Sunday, September 02, 2007

Rooming In!!

Okay, so Joe and I will be rooming in at the hospital tonight with BEN AND SAVANNAH!! Can't wait! Ben will come home tomorrow (as long as he doesn't do anything crazy tonight), but Sav is not quite ready yet! Now SHE must pass her carseat test! (Hopefully in a day or two we will bring her home as well!)

Ethan and Andrew are now on all bottle feeds, so they will start packing on the pounds! Its only a matter of time until all my little chicks are all under our roof, together! WOW!

I am so excited and nervous at the same time right now! Gotta go pack for the hospital now!


  1. Anonymous6:26 PM

    So excited for you!!

  2. yeah! i hope it went well! So excited for you all

  3. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Very happy and excited for yall! Praying it goes great tonight!

  4. That is great news!! Good luck with your first night with the babies!!

    Deanna Turner

  5. Congrats on rooming in! Can't wait to hear about you bringing Ben home tomorrow!

  6. Congratulations! That is great news about Ben. And, I bet that it won't be many days before Savannah follows, and then the twins. I know I speak for myself and many others when we say that we are praying for you all. We anxiously await and and all updates!
    Jamie Pugh

  7. One more thing - when you have a chance - will you update us on weights?


  8. Thanks for taking a few minutes to update us! Glad to hear the exciting news!

  9. Awww. I am so happy for you all. Take lots of pix!

  10. Suzanne and Joe,
    It is totally normal to be excited and nervous all at the same time. You will do great. God has not given you more than you can handle, and on that you can have great Faith.

  11. joe and suz
    God is so amazing!!!

    Mom aka jessica
    (faithful blog follower)

    Ben, Savannah, Ethan, Andrew,
    way to go kids keep doin' well so you can go home with mom and dad! Home is amazing, especially if you have a dog!!
    (really cool 8 month old!)

  12. Good Luck tonight!! So exciting!!! Melanie Smith (Brandon, MS)

  13. Yippee! We didn't get one wink of sleep when we roomed in, but the baby did:) I can remember the anxious, yet excited feelings all at once. Sounds like your babies are doing SO great and will all be home together soon:)

  14. yay! how exciting! good luck! and where did you make your page header??? so cute!

  15. congrats! how exciting. i know it will be such a relief to have them at home.

  16. Suz- love the new look of the blog-hope rooming in goes well! Love Mo

  17. Wonderful news!! I hope it all went well!!

  18. Anonymous9:14 AM

    I hope everything went well last night and today taking Ben home. It will be hard having to split up between the hospital and home once you have babies in both places, but they'll all be home before you know it. Best wishes to all of you!!

    Mommy of five

  19. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Hello there Suz,
    I've been reading your blog since right before the quads were born and it's just captivating. You and Joe seem like such a cute couple and your enthusiasm and faith are so inspiring. I sat up late reading your whole blog when I first discovered it, it was like a book I couldn't put down! I've been moved to tears many times reading about your sweet babies and I just wanted to say hello and send my warmest wishes and prayers. Thank you for sharing your lives with the blogworld! Can't wait to see those babies grow and develop and hear how our Lord continues to use you and bless your lives. Love from Emma in Atlanta, GA

  20. Wonderful news! Hoping it went well!

  21. Anonymous11:44 AM

    I hope your night was uneventful! I'm very happy for you.

  22. This is wonderful. Now the real work begins. I'm so glad they have done so well.

  23. Enjoy! I loved rooming in with my son. It made me feel more comfortable before taking him home. I still called the NICU when we got home. They helped keep me calm.

  24. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Hope everything went well and Ben Got to go home with you, will find out on Tuesday from the proud grandpa.

  25. Yeah! Can't wait to hear how things are going!

    Blessings to all of you always!

  26. I know that if things went well and you have Ben home with you, that you won't have near the time to blog, but know that I am praying things went well and hoping that you have your baby(ies) home with you, where they belong! :) Can't wait to hear!

  27. Congrats on the rooming in! Can't wait to see pics of them in their new nursery!

  28. Anonymous3:49 PM

    I came across your Blog.First off Congrats! I am currently taking clomid and I would love 4!! You to are very lucky and blessed! I wish you all the best!

