Tuesday, August 28, 2007

More pics from the Steece crew!

Dad and Mom with baby Ben

Giving Ben a bath as he tries his hardest to pull out his feeding tube!

Ben, with his feeding tube out- YAE!...looking as cute as ever! (I think this is one of the only pics I have of him opening his eyes! He LOOOOOVES to eat and sleep!...my little four pound chunk of love)

Savannah and Ben sleeping together for the first time in an open crib!

Savannah and Ben swaddled together and loving it!

Mom and Dad with all four darlings!

I just LOVE these next pics! They make me cry! These are the two identical twins, Ethan and Andrew, laying together for the first time since the womb. This is about an hour after they were put in the same crib...checking each other out! Andrew on the left, E on the right.

Incredible how much more calm they are laying together! They slept with their faces touching each other...even nose to nose sometimes. SOOOOO ADORABLE!

Joe holding Ben and Savannah! (Don't look so tired just yet, baby! We've got a LOOOONG road ahead of us! ha!!)

My little guys: Ethan on the left, A on the right

Andrew and Ethan

Dad and Ben making faces at each other

I could stare at them all day long!

I LOVE this picture, because it shows how beautifully chaotic our lives will be! It IS going to take an army to raise this family! Thank God for all the support from family, friends, and church!! (Mom feeding Savannah, Joe feeding Ben, Suz holding the twins and holding the bottle for Joe)

Whelp, one last weekend together...one last "hurrah"....before babies start to trickle into our home. What a glorious time!! We had so much fun this weekend with many of our friends (from Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, & Houston) that drove in to celebrate our last weekend without babies! We are so absolutely EXCITED about this crazy adventure that is about to be well under way!!! Keep those prayers coming!!
Oh, BTW...the Steece quads will be making their television debut sometime VERY soon! We have meetings today with DFW Channel 8 and Channel 5 news stations! Wow!


Anonymous said...

The pics are beautiful. Enjoy the last of your "free" time.

The Murray Crew said...

BEEEEE YOU TA FULL! I Love how they get to be so close to one another. Our boys STILL love to be close. We are still co-bedding 6 months later! They seem to be happier and sleep better next to each other (especially our identicals Brooks and Clark). Really wish we could head to Tx to do some night shifts....
Murray Quads Love the Steece Quads

G24 said...

oh! How sweet! 4 beautiful blessings.

Anonymous said...

Let those of us who watch channel 8 know when to catch all of you!

Emily said...

These are some of the greatest pictures. I love that your babies are getting to know each other again. What sweet moments you are capturing. Please give us some warning about the big TV debut.

Triplets and a Surprise said...

You have a beautiful family! Good luck bringing them home, let the fun begin


Casey's trio said...

Suzanne and Joe,
Your family is just PRECIOUS. I am so happy that the kiddos are getting to co-bed now. Just knowing that my babies were snuggling in together brought me some comfort each night when I had to leave them in the NICU and head for home without them AND they knew when their partner next to them wasn't there. Can't wait to see you guys on t.v!
And Suz, I am so happy that you liked the baby signs books. It truly has been an awesome experience to communicate with the girls this way and I think you'll love it with your quad squad.

Josh, Jessica, and Alyssa said...

Sooo adorable is correct! It is great seeing that everyone is doing well. Praying you on in Arkansas.

laura said...

Beautiful pictures! You are glowing! The babies all look so perfect and healthy. Praise God for a good delivery and healthy babies!

Stacy said...

I can't believe you just gave birth to four! I still look pregnant (and that was only two over three years ago!). The family is gorgeous - aboslutely precious. Prayers for your family continue.

Abbie said...

I just happened upon your blog this morning and I have not stopped reading it yet! Congratulations on your new additions and your new life as a family. You were truly blessed with four little lives.

I look forward to keeping up with you. I am just getting in to this blogging thing but I hope to have our blog up soon. We have 19 month old boy/girl twins. Things change so quickly, it is hard to keep everyone updated on everything.

I wish you all the best and I will be praying for the day the babies can come home. You are truly special people and an inspiration.

JAMIE'S CREW said...

Suzanne and Joe, Thank you for letting me (well all of us who follow your story) in on your family's life and adventures. I feel so blessed to be able to even peripherally be in on such a special time. The babies are all precious! This is the start to the best (and the rest!) part of your lives. You are already good parents, and that is very evident in all the pictures. The Steece Quads are very blessed indeed.

Please make a quick post when the news programs are set, so that we can all catch you LIVE on TV.


Jamie Pugh

Amanda's News said...

Those pictures are great! I just love the one of Ethan and Andrew nose to nose with each other and the one of Savannah and Ben swaddled together. Suz, you look so good and so happy! Yes, it does look like life will be chaotic but so much FUN!!! So you guys are going to be famous and on t.v.! I wish we were able to see it...maybe you can put a clip of it on the blog. You six are still in our prayers! Love you.

lauren said...

I am in love with them. These are some of the sweetest pictures I've ever seen. What a beautiful family you have. I teared up twice looking at these and I can't wait to get my hands on them! My fave is the first pic of the 6 of you...well, and the ones of Ethan and Andrew, and Ben's sweet face. :) Love you!

lauren said...

Oh, and you look so skinny, and how exciting you're going to be on tv!!

Jeana said...

Lurker...I'm so excited that the babies are going to get to come home soon, so exciting!!
Enjoyed your new pics, they are all so precious. The ones of them sleeping together are priceless. Too precious!!
Can't wait for the next blog!!
Also, Love the nursery!! So cute!!
God Bless and keep on lovin' on those babies!!
Jeana from Oklahoma

Claremont First Ward said...

Such heartwarming pictures! I love that your babies are co-bedded. My twins were not in the NICU, but once we got home they loved to be swaddled together. They always linked arms and made my heart melt. I'm glad you and Joe got a great date in before the babies come home! Beautiful family....

Honeycutt Family said...

Thank you for all of the pictures, Suz. You are glowing and such a proud Mama!
Jen H.

asplashofsunshine said...

Keep that camera going! Hopefully the video camera too. These first days and weeks are going to be a blur before you know it, if they aren't already. Make friends with kodakgallery.com or shutterfly.com. They will love the Steece family, as we all do, even without knowing you. Thanks for sharing a glimpse of your lives with all of us.

Carol said...

they all look so great. And you look so incredibly happy - it's just wonderful!

Michael and Hannah said...

I show pictures of your babies to friends of mine that are complete strangers to y'all and they immediately tear up! The Steece qauds just seem to have that effect on people! I LOVED the pictures of Andrew and Ethan together. You look fantastic... live up your last weekend as a duo! Be sure to post a link to the media coverage when it comes! Does the Harding alumni office know about the quads' arrival?

Anonymous said...

It's another friend in Texas, lurking again! I just can't stay away, you have such a beautiful family and I am amazed at how you don't even look like you were pregnant with four babies. They are all precious, Joe looks like he is enjoying every minute too. Keep up the good work and God Bless you all! A friend in Texas.

Page said...

How exciting to be on tv....though, I'd say you all have earned it!! I love love love the pics of the Ethan and Andrew looking at eachother. They have your hubby's nose! So adorable!

Anonymous said...

Incredible pictures! Great to see all the babies doing much better and growing so fast!
Praying for all of you!

JAMIE'S CREW said...

Hey Suz!
I just had to come back and take another peek at all the wonderful pictures. I just noticed that Ben and Savannah are wearing sleepers! So cute! What size? Preemie? Ben looks like his fits fairly well - but you can tell how petite Savannah is! Isn't it fun seeing how all four babes are really filling out? Darling, darling - absolutely darling photos!
Thanks for sharing!

Jamie Pugh

TEXOSE said...
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TEXOSE said...

OH how I want to touch their soft and beautiful faces. The pictures are absolutely amazing. I don't know when I will get to meet you all but when you do get down to our area, please bring the TV spot recording and all the albums of love... I WANT TO HOLD THOSE BABIES SO BAD... You and Joe look fabulous and we sure do miss yah! Hang in there and can't wait to meet you all for the 1st time and SOON I PRAY!!!! My heart longs to be there with you to help out... I just can't explain the desire and aches that my soul feels not being there.... THANKS FOR SHARING YOU LIVES WITH US..... GOD doesn't get much better than what you got.... ;)
---JoLee and Family

Audrey T said...

You're going to be famous?!?! I wish I could watch...maybe it will be on their websites.

Will Ben be home in time to catch the first A&M game of the season? Maybe he should wait until Sunday though in case there's a lot of yelling at your house if we're all disappointed by the performance.

hi my name is mommy said...

They are all absolutely beautiful! I love how the boys were snuggled up together. These are bonds that will never be broken...so special! You guys are so Blessed!

Anonymous said...

Is there a link for your TV stations for us out-of-towners?

Aimee said...

Congrats X 4!!:o) I saw your blog link on m friend Cherie's.. We both live in in Northern VA and had the same RE. You have 4 little cuties on your hands!You and your hubby are truly blessed. I guess you won't be trying for another any time soon? lol.. Enjoy your little miracles! ;o)

Deanna said...

Those pics are priceless! I love the one of Ethan and Andrew looking at each other. I have a few like that of my kids and it is priceless. They look so good!! Congrats on bringing everyone home soon!! That is great news!!

Deanna Turner

The Mellos said...

Precious! Those pictures are so sweet. Glad you and Joe had a last night out. Great celebration of babies coming home! I don't know you all but you are in my prayers every night. I know a lot of people have been praying for you and it looks like they have been paying off. Your family is beautiful. You have so much to be proud of. Here comes the newest chapter (and most rewarding) in your life! Cheers.

Kelly said...

Suz~You look amazing! Can't wait to see your story on the news!

Ashley said...

What precious little babies! and you look amazing! I can't believe you just had 4 babies! I have 14 mo. old twin girls, Kaelyn & Shae.

My husband and I both graduated from Texas A&M, WHOOP! Class of '02 and '04!

We enjoy reading your blog, Congrats again!

Matt said...

I've gotta know your secret! How do you look so incredibly amazing?

I'm thrilled that you got to spend some quality time with the hubby.

Hooray for babies coming home soon!

Elizabeth said...

Your family is precious!!!!! You look awesome and those babies are so adorable!!!!! I am so excited for you guys in that the babies will all soon be home with you.

Anonymous said...

God bless your beautiful family. Those babies are adorable. You look great! Yes, it will be hectic but worth it.

Mommy of five

Anonymous said...

Beautiful family. Congrats and many well wishes.

Heather said...

You guys are all just so cute together!!!!

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