Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Quad Pics...Lovin' the Home Life

Enjoying their daily "tummy-time"! Savannah, Andrew, Ethan, Benjamin...Gig 'Em Ags

Shiloh, guarding "her litter"

Lovin' their paci's!

The twins are looking SOOO much alike! Andrew has a tiny little "stork-bite" on the back of his head which helps for now! I can just look at their faces and tell them apart...don't ask me how...mommas just know. Drew is also going to have surgery soon for his bilateral inguinal hernias, poor baby. I had the same thing when I was three months, I guess his surgical scars will help in figuring out who's who! (E on the left, Drew on the right)

Talk about four little peas in a pod! Aren't they precious?! Chunk, twig, twig, chunk!

Every time I am feeding on this bed, Shi tries to wedge herself in there somehow...starrrrving for attention!

Savannah is terrified at her momma's pale, make-up-less face with nappy hair! ;) Seriously, I MUST get some sun! Love this pic of Sav! She thinks her mom is crazy!

Nurse Ashlie came by and made Savannah some adorable girly headbands! Sav is too cute and Ashlie is too cool!

I'll try to write more about "life with quads" later! I only have like 1.5 hours in between feedings and it seems that those hours FLY by! But I'm still loving every second of it...these babies are precious! It is tiring and a LOT of work, but I'm completely in love!


  1. Anonymous5:45 PM

    AMAZING! Beautiful and healthy babies.Thanks for sharing your story.

  2. Thanks for the update! Keep 'em coming.

  3. Watch out world, the sleep-deprived quad mama is back! You're doing awesome, Suz! Love the precious pictures. Always great to hear from you. Those babies are deliciously cute!

  4. Too cute! I loved it "chunk, twig, twig, chunk!" Thanks for a glimpse of life w/quads.

  5. the chunks and twigs are so cute! and i love the picture of Sav giving you her "you are crazy" look. too funny.

    i bet you are so tired...but i'm glad that things are going well and that you are loving it! here in a couple of months (which actually fly by) you will be getting more sleep. so hang in there!

  6. Great to see an update, your babes are looking so good! I love seeing them all together!

  7. Delurking to just say how beautiful and precious your babies are!!!

  8. Oh Suzanne! How precious! Thank you for taking time out of your quadruple-y busy day to grant us bloggers a peek into your life. It looks like you are supremely organized so far.

    Take care!
    Jamie Pugh - McMoms

  9. Anonymous7:34 PM

    CONGRADULATIONS!!!! How are they sleeping at night? Do you get at least a few hours of uninturrupted sleep? Post the birth story when you can...Thanks for the update!!!! So precious!!!!! Ya'll are truly blessed!!!!!

  10. I love the new pics! They are all getting so big. Sorry that Etan is having surgery. Miles and Madyson both had hernia surgery. Madyson's happened before she came home and Miles had his shortly after everyone was home. The surgeon's at Cook's are great he will be in good hands. I will keep you guys in my prayers I know how scarry it is to have your baby in surgery. I love Savannah's headbands, She is going to be a girly girl like my Madyson. And we loved headbands so I will be passing those along to you guys. Hang in there! You are doing a great job. I remeber those few minutes between feeds and how they flew by. It is hard work but I loved every minute of it and still do.


  11. I meant Drew not Ethan! Sorry!


  12. Beautiful pictures!! And you look SOO happy in all of them

  13. Oh what a treat! So excited to have an update when I checked this time- not complaining, though- I know you're busy!

  14. So glad to see an update! I have been dying for more pics! They look soooooo precious laying together!!! Such beautiful, sweet babies. I'm in love! I love Sav's bow. Love you all!!

  15. So excited for you guys! Your story is truly amazing, and I love checking in on you and the crew! You are still in our prayers! Isn't God awesome!!!

  16. That's awesome that everything is going so well!!! The babies are just BEAUTIFUL!

  17. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Awwwww they all look so cute! Love how they already love each other so much and want to snuggle up together. They've grown a lot since the last pictures..even the twiggy twins. =) God bless and take care on this quadruple journey.

  18. Anonymous9:22 PM

    They are adorable!! I can't believe that you can get all 4 to sleep at once - great job!!! Can't wait to see more photos!
    Cindy Broder, McMoms

  19. The quads are so sweet! It is hard to believe how far they have come in such a short period of time. Thanks for keeping us up to date with them. I can remember how exhausting one baby was, so I can't even fathom 4 at one time! Blessings!

  20. they are too precious and getting so big! i can't believe you have any time to blog. ok stupid question from a momma of in the world to you feed 4 babies? i mean are you able to breastfeed them all exclusively and how do you do that without turning around and having to feed another. i'm just trying to imagine how in the world you feed them all and still have time for anything else. you're amazing! and you look great...not pale!

  21. ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! You look amazing! Isn't life great?? These first few months are crazy hectic but it goes SOOOOOOOO fast. My twins are almost 6 months and it is making me crazy b/c they are getting too big! ; ) I want them to stay little and snuggle always. Isn't being a mother the greatest joy EVER? You are doing FANTASTIC! YOU GO GIRL!!!!


  22. So So precious!!! Thank you for taking time to let us peek into your busy blessed life!!!! Have a good week!! Melanie Smith (Brandon, MS)

  23. Anonymous10:29 PM

    What a great pic. I know you all are having fun and loving all the joy these four will bring you . Love and hugs to all. I know grandpa and grandma are having fun spoiling them.
    Here in Waco, Johnny and Donna

  24. They are just absolutely precious! I'm so glad they're all home together!! Yay!! :o)

  25. the quads are absolutely beautiful and looking so healthy. You look great also. Thanks for updating, I'm sure life is very busy in your household. I so wish I lived close and I could do some quad luvin.
    Kym/Brisbane Australia

  26. Your babes are beautiful! Praise God that they are doing so well - and you appear to be too! Congratulations on having them all home safe and sound. Keep the updates coming. I just love reading them!

  27. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful... It really does take longer when you have to do everything 4 times! Love all the pictures and am so proud of you for posting! We know you are a busy Mama so updates are really appreciated! Hang in there! You are all looking so great!

  28. You've got that NICU feeding hold going on. A NICU mom can spot it miles away. We still feed our 6 mo twin boys that way. Best of luck...hang in there. You are amazing and still so positive.

  29. I'm sure that your posts will start to become more far and few between, but we'll gobble them up whenever you get a chance to share. In the meantime, love on those babies (like you are) and REST!!!!!! :)
    Jen H. (in CO)

  30. Thanks for the update! The babies are getting big! WOW!

  31. Anonymous8:45 AM

    The babies are beautiful! I loved the picture of them all piled up in their Boppys in the play yard :)

  32. Digging the Gig'em!!!!! I love the picture of Shi and you while you feed your baby. Brings back memories and many long night and days in between... You look great regardless of the makeup and sun.... GOD IS SO GOOD...Hang in there and know that the blog world has something to buzz about for a while.... THANKS FOR THE UPDATED AND ALWAYS LOVE THE PICS!!!! Miss yah girl!
    Love, Jo and Fam

  33. Anonymous9:24 AM

    They are so precious and sweet. I am glad things are going well at home.
    I love the little head cute. Bless their little hearts.
    Jennifer Williams-Louisville, KY

  34. Can you believe they are almost 2 months old? Did anything you imagined this would be like come true? Or is is just better!

    I love how they all sleep on their boppies in the pack and play. Is that by design? I remember co-bedding my twins in the pack and plays.


  35. Anonymous10:10 AM

    I love the new pics! You guys are doing an awesome job!! I know you are enjoying every minute of it. I enjoy reading about it. Thanks for keeping us updated even when you are short on time!

    Samantha Smith
    Columbus, MS

  36. YAY!!!! I'm so glad things are going so well for you guys! You look radiate and so do the quads!! What a blessing they are..God has been good! Praying and thinking about you daily!

    Love, Megann, giving some Birmingham, AL love

  37. You are a super mommy, Suz! Thanks so much for taking the time to update us with pictures. They are absolutely adorable!!!!
    So the comment about peas in a pod got me thinking-any ideas for Halloween costumes yet?

  38. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Love the pics! Don't worry about the make-up, you're still radiating!! Just wanted to give you a heads-up... I *think* I saw your playpen on the morning news today for a recall because of something to do with "strings". Just for safety you may want to check it out. Thanks for sharing your beautiful gang with us!

  39. Everyone looks so great Suz, including you! You must be catching some sleep or you hide the deprivation well:) Love the pic of Savannah sacked out with her mouth wide open....I'm sure there have to be some moments recently of you and Joe with the same expression.

  40. Anonymous3:43 PM

    The babies do look just precious, beutiful, I know they are little bundles of joy! Your friend in East Texas.

  41. They are all so adorable. You can really tell in that one picture the chunks and the twigs. To funny!! The twins really do look allot alike. I always wondered how you could tell identicals apart. I guess your right a mom always knows! :-)
    I'm so glad that everyone is doing well and that things are going good!

  42. Suzanne, you look incredible! You don't look like you just had a baby, much less FOUR!! Wow. My favorite pic is the one where they all have their pacifiers in and their eyes are wide and looking all precious. Your children are just beautiful. What a blessing!

  43. ADORABLE pics!!! Love the one of them all in the pack-n-play! Thanks for the update:) You really are super mommy!!! Try and get some rest in between those feedings!

  44. Anonymous3:14 PM

    I've been reading your blog ever since I heard about you giving birth to quads. I'm pregnant with only 1 child and due in about a month and have an 18 month old. Whenever I'm worried that I'll be overwhelmed I think of you and your 4 beautiful babies!!! I live in upstate NY but my husband is from Aggieland so I love seeing all the Aggie references.

    Your little Ethan looks just like his daddy - they are all TOO cute! Keep on smiling,

    Patti - Baldwinsville, NY

  45. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Your babies are beautiful and you look amazing. I have been following your blog because a friend told me about your quads. I wanted to pass along a website for you. Since the babies seem to love the Soothie pacifiers, then they will love these: They are able to keep the pacifier in longer and when they get older, they can find their own pacifier! : ) Congrats and God Bless! Sincerely, Elizabeth Ryll

  46. Love, love, love the pics!

    On a side note.... I've never seen another Ashlie spelled like that! Hmm....

  47. The pics are so great thanks for making the time. Love ya.

  48. Congratulations on having all of your children home! The are all just so precious and beautiful. I am mom to a 24-weeker, who just turned 8 years old this month, so your blog is bringing back a lot of memories for me. I can't imagine a preemie times 4, though. You are doing a great job!

  49. Anonymous11:36 AM

    I love the pics of your quads! They are beautiful and you did a great job at holding them in for so long! You truly are blessed to have four beautiful babies that are perfect. I love the pic of the babies sleeping midline and working on their "heads". That is my passion at work, to send preemies home and while they are in there and not have preemie head. I couldn't exactly figure out what you used though, looks great and would love to tell families.

    NICU nurse from California

  50. I loved seeing E,D,S and B! Especially the picture of Savannah's little look. Couldn't you just watch their expressions all day?!?!

  51. Love the updates! You are doing great Suz!

  52. I liked the chuck, twig, twig, chunk too! They are precious!

  53. Just had to delurk to tell you how much I loved the chunk, twig, twig, chunk photo! Too cute... love your blog!! Can't imagine how you find the time. I had to wait until my trio was 7 months old and sleeping through the night to get one started... way to go, Suz.
