Tuesday, December 18, 2007

(Update) Neat Slideshow

Update: We are not on the main page anymore, so scroll down to the bottom where you see Video/Slideshows (www.star-telegram.com), click on that....then there is a list of categories on the left hand side, click on "insight"...we are the first video that pops up!

Our friend Jill, who took the amazing newspaper pics in the NICU, came back to play with the quads and do a follow-up story for the Fort Worth Star Telegram newspaper.

She is the one who took the pictures below of us in front of the tree, etc. The story will run this Saturday, December 22! So all of you DFW blogger buddies, make sure and pick up a copy!

Here is the cute slideshow, fully equipped with my WONDERFUL commentary! (can you tell I'm being sarcastic??) Jill got some GREAT pics of me, Joe, the quads...and of course, Shiloh! ;)

Go to this site and scroll down to the video slideshows! It is VERY NEAT!



  1. Anonymous12:03 PM

    That brought tears to my eyes! Thank you for sharing your beautiful family!

  2. So cute. That's so awesome that you will have that to look back at in a year or two and marvel at what you used to do! It gets better everyday!

  3. Your house looks so clean. Thanx for sharing, love your accent.

  4. Anonymous1:12 PM

    I'm one of the NICU nurses. I am so thrilled that you guys are doing so well. We certainly miss you and can't wait to see you at our next reunion!


  5. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Hi Suz.. I loved the video of the BEAUTIFUL Steece family.. You did a fantastic job!! You and Joe really do have four little angels ! The babies are so precious ! Merry Christmas to all of you--kiss the babies for me.. Love you little mama... :)

  6. You have how long to clean your house? I'm jealous! You certainly ARE blessed! Thanks for sharing your world with us! Happy Holidays!

  7. Thanks for sharing, I have been keeping up with you all for some time now. My husband went to Harding also. We have a set of B/B twins they are 4. We also have a 3 yr old and a 16 month old. Busy busy!

  8. I love these pictures. My favorite is the last one of the babies sleeping in front of the tree. So much to be thankful this year. Happy Holidays.
    Lindsey in San Diego

  9. I'm a long time "lurker" first time commenter -- loved the video!! And i love your accent!! Your babies are so precious!

  10. Sweet slide show Suz. Your commentary was great. I guess you get better with practice :).
    Merry Christmas!

  11. my friend hannah knew you in college and she told me about your site so i've been following it and praying for you guys for quite a while! i have 2 month old twins (i know...i'm a sissy :)!) and i want to know what those bottle proper-uper things are in the picture! that would be a great help during the double boppy feedings!

  12. Beautiful slideshow. Well done. Thank you for sharing your beautiful family.

  13. Suz - You were AWESOME! What a great commentary....Felt a bit like a re-run of the Murray house about 6 months ago. I'm so jealous of the bottle bundles though - I tried this one contraption that NEVER worked! W2G, buddy!

  14. That was adorable!

  15. Nice, Suz. You sounded so professional...how many takes were there? Kidding! Have a wonderful holiday! Love you guys.

  16. What a fun video to capture your crazy days! Merry Christmas!!!

  17. What a beautiful slideshow! You guys are so blessed!

  18. great slideshow! your commentary is not as bad as you think it is. It IS wonderful!

  19. Anonymous5:33 PM

    How awesome!!!! Cant wait for all that. You guys are doing an amazing job!!

  20. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Jon told me to check out star-telegram.com this morning - he had already seen this! The pictures are beautiful, as is the commentary.

    So, my question - and I am sure everyone else is wondering the same thing - do you always look so stunning? I mean, seriously, girl, you always look great!

    I think you must wake every morning clean with make up already on, never a hair out of place, and never, EVER get spit up on - ever, right?! hehehe

    Let the kiddos know that their little Aggie buddies, Jacob and Caleb, will be watching the Ags B.T.H.O. Detroit... until we make them go to bed. :-)

  21. You guys look like old pros! What a beautiful slide show you will have to show them one day!

    Merry Christmas to the seven of you!

  22. I seriously don't know how you and Joe do it!
    You are a beautiful family!

  23. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Love the videos! Soooooooooooooo cute! I can't believe they're 4 1/2 months old already. Wow! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! God bless your beautiful family.

    mommy of five

  24. Thanks for sharing - what blessings! I remember our first triplet Christmas - so sweet!

    Enjoy thos e sweet babies - they grow quickly!


  25. My kids got the biggest kick out of looking at your four babies!! Shep and Rauly were both counting them....1 baby, 2 babies, 3 babies,....MOMMY - they have 4 BABIES!!! Soooo cute!!!

  26. Anonymous10:54 PM

    I missed it! Is there any way to pull it up now??

  27. Loved the slideshow....your babies are so cute! You and Joe are truly blessed this Christmas season. Looking forward to the article in the paper tomorrow. Blessings, Linda L.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I just picked up a copy of the Star Telegram to read the article on you and the quads. It was wonderful and a touching story. I also just looked at the online slideshow and it makes my heart so warm and I believe that every baby is so cute!! Take care and have a
    Merry Christmas!!!

  30. Suzanne,

    Your children are beautiful. I too am Church of Christ. My husband is a minister in the Nashville, TN area so we receive a copy of the Christian Chronicle monthly. I havent seen your article yet though. I ran across your site through another site. I hope you get a chance to look at my blog at sometime in your hectic life thedixondaily.blogspot.com. Take care of those babies and I look forward to your comments on my blog.

  31. WOW - you guys are amazing. Now I am sure that you must have those bad moments we all hate but you just seem so positive about everything. Gorgeous family - congratulations!

  32. What precious pictures! And I love the comentary!
