleeping in their new cribs put together with TLC by the family very soon now.

  25. Anonymous12:26 AM

    That's so exciting!!!!!!

    How long until they let them to the breast for feeds?

  26. Face Shield!!! Ryan would LOVE to borrow that, especially if it comes with a nose clip or a respirator.

    Who made the blankest and hats for the babies? They are beautiful.

  27. I totally love Audrey t's comment above mine. (Note to self: don't read SUZs comments while drinking something... could be messy.) I am so exicted for yall and besides Ben would sleep better with a birthmate with him right....I know that is has got to be so hard to not be able to take him home especially when you have both been working yourself up for just this moment. Hang in there.... I love the facemask gift. I am sure that it will come in handy. Please know that you all loved and have so many people that want to help out when ever they can. It is amazing how God works in the smallest things and ways! So any new updates on everything from the homecoming to the new ride and the things in between?! Just curious ! Travel arrangements are a big deal and I know that its probably been weighing on you mind with the babies coming home sooner than you had thought. Always sending my love your direction and lifting you all in prayers... LOVE, JoLee and Family

  28. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Wow, you certainly don't look as if you just gave birth to 4 babies earlier this month! You look great!

  29. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Hey Suzanne, Congrats again on the babies. I was wondering where you got your "be nice me me shirt"? my sister in law just found out that she is expecting quads and i wanted to ge her that shirt. Have a great day and give all the babies a hug for me.


  30. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Mine twins came home at the same time but I had a friend who has twins and her little boy was ready way before the girl and he never had any problems til they said he could go home then he started having some episodes so they wanted to monitor him some more... everythign was fine as soon as sister could go home!
