Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Media Updates & Newspaper Pics...Lights, Camera, Action!

These pictures were taken by Jill Johnson for the Star Telegram. LOVE THEM! Jill did a great job. The first pic is the one in the newspaper. The last pic is Ben.


(By the way, I promise I don't sound near as "hillbilly hick" as I sound on video! Joe and I have been replaying the stories and laughing our heads off at my overly exaggerated "Texas Twang" and some of the stupid things I said...one of our favorites is as follows on FOX 4: --now imagine this in the most ridiculous cuuntry accent you can imagine, I have modified the spelling a bit, for your viewing pleasure. Feel free to go ahead and laugh!

"AIh thawt he wuz gunna passout. He baaacked uup to tha door. He was gawn. We werr turrifIIIIed....excIIItid and turrifIIIed all at the same moment."

hahaha...what a NERD! Play the tape again and I promise you, you will laugh!

Apparently, we were on "Fox & Friends" on the
FOX news channel this morning! My cousin in Washington DC said he saw us on
there!! CRAZY!

to my annoying voice on video! ha)
I'll also try to add links to the news
channels as they list them on their websites! Check out the first one on Channel
4 below and keep checking back!***

For all of you interested in
seeing Suz and the Quads hit the bright lights of local news, here's the

Channel 8 (Btw, I TOTALLY get their birth order wrong! It's hilarious...I say it all confidently like I know what I'm talking about!)

FOX & FRIENDS on the Fox News Channel



Channel 5 @ 5pm and 10pm

4 @ 5pm, 6pm, and 9pm

You're going to need some space on your tivo
or use well timed channel changing skills to catch them all...but it should be
cool to see!

There will also be a story in the FW Star-Telegram

This is for Dallas/Fort Worth by the way (this is Suz
now)....you can check on these channel's websites for the stories later on
tonight!! And I'm sure the Fort Worth Star Telegram will have something on their
website tomorrow as well! Pretty cool! The babies and their momma were WORN OUT
today from all the interviews! ENJOY!!


  1. I just saw your cuties on channel 5!! They are so precious and getting so big!!

    Deanna Turner

  2. Anonymous5:09 PM

    I saw them too!! I mean, four!!
    Cindy Broder, McMoms

  3. Anonymous5:27 PM

    I just saw it! It was nice to hear your voice Suz.

  4. 'just saw them on channel 8. How gorgeous you all are! Now I'll try to catch them on another channel!

  5. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Congrats! I just saw you on the news and felt compelled to contact you, we found out a couple weeks ago we are pregnant with quads as well, 9 weeks along. Would love to talk to you more about your experience, i am in Dallas! God knows your busy, but if you can email me at caseygerwer@yahoo.com!

  6. Anonymous5:32 PM

    I was watching the news and I saw a preview of your story and ran to get onto the computer to see what your blog said. Long time reader - it was great to see you in person! Your babies are gorgeous!

  7. I just went to the Channel 4 website (well all of them, actually) and saw a video of what I'm supposing was aired on the news. Great clip and I really enjoyed finally SEEING your personality, Suz instead of just reading it on your blog! How exciting!

  8. I just saw the story on KDFW's website...awesome to see you and the kiddos! I'm glad they're all doing so well!

  9. Yea!!! What a great interview :) Loved seeing them on the news!

  10. Your babies are getting big! Jason and I watched the news feed online and couldn't believe how much bigger they are! Hope things are going well and we can't wait to see yall again! Love yall, Jason & Julie

  11. Great job! You and the babies look wonderful! I have caught 2 channels so far. Yea for you!

  12. Suz and Joe - I've followed your blog for months now and we LOVE you guys! The transition to one baby is hard, but I never slept with one so what is the difference- LOL! The love will be multiplied by 4 in your situation! You have 4 to say "momma and daddy" and 4 to laugh at and adore! Don't ever let this situation get you worried - you are truly blessed times 4!!

  13. Sweeties! Loved seeing this - thanks for sharing it with us. I thought the interview was very tasteful and caring. Great memory for the baby box. We haven't been doing a baby book, our blog is gonna be their baby book. Hey, not everyone writes in their baby books every 2-3 days, right? Blogs are Bonus!
    The Murray Quaddies

  14. I watched it online! You and the babies look great!!!!

  15. that was great. not knowing you at all except in blogland, it was neat to hear your voice and stuff. i mean we've heard you on videos but it was nice to see you interviewed. that will be so cool to have for the kids when they get older.

  16. That is so awesome! My parents live in ft. worth, so I'll make sure you tune in! I knew you lived in the DFW area, but I didn't know you went to North Davis! I grew up in Arlington, went to Martin HS & Pleasant Ridge CofC! My husband and I live in Edmond, Ok & both went to OC!

    Your babies are BEAUTIFUL. We've been praying for you ALL!!!!

  17. That's so cool about FOX news! We need more good news like that on our airways! I'm a freelance reporter/anchor out of NC and was recently thinking how great it would be to do a story on you and your family!!

    Those lucky reporters! :)


    In Christ,


  18. How neat is it that you will be able to keep videos of the news interviews and a clip of the newspaper and show this kiddos one day! They are famous :)

  19. I just watched the piece on Fox. Loved it! The babies are so so cute. And Suz, you look FABULOUS!!! Absolutely radiant. I am so excited that the babies are beginning their trips home to you and Joe. I know you'll be glad to have everyone together in your own home. Thanks so much for letting us be a part of your busy lives. God Bless!

  20. Still following yall! That is so exciting everyone is getting to come home soon! Good luck!

  21. I LOVE your blog! I love reading about your four blessings! Ya'll are such a cute couple and looks so happy and nice! I think I would look a lot more stressed and tired if I was you! ha!

  22. You are hilarious, girl. I love that voice of yours, and no, you don't sound that Texan in person! I'm with you, I HATE my voice on camera. I think everyone probably does. Loved the video!

  23. I have been reading your blog for awhile now and decided that it was time to say hello. I am also a Harding alumni. Your babies look adorable and it was nice seeing you on t.v. last night. I'm very excited for you and Joe that Ben is coming home tomorrow..have fun!!

  24. As always, touching, beautiful, and definitely God inspired... The babies all look so good and it was great to see and hear you in the video. Thanks for sharing that with those of us who are not in the DFW area. IT was great!!!!--ALL our love, JoLee and Family

  25. Hi steece Family!
    I am from Flower mOund and we moved to Delaware 6 months ago. I have followed your blog religiously and have been praying for your precious family.

    Today you are probably doing the car seat test in preparation for Ben's journey home...yaaay!!!

    My youngest was a preemie and spent 2 wks in the NICU so your pics have brought back many memories.

    May God continue to bless your happy brood and you will continue to be in my prayers. Hugs to all, Kaycee Adams theadamsfamilyadventure.blogspot.com

  26. Happy four week birthday to the quads! God bless!

  27. They are so cute. They look like little baby dolls!

  28. Ben, Savannah, Ethan, and Andrew keep getting cuter every day. Your eyes and ears will have to be peaked for the next 25 years with those cuties! The FOX segment was sweet.

  29. Hi Suz! Long time reader, 1st time commenter. I was glad to hear that you are a fellow CofC. I wondered where you went to church because you always mentioned them helping you so much. It's been a great journey following you and your family. Take Care!

  30. I caught the piece on Channel 8 at noon today. It was so fun to hear your voice and see the babies on TV. My favorite part was the end, when they ask if you're planning to have any more kids! Ha.

    Another blog stalker (found this through a friend of a friend).

    Congrats and good luck!


  31. Y'all looked so great. I love this story. Your babies are ADORABLE! It was so touching to see them on t.v.

  32. We saw you on Fox and Friends in Los Angeles today. Here is the link for your records.


    How fun.

  33. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Just watched the video, it was precious! Loved hearing you talk, the accent wasn't nearly what you said it was! Sounded great looked great, all of you! The babies are so cute! You are in for a good ride, enjoy it! A friend in Texas, East Texas!

  34. Anonymous1:54 PM

    You are the top video on Fox News right now! You are a celebrity.... twang and all!

    I've been following your blog for months, but this is the first time leaving a comment. Also a fellow Church of Christ member who grew up in Arlington, TX and went to ACU. I'm sure I know several of the lucky gals signed up to help with those sweet babies.

    Enjoy bringing them home! How exciting!

    Nikki Rausche Davis

  35. Anonymous3:32 PM

    You guys all look great! The babies are getting so big and I cant wait for them all to be home with you.

    Can you explain to me why they say its 2 sets of twins? With any quadruplets do they say 2 sets of twins? or is it only because of the identicals involved? So you and Jenn Murray both have the rare kind of 2 sets of twins? Am I getting this correct. lol Thanks!

  36. Becky...yeah, we really aren't that "rare"...i had one set of identicals and one set of fraternals...just like jen murray. most quads are a result of higher forms of fertility help like IVF, NOT clomid...and quads are usually four separate sacs..meaning you usually don't see identical twins with quadruplets. kinda confusing, i know.

  37. Anonymous3:44 PM

    lol ok thanks.. I wasnt sure if the news was playing it up to sound more "rare" :) Makes a lot more sense now. Thanks for explaining it to me!

  38. Anonymous4:04 PM

    I love that picture of you and Ben. So cute.

  39. What an amazing miracle!!!

  40. What cute pictures. You and the quads all look great, and so happy! Glad you are all doing well :)

  41. Okay... you don't sound hick at all. You should hear me talk. I know what you mean though, we always hate to hear ourselves talk. You and the babies look great! We are so happy for you guys. We saw you on the news...how exciting.

  42. Oh and I thought it was so cute when you told them the wrong birth order. LOL :) You must have been nervous, I know I would be.
