Uncle Col here. 1st time poster, long time reader. The moment you have all be waiting for is here. The babies 1st pics on the web.

Andrew Paul Steece

Savannah Leigh Steece

Ethan Joseph Steece

Benjamin Stephen Steece

Here is Ben and Dad.

Here is Savannah and Dad.

Look at those sweet babies! Praying for them!
BEAUTIFUL!!! Every single one of them. How blessed you are!!! Prayers and thoughts continue for all six of you! Thanks to your great friends and family who are keeping your blog family updated on all the latest! Take care and may God continue His blessings on you all!!!
Yea! Pictures!! It is so great to see those kiddos that we all have been reading about for months!! Contrats to Mom and Dad. They are beautiful! Get ready because your love for them will grow daily! How fun! We are praying for the health of those babies and for a speedy recovery for Suz.
Joe, your face is going to burst if you smile any more! CONGRATULATIONS! They are tiny, but absolutely precious! They are almost the same size as the aspirators! CUTEES!!!
Congrats! They are beautiful! We are sending prayers from Seattle.
Suzanne, I'm so glad everyone is here safely! We have been praying for you, Joe and the kids so much. Do you know how long you and the babies will be in the hospital? Does everything look good so far? Thanks for having your family and friends keep us posted! Still praying for you!
Thanks So much Collin! I was dying to see them!
They are so amazing! I can't wait to come see their precious faces.
Amanda N., you need to fly in and stay with me. We'll have fun just like the good ole' days!
The babies all look BEAUTIFUL. We will continue to pray for all of you. Here's hoping for a quick recovery Suz. Eat lots and grow big babies! We'll be praying for you.
Love from Alabama!
Wishing happiness and blessings to all! They are beautiful babies!!!I have read your blog for awhile - finally coming out of lurkdom.
Congrats! Congrats! Congrats! What a miracle and how blessed you are! Prayers continuing to come your way from Roy, UT
Oh my goodness, they are so precious! Congratulations! The Quad Daddy sure does look proud. The 6 of you continue to be in my prayers. Hope you are feeling better Suzanne.
Praise God! They are so tiny and so perfect.. what a miracle you have brought into this world!!
CONGRATS.. they really are beautiful~
Pictures! Woo hoo! They are precious. Congratulations Suz and Joe!
Thanks so much for sharing pictures of those beautiful precious babies. Continuing to pray for all of you!
Thanks for sharing the pictures of your Precious Gifts from God! I'm so excited for the Steece Family! I'm praying for you all! :)
From another preemie mom, they look wonderful! And I see feeding tubes with syringes of "food" - so the fact that they are "eating" already is WONDERFUL.
Best of luck - the NICU is so incredibly stressful - take it day by day, hour by hour.
Your family is in our prayers.
My heart is melting. Your babies are so very cute and big considering you had 4 almost total 11 lbs. Sheesh. Thank you so much for sharing. Praying for you and your family.
Awwww, precious. Thanks for posting pics. Praying for the Quads and for Mom & Dad. Congrats to everyone!
Congratulations Suzanne & Joe on a beautiful family! They are so precious. Thanks for sharing pictures. We'll be checking back for updates on everyone and hope to see more pictures. We are praying for all of you from Ohio and share in your blessings. We hope Suzanne has a good recovery and can spend more time with the babies.
Praying for the quads to improve with each passing day. Praying for quick healing for mommy.
Wow, they are beautiful little miracles. Actually, HUGE miracles! We are praying for their health and your recovery!!
Wow, they are beautiful little miracles. Actually, HUGE miracles! We are praying for their health and your recovery!!
They look great for being so early!
I can't believe it! I took one full day off from reading the blog and look what happens! :o) I am so happy for you, your family and friends. This was a wonderful event that many around the country have been waiting and praying for. God be with you all and please keep us posted on the progress. Love and prayers from Georgia...
How sweet!! Dad looks soooo proud! May God bless all of them abundantly. Still praying!!
They are so sweet! I am praying for those babies and that you recover from the delivery soon. God bless.
Congratulations! I am Lauren Satterfield's cousin and have kept up with your blog since I am a neonatal nurse practitioner. The babies are beautiful and of good size! Getting to 30 weeks with quads is amazing. The next few weeks may be filled with many ups and downs but take one day at a time. I will continue to keep your family in my prayers!
I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes! They are so amazing looking! Their color is great and they are just gorgeous! Way to go TEAM STEECE!
How amazing, your children are precious, I can't believe how small they are, you can really tell up against the nose suction. You are all in my prayers and I pray for strength for you Suzanne and that you get back on your feet fast and can be there for the little ones. They are so cute and can't wait to see more picture. Keep up the positive spirits God has brought you this far He will bring you through the rest.
Beautiful babies! I am praying for all of you out here. Hope Suzanne is feeling better soon too!
Amazing. Truly gifts from above! Sending prayers and hugs!
So very sweet!
They're gorgeous. Congrats from MT.
They are beautiful!!! You will continue to be in our prayers!
Awwwww.....how adorable!!
Wow, you're one amazing girl, Suzanne. Congrads on the quads...you all will be in my prayers over the months to come. Thank you for sharing your story with all of us. GOD IS GOOD!!!
Sara Jo Neal
40 fingers, 40 toes, and all just perfect! I'm praying for you, Suz... I know you're in a hurry to heal from your surgery and pregnancy so you can focus on your beautiful babies!
My prayers continue to be with you and those BEAUTIFUL babies! I can see how proud Joe is! Congratulations again!!
I don't know what to say. They are so little and so perfect. Congratsx4!!
Joe - love the smile on your face!
Suz-GREAT job!
so perfect! four beautiful children for two beautiful parents! continued thoughts and prayers for suz and the babies... and for you too joe!!! what an amazing family!
How precious!! Thanks for the pictures. Continuing to pray for healing and strength for you and for the babies to grow strong. Joe looks so cute with that huge smile. Praise be to our Great God!!
What beautiful sweet precious babies! I continue to pray for them to grow in strength and development in every way. Praying for you to get stronger every day also, Suzy.
Love you, Gwen
they are beautiful and dad looks so happy. you've been blessed 4 times over.
They are GORGEOUS!!! Congrats so glad they are here. We will keep them in our prayers to get stronger each day. Take care of yourself and regain your strength you are going to need it very soon! Congrats again!
Jodie :)
Congratulations Joe and Suz! You don't know me, but my 8 year old daughter and I love your page and are praying for those babies! Love from ALABAMA :)
Congratulation! What a blessing that the babies are doing so well! I have been following your blog for a while now. I'm friends with Lauren Satterfield and Kim Hall. I am a Harding 2001 alum. Good luck with everything. God bless your new family!!
Love, Cory Jones
The babies are beautiful!!! Congratulations to the new mom and dad. I love all of their names. I will be checking back often to see how they are doing. I hope you are feeling better soon Suz. I lost a lot of blood during my delivery too.
thank you so much for posting the pictures!! And how's mom? Still praying. I know that with little ones it's a roller coster, so prayers all around- for mom too.
Thank you SOOO Much for posting pictures!!! They are beautiful!!! Suz & Joe, ya'll did GREAT!!!! Still praying for speedy recovery for you all. Melanie Smith (Brandon, MS)
Oh thank you so much for the pics! They are adorable and so tiny!! I can't wait to see pics when you can see their sweet little faces and they are off all those machines!!!
Congrats on your 4 little ones. They're beautiful!
How sweet and tiny are they. :) BIG congratulations to you guys....you are in for SUCH a wonderful ride.
So sweet! We are praying for all of you!
OH, they are so cute!! I hope Suzzane gets to feeling better soon. I will continue to pray for all of you guys!! Again congrats on those beautiful babies.
Deanna Turner
Is that 4 C-PAPs I see? Incredible! Your cheerleader is doing a toe touch, side hurdler, pike, and a herkie all for you! They are just P-R-E-C-I-O-U-S! How Great is our God?
The Murray Quad Crew
Beautiful babies. It looks like they are all just on CPAP? Wishing an uneventful NICU stay for all the babies and a speedy recovery for Suzanne.
You did such an amazing job growing those 4 precious babies. A HUGE congratulations to you and Joe and your extended family. I hope you are getting your rest and feeling better quickly.
Yeah!!! Baby pics! Lots of prayers for your family.
Congratulations! Each one of them is bigger than either of my twins were. Hope everyone is home soon.
What an incredible blessing x 4. Joe's smiling face says it all and isn't it wonderful how God works. While Sue is recuperating and has done her many weeks of work and carrying, Joe is overseeing those little blessings while Sue gets a little rest and has time to heal.
Though I had only one premie that was 2 oz bigger than Benjamin the pictures bring back soooo many memories. Hard to believe it has been almost 28 years. We continue to pray and hit the refresh button often. Thanks for the pictures Collin.
Love you all,
Thanks for the pics!!!!
I love the shot of Joe, proud dad!! They are truly a blessing from above.
Once again, congrts, and we will cont. to pray for the quads and Suz.
Love Big Lo and family.
They are so precious! Congratulations!! Suzanne, I am praying for a quick recovery for you! Also praying for those sweet, sweet babies and Joe and the rest of the family, too.
Congrats!! They are BEAUTIFUL!!
Hey Collin! Oh my goodness, I miss you too!!! So good to see pics of the precious little ones. I wish I could blow them each a kissm and give Joe and Suzanne a looooonnngggg hug in person.
I couldn't wait to get home today to make sure everyone was safe and sound! Congratulations Steece family!!!!!!! The pics are awesome. What a proud DADDY! That pic of Ethan with the blue syringe is a keeper. You will look back at that one year from now and be blown away!!!!! Best wishes for mom for a speedy recovery!!! Can't wait to see a pic of the whole family together!
Continuing to pray for your sweet little ones! Congratulations!
Lea Anne T.
North Carolina
Big thanks for all of the updates. The blog world has been patiently awaiting the big day! Your entire family is in our thoughts and prayers. Congratulations on your perfect little ones!
Looks like it's time to get rid of the pregnancy count down.
Love you!
Thanks for sharing the pics.
What precious angels!!! Keeping y'all in my prayers!
YAY!!!!! thanks for the pictures! sweet babes...
Congratulations on your 4 precious miracles!! I live in New York and don't know you but am praying for your quick recovery and that the babies will grow quickly and be strong and healthy.
Congratulations! I pray for you and your beautiful babies! I know they will shine! Just look at their mom and dad! You guys ROCK! Keep on keeping on!
From Canada
Yeah Pictures!!!
Dear Sweet Little Team Steece,
We in blog land have prayed for you and in the process grown to love you and your incredible parents over the last several months. It is with much joy (and a few tears) that I say "Welcome to the world!"
You have been casuing quite a stir here in blog world! Your awsome Mom has let us peek inside her world and witness your miraculous journey to get here. We have sat by our monitors spell bound with bated breath, praying for our Father God to form and equip each of you for a long, healthy, happy life. Keep growing and fighting, and soon you will be home in you adorable nurseries wrapped in the love of a great family, extended family, church family, extended church family and a ton of web addicted friends and strangers who have affectionately been dubbed "the blogger nation."
God bless and keep you as you continue to grow and adjust to life on the outside. You are each so beautiful!
A very proud and slightly misty-eyed bloggie friend :)
Congratulations!! These are wonderful, exciting days you will never forget! Treasure them and hold them tight! You are both truly blessed. Get ready for an amazing journey! Treasure This Day, Sandy
PS You have an AWESOME extended family! Good job everybody!
Oh they are so tiny! Thank you so much for the pics! I can't believe they are here! Praying for Suz, she has been through so much. Praying for strength. Thanks for the updates!
They are absolutely precious!
In Him,
Jen Honeycutt
They are beautiful, thank you for sharing the pictures of your precious children.
They are so cute!I can't wait to watch them grow via this blog!:)Congrats!Connie in Indiana.
Joe and Suzanne,
Congratulations on your four beautiful babies. Our God is an awesome God! Many prayers have been said all day today for these precious babies and Suzanne's recovery! These pictures brought tears to my eyes.
This is Annie Greer from Surgery Center of Arlington. We have all been praying for you and anxious to hear about your little bundles of joy. I personally am so happy for you and I am praying for you and Joe and all the babies! Praise God they were all born and are here. God has truly blessed you beyond measure!
thanks Collin they all look really good even Joe. Can we get an update on how Suz is feeling. I love you all and am praying hard.
Love Sunni
Congratulations on the quads! They are all so beautiful. I pray that you all recover quickly from your ordeal. I know that you and Joe are so proud of your babies! I am looking forward to seeing more and hearing more as we get to know the quadruple blessings in your lives.
Hugs to all of you!
Jamie Pugh - McMoms
My in-laws are in town visiting, and when my M.I.L. came down this morning I said, "Suzanne had the quads!" and we were so excited. Of course, the men in our lives looked at us like we were crazy because we don't actually know you, we just feel like it! We're all praying for you up here in WA - your babes are amazing.
Suzanne the babies are all so cute.Hope you are feeling better.
Sue cbt
They look nice and pink. Which is a great color(even for boys)
I hope Suzanne is feeling stonger and you both are getting some rest while you can.
Beautiful new family!!
Oh....they are so sweet! Congratulations! I can't believe they were that big already. That is so wonderful! I can't wait to see those little babies out of there and at home with their mommy and daddy! Those healthy precious babies are the answer to so many prayers for you guys! Hope you're feeling well. Take it easy and rest as much as you can. Again, those babies are beautiful and I know you and Joe are so proud of them! Be proud of yourself too girl! You did such an awesome job getting those babies here! Love, Shauri
They are beautiful!
Hi Suzanne and Joe - a friend's sister turned me on to your blog and I have reading ever since! I just want to say that I am praying for you and the babies - they are so beautiful! You are truly blessed and I hope you get to take those babies home very soon.
Suz & Joe,
They are just precious! I'm in awe at God's creation. It is amazing to think that those babies were in Suz's belly. How are you doing, Suz? And how are the babies? Thanks for the picture update.
I agree, Marcy, we need some type of reunion so we can all see each other.
We are so excited to see the babies have arrived!You have been in our thoughts and prayers daily. Suzanne...hope you start feeling better soon so you can start enjoying your little ones. Until then...rest up!
Shawna, Will and Gaines
Congratulations on such beautiful babies!
Thank you for posting pictures! Can't wait to see more!
Kim from Colorado
Hey Collin... Thanks for the pictures. They are so beautiful, amazing, handsome, and God's amazing gift of love. Pictures can speak words and bring tears.... WOW!!!!! I wish I was there in person just to leave my finger prints on the nursery glass and to wrap my arms around the proud but tired parents. I am sending our love and miss yall so much. Prayers continue to pour out of this side of Texas for you and will continue as long as they are needed for the whole situation. Please continue to check this blog family up to date as much as you can.... WE ALL LONG FOR MORE PICTURES AND UPDATES ON ALL ALWAYS!!!
WITH LOVE, JoLee and Family
Linked to your blog via Purple Giraffes. You guys are AMAZING! Congratulations.
Thank u guys so much for posting pics of the quads! I'm sure it is quite busy up at the hospital with a lot more concerns than ours wanting pics so thanks! They are absolutely precious!
Tell Suz we love her and are pray'n she feels better asap!
I get choked up seeing pictures of your precious gifts from God! They are so tiny, but look so perfect!
AWWW sooo precious!!!!!! We are praying for you and the quads!!! What amazing little miracles!!
Your babies are beautiful! Praying for a steadfast recovery for Suzanne and for your babies to be healthy and home soon!!!
Charlotte, NC
ohmygosh -- i'm at work, but have read every last quad post and have tears in my eyes!!! you are amazing! And i think we're kind of neighbors...we're in plano.
you and your family are precious and so blessed. thank you for sharing your story!!
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