Sunday, January 06, 2008

Video Fun & Lots of Laughter!

We assembled the quads' jumperoos and exersaucers...and I'm SOOOO glad we did! They LOVE them and it has been so fun watching them play and laugh!

(That was Ben crying in the background!)

This just melts my heart! Savannah cooing at her precious!

Savannah laughing at Ben...I just LOVE her little giggle!


  1. Awwww!! These are totally great!! The babies are sure growing....and they are oh so sweet.


  2. Those videos are priceless! Your babies are growing into very handsome and beautiful little people.

  3. Those are so cute! The laughs just get bigger and louder, so much fun.

  4. They are absolutely precious!

  5. so sweet. i was thinking watching that first video of joe entertaining two at a time that you two must just fall into your beds exhausted at night.

  6. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Love Joe's Deep voice!!!!!!

  7. Anonymous5:56 PM

    I just love it!!! I can't wait to come visit! Kiss the babies, tell Joe hello and as always take care.

    Love Ya!!! Miss ya!!

  8. Savannah is so cute!!! The babies are growing so fast and they are as cute as they could be.

  9. beautiful little baby noises! and the ads don't hurt a thing!

  10. Anonymous7:15 PM

    They are so precious!! Thank you for sharing your babies with us. I am wondering what kind of video camera you have..can you let me know!! Thank you!

  11. Anonymous8:16 PM

    How do the ads on your blog work? Do you get paid for just having them on your site or do people have to click on them and buy something from them in order for you to get paid? Do you get paid the same for everything or just a standard amount for each person that logs onto your blog or does everyone have to buy something?

  12. I am so in love with your children! Oh, and Keaton wants to know if he can ask that gorgeous Savannah out as soon as she can sit up. What a sweetheart!

  13. you guys are too cute! there have been many questions about the ads...however, i am under "contractual obligation" (like the big words?) and cannot comment regarding the ads/payment/etc. if you are interested in seeing how they work, you search "google adsense" and read up about them! put them on your own page if you would like! ;)

  14. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Gotta love the jumparoos! My son LOVED his! He actually fell asleep in it twice- he was a jumping fool! Soooo funny!!!!

    And the daddy's little girl video- tooooooooo precious!

  15. AWWW!! I love it! TOO CUTE!

  16. Hey Suzanne! I had a baby boy less than a week after you had your babies. He is a handful, I can't imagine 3 more! You are doing great! I love keeping in touch through your blog.

  17. I can not believe how much bigger your babies are getting!! I swear i was just a couple of days ago I was reading your blog and seeing them when they were just born!

    (I know what you mean about our babies having such a different look from full term babies. Funny thing is, I never realized mine even looked preemie until now, when I look back at pictures. I guess that is a mother's loving eye!) :)

  18. Those were some of the sweetest sounds I've ever heard! They absolutely melt my heart!! I've got to get up there and hold them!!!

  19. Seriously, baby sweetness is so precious. I loved every second of those videos... thanks for sharing with us strangers who have come to love your family!

  20. Savannah's laugh is so precious!

  21. Hi Suzanne-

    You don't know me at all, but I've been reading your blog since way before the babies were born. It's been so long now I can't even remember who's blog had a link to your's! Anyways, I am the director of a childcare center in Waco, and recently thought of you when it came to one of our tables. We have one of those toddler tables with little bucket seats in it for feeding and playing. It has 4 seats and is about 14" off the ground. I know the Murray crew has one too. Anyways, our's is virtually brand new (less than 18 months old) and we are looking to sell it for way cheaper than you could buy one in a store. If you are interested, I'd love for you to email me and we can negotiate about it. My work email is LSBCC1 at hotmail dot com

    Thanks so much for sharing all of the fun pics and videos of your beautiful children! It makes my day to see a new post!


  22. Suzanne,
    You should definitely check into that table that EMILY has written you about. I have a friend from McMoms who used one for her triplets and raved about it. It would be bulky for awhile - but you could use it for quite awhile, and then sell it in the McMoms garage sale. Let me know if myself or someone else can tell you more about garage sale. You aren't ready now for selling, but you will be!

    The videos are precious!

  23. So cute!! I love hearing babies laugh!! I am not sure who enjoys the jumperoos more, Joe or the babies!!LOL!!

