In the meantime...pleeeease help me find a new name for the blog! It has gone through, "life through my eyes" to "life through our eyes" to "the life of suz".... It is time for a new title! FUN and CREATIVE!

Here is the awesome new header! (yes,Ben is the naked baby dancing with a rattle) I just thought it would be fun for one of my blogger buddies to name my blog page for me! Leave me your most creative & original titles and I will pick from your suggestions! Maybe I'll pick my top three favorites and YOU can decide! Can't wait! ;)
1 – 200 of 231 Newer› Newest»yay! i love that header! i am impressed!! i think i may get to see you on saturday!?! i will be all stinky from my class, but i would love to see you anyway!!
I still like the original! so I vote for that :) ~Nancy in Alabama
And then there were 6...
"Blessings are what we have...
Ben, Drew, Ethan and Sav...."
Life on Steece Street!
You never know what will happen next.....
(I've been following your blog since the quads were born. It is so fun to see them grow and how God is blessing your lives!)
"four times the fun"
"Counting our blessings"
"Counting our blessings:
"Raising 4 the Steece day at a time"
"cruising fourward through life"
OK I have been reading your wonderful blog religiously since last spring when you were so generously sharing your road to quad parenthood with all of us fans. Although I haven't commented online, believe me you are a topic of conversation almost daily between my daughter & me (as well as tons of our friends we have introduced to you!). But I just couldn't resist jumping in now that you've added a little competition. I love your style. You never fail to bring a smile to my face. I vote YES on the darling new blog header and I would call it:
Steece Style....With Love & Laughter
Because we never know what we'll find when we click on "Suz" ......but it will be fresh, new and fun.
Thanks, congratulations and keep it coming...we love it.
Quad with the Steece Family
The Steece Blog...4 Guys, 2 Gals and a Dog!
Gosh I'll have to think about this one! I love the new header idea! Your sweet babies are going to be so grateful that their amazing mommy took time to do all of this for them. Your patience and grace is uncanny!
The Queen (and King?) of SEBA
That's my vote.
Or maybe ...
Four score and a lifetime to go?
All the ones that come to my head are even cornier ...
Steece Land, USA
How about "Steece Circus!"
I love your blog!
I'm not very creative myself, so I will vote for 2 already mentioned:
Quad Squad
Four Times the Fun
OHhhh FUN! I am excited to think of a name....I'm sure I will post more but here's my first list...
1.A little piece of Steece
2.4 blessings( and Shilo)
3.Joe,Suz and the fantastic 4
4.Live,Laugh,Love with the Steece's
5.Our 3 sons + Miss Priss= BLISS
Wow, I absolutely love the new header! I can't wait until you reveal who made this for you because I create headers/layouts myself and I love meeting others who love to do the same. As of right now, I can't think of anything very original but I'll keep thinking and will post back if I come up with anything.
OOOOO, I just thought of another one. You know how people are always mentioning how GREAT you look..(yes, I am one of them!:) How about:
"Here's a story..of a lovely lady..
Love the new header...I'm not creative either so I vote for
5.Our 3 sons + Miss Priss= BLISS
when I read that I lol. Have fun deciding. I really enjoy reading your blog. We have something in common. I also have an Andrew and Ethan.
quads r us
How about "Joe and Suz's BASE". (Benjamin, Andrew, Savannah & Ethan) Or "God's Quads--Life With The Steece's" I'm not good at this, but maybe someone will think of something clever and catchy!
Barb in ID
forty fingers
forty toes
1. The Steece Fleet
2. Quads in the City
3. Steece Inc.
steece quads - a series of surprises!
fantastic four
In light of your suburban post - how about:
1. Locked in at 6! (Course that wouldn't work if you had more kids...... :-)~ Hee hee)
Someone else is using Quad Squad
2. A day in the life of the Steece's 4 Ring Circus!
3. Building Memories - quads at a time
4. Joe and Me, Ben, Sav, Drew and E!
5. Shiloh and humans
My creative juices just ran out......
The Blessed Quads
Steece Island
Life in the Quad Lane
Living 4 the Lord
Four is More to Love.
And Jennisa is doing my blog too! I'm so excited! :)
How about FOURtunate?
Can I add to someone else's?
Building Memories, 4 babies at a time
4 score and just a few months ago...
Blessings Fourfold
How about -
Final Score:
boys 4
girls 2
how about
"4 the LOVE!!!"
i say that all the time when i'm excited or being dramatic... all which applies to your blog.
long time lurker... found you through the harris quads in TN- i'm their pediatric nurse practitioner...
good luck! can't wait to vote!
The Steece's 4 pieces....
Living in Quadrupletville...
How about:
Life with the Awesome Foursome!!
Hi Suz,
I am Janet's daughter (she commented a few dozen people ago:) She had to call me to warn me she commented on this post b/c she knew I would make fun of her for being so cheesy. We LOVE your blog and are serious blog followers on lots of different blogs, but your is by far our fav! We are in Menlo Park, California. I have a 5 month old, MaryFrances or "Francie" who was born in September so I loved following you and your cuties when I was pregnant too, I called my mom up from the pool on summer vacation when you had the babies! I have a blog too at :) I think Jannie (my mom's) "Steece Style w Love and Laughter" is pretty good :) love the new look.
I have been checking in on your adventures for a while now and I have to smile every time I see a picture of one of your sweet children. They are all so precious and uniqe. What a blessing!!!! So I thought a title could be "FOURever blessed!" or something along that idea. If i think up a beetter way of using FOURever I will suggest another title :)
i love STEECE STREET.....
cheers leonie
Hi, how about:
-go 4th and multiply...
-multiple-city (multiplicity)
This may be to long, but I've always loved this phrase: The difficult we can do right away, the impossible takes a little longer...
-4 the life of me/us
or just:
-Is this 4 real?
-4 ever yours
-4 the world to see
-Go 4 it!
-We were waiting 4 you...
-Are these 4 me?
mom of 3
How about -
Suz & the gang
or Suz'n'Joe - Life with quads
I have been reading your blog since you were about 12 weeks with the quads. I don't comment muc but I can't resist adding my 2 cents here. How about:
Quadtastic! Steece Style
I really liked
4 guys 2 girls and a dog
...might be a bit long for blogspot url though.
I'm a fan of
and then there were 6
I'm a fan of
and then there were 6
The Steece Family:
Quadrupole the love,
Quadrupole the kisses,
Quadrupole the fun!
I am not very creative... but I LOVE the new look!!
I was going to say 4 blessings and a Pup or Shiloh but someone above had already suggested that so I am going to say... I really like that one! XOXO
The Steece Piece
Hi! Love your blog...I have twins and one of mine wore the cranial band about the same time yours did....she got it on one week b4 yours and off one week after yours. LOVE her little round head and can't wait to see the pics of your 4. :)
chaos & love
How about: Welcome to Steeceville! Or maybe: Life as a Steece, full of love and peace!
I live in Houston and I read your blog all the time when my baby is napping. Thanks for all the encouragement and fun stories!
I like Mom of 3's suggestion..
Are these 4 me? and
Is this 4 real?
"The Quad Shop"
At the corner of 4th and Steece St.
"Specializing in priceless gifts from God"
The love the previous suggestion of "4 the love"!
The creative juices aren't flowing for me this morning, but I really liked...
Steece's Pieces
And then there were six
Shiloh & humans
Can't wait to see the final verdict!
I'm a fan of Steece Street!
And is there any tips or anyone that can do headers for other bloggers, like me??? I LOVE the new header!
Love it!
I love the "Quad Squad".
Hope your week is better!
Suz & Joe W/ 4 to grow! =)
My favorites:
Joe and Suz's BASE". (Benjamin, Andrew, Savannah & Ethan)
4 the Love
Those two are great!
How about the Real Fantastic 4. I have been following your blog since about June or July of last year. I just love seeing all the pics of the babies and i do hope that they make the calendar next year with the bands on. Too cute!
Going with "BASE" ... how about ...
Steece Grand Slam ... four years, four babies and the bases are loaded.
Although, I love Steece's Pieces. That one cracks me up.
okay how about "All Mine" or "All Ours" it's kind of short and sweet. i'm not very good at this but you are definitely getting some good suggestions.
hey suz, i've been reading your blog for a little while now and i love it! i think you need to go with a name that fits your fantastic sense of humor. i mean, gotta have one when raising 4 babies at once!
How about something like: "I love my, really I do"
"Steece Family- Living though laughter"
"Quad Squad = 4 of EVERYTHING!"
4 of a kind or 2 pairs, it's still a full house for us.......
Love, Laughter, and Lots of diapers!
Suz & Joe with 4 to grow. Too cute!!
Sunny Side Up, With Four Good "Aggies"!
Aggies instead of eggs!
You guys are brillant, I'm sure you get my drift!
Oops, I meant BRILLIANT!
Love your blog! You have gotten some great suggestions so far. I am not the most creative out there but here are few I thought of. :)
How about...
"Spending time with The Steeces"
"The Steece's stuff"
"Super Steeces!"'ve got some great choices here!! Tough creativity only goes as far as hair bows!! Sorry :-(
I think FOURever blessed is fabulous. But I also like Our 3 sons + Miss Priss= BLISS. Good luck deciding!
nurse ashlie
how about...
We met, we married and 4ward on we go....down STEECE STREET.
My vote goes for
-Fourever Blessed
-Steece's Pieces
-Our 3 sons + Miss Priss =Bliss
I'm sure you will come up w/ something great!
Hi again,
How about:
-works 4 us
-worked 4 us?
-stay 4 a while
-look no 4ther
-shiloh's siblings
-set 4 life...
-instant family, just add water
-try this on 4 size
-honey, I xeroxed our kid
-yes, they're all ours
-four aces
-grand central station
-overachievers anonymous
-the best kind of crazy
-i just work here...
Can you tell I'm on maternety leave with a singleton? :)
Mother of 3
How about:
Shiloh+4-to-grow=the Steeces
(I don't know about blog rules...can you use symbols?)
babes, bottles + burps
love X 4
3 knights + a princess
kisses, barks + blessings
Love the blog! I've been reading for awhile now...
Steece 4 Told
Life 4 Told
Blessings 4 Told
4 Told
Heart Fullll, Life Blessssed
I love
Life in the Quad Lane
Go 4th and multiply
Overachievers anonymous
The best kind of crazy
Here are mine:
-Prayed for one, Blessed with four
-Miracle on Steece Street
-Un4gettable Fun
-Worth the stretch marks (hee hee)
-Quads and a dog
-Sav, Ben, E, and Drew, bet I get less sleep than you!
-Making the world a better place, four babies at a time.
-Couldn't ask for more...seriously!
Okay hope you like at least one. I am enjoying the blog!
Ok, just one more
-you asked 4 it...
and there's
-always room 4 more
and your kids are definately
-4 keeps
I'll stop now :)
Mom of 3
I gotta say, the eyes on the cartoon babies are a bit freaky looking....maybe a teensy bit smaller? They're scaring me.
Not very creative myself - but all the quad blogs say that everyone says to them out in public "oh your hands sure are full" so maybe something with that... like
My Hands ARE 4x full.. of love
Hands/Hearts/House FULL of love
Hands Full of Love
YES..My hands ARE full!
Just found your blog and have loved reading about your journey to becoming instant parents of 4! Your babies are beautiful!
How about...
1,2,3,4...could we love them anymore?
...and they came 2 by 2
Shiloh's army
Here we come!
Here comes the fun! (like the 'here comes the sun' song)
How'd we get so lucky?
Thanks for letting us play!
Ok my thoughts on names and yes some are probably silly.
1) The Poop: On Steece Street
2) Joe, Suz, and Shiloh plus Four
3) Joy Times Four
4) Quads plus one! Meet the Steece Seven
5) The Steece Scoop
6) Barks & Babies: The Steece Squad
I can't wait to see the new name and look!
Cruising "four"ward through life is cute!
There are a lot of cute ones here. I loved your story of locking your little kiddos in the car. Nice it was at home though. That happened to me once at the mall (3 little ones inside). Thankfully my toddler was able to unbuckle and get out of his seat and open the door. The only time he ever figured it all out. He was only two! I think its was divine intervention from my desperate prayers.
The Steece Six-pack
Keeping Up With Quads
Chasing Quads
Quadruple the trouble, quadrouple the fun!
or if the above is too long: (Quadrouple the trouble, quadruple the fun)
I also like Steece Street!
4 the 1st time...
Oh, I'm lovin' "Shiloh's Army."
Maybe "FOUR real?!?!?!"
I'm sure with four kids, you've heard people ask, "Do you know what causes that?" could name it:
"We know what caused this..." or "All our fault..." JK. HAHAHA.
Oh, I'm lovin' "Shiloh's Army."
Maybe "FOUR real?!?!?!"
I'm sure with four kids, you've heard people ask, "Do you know what causes that?" could name it:
"We know what caused this..." or "All our fault..." JK. HAHAHA.
special delivery - it's 4 you!
Oh....came up with another one...
"Name Them One by One.." (from the hymn "Count Your Blessings")
Longtime reader, firstime comment-er
I loved the forty fingers/forty toes one :) And the four of a kind/two pair/full house one
My thought
"...And baby makes seven"
My votes are:
Life 4 Told
Go 4th & Multiply
4 Keeps
Quadruple the Fun
My addition:
4ever Ours
Angie in NC
From the 4ground
FOUReign affairs
The Steece FOURmation
Well, I hope you like them. Choices are running low afer 100 comments! I couldn't beleive how many so early! I hope it isn't too hard for you to pick. Your babies are darling, and I enjoy your blog.
Kim in TX
First, the new header is ADORABLE!
Having read many of the suggestions above, I have to say I really like the "Steece Street..." suggestion. But, here are a couple more!
Multiple Madness!
Multiple Mayhem!
I found your blog a while back and have enjoyed keeping up with the quads!! You're babies are adorable!!!!
I'm not creative but I like:
The Steece Fourmation...considering you are a fan of A & M football (I'm a jayhawk).
Miracle on Steece Street!
Can't wait to find out which ones you like.
Hey Suz! I'm Suz too & that's just one of the many reasons I love reading your blog. :) I love the new header. It's too cute.
My favorites of the list above are BASE and 40 fingers/40 toes. Good luck deciding!
(the other) Suz
"Never A Dull Moment With God's Quads"
"Never A Dull Moment-3 Aggies and A Cheerleader"
"3 Gents & Miss Priss"
"The Steece MagnifiQuads"
I'm not very creative ....what about Steece Quads-three men and a little lady.
How 'bout:
Love You Four-Ever
We Three Kings....and little Miss Priss
Lovin' Life on Steece Street
Simply Steece
To use their initials--
Bonding Everyday As Siblings
BTW--I LOVE your blog...thanks for letting us into your world!
The Steece Six: All Because Two People Fell in Love
Quads, Blogs, and Shiloh the Dog
Quadruple the Fun! :)
Double trouble
x 2 (Although this one might be better for their toddler years! =)
Or I also like the "Go 4th and multiply!"
You've got a tough decision missy! Their are lots of cute ones. Thanks for sharing your precious family with us!
-The Brantners
Our hearts are full,
Our home is full...
and their diapers are full!
3 Dudes and the Diva
All 4 Love
Girl Gone Quadchild
And Babies Make 6 ( or 7 counting Shiloh)
I do have a question. I want a header for my babies blog, but I don't know how to get one. Could you provide me with that information.
What about "QUADacious"?
Seems fitting since audacious can be defined as:
1 intrepidly daring : adventurous
2: marked by originality and verve
Hi, I read your blog.. its so cute and the babies are adorable! I dont know how you do it!
I have come up with a couple of ideas.. some are silly
Project Quads
Project Steece
Steeceme Street
Be Fruitful and Multiply
If I can come up with more, i will! :)
oh i have another,
Duck, Duck, Duck, Goose
Suz and the crew
I haven't read the other suggestions - but:
"Four better or Worse"
Love FOURever
Shiloh's 4 paws
4 Ever Blessed
Quadruple The Blessings
Steece Street
Our Crazy Busy Life
something about a sunshine because you know mom has always called you sunshine:)
ok, so i know that won't work but if i think of something fabulous i'll letcha know!
Blessed 4 Sure
Steece BASE
8 Little Feet on Steece Street
Perfect Pair, Quad Pod, sweet dog
(joe + suz) (Babies) (shiloh)
Well, I am not creative either - but you sure have a lot of blogger buddies who are wonderfully creative!
I vote for:
The Poop on Steece Street
Simply Steece
Although - playing on the quad thing just seems necessary!
Good luck with a tough decision!
The only thing that I could come up with is: "The Story of Four Little Steeces". I almost posted "Quadruple The Blessings" but I realized that somebody above me already posted it.
The Life and Times of the Steece Quads
Quad Quips
Quadtumbling hahahah J/K
4 times blessed
3 boys and a chick the Steece Quads
I vote for:
And then there were 6
And baby makes 6
4ever blessed
Steeces Pieces
The real fantastic 4
4 real
3 dudes and a diva
"Runnin' After All Eight Feet on Steece Street"
"Sixty Fingers, Sixty Toes, Four Paws, and A lot of Love"
O M GOSH125 comments! I have no idea if it has been suggested (and I ain't readin'125 comments to find out!) but I like something simple like...
The Quad Mom
The Steece life
with a subtitle like
" the life and times of the Steece family"
I think I may who it is and if I am right I am related to her. Looks like her work.
Life with 4 Little Aggies
Going crazy with Quads
40 Fingers, 40 Toes...How we do it, nobody knows!
I like this one alot.
Our 3 sons + Miss Priss= BLISS
It is just too cute.
I have not thought of one myself though.
Can't wait to see the new look and more pictures!
The Steece Quads from Deep in the heart of Texas....of course, I don't know anything about Texas, so I don't know if you really are deep in the heart of Texas or not...just a thought!! :-)
These are the days of our lives...
All my children :-) (I'm really not in to soap operas)
I have been following your blog for awhile...I'm a friend of Rachelle's (wilkinson quintuplets)--I go twice a week and help her out while my kids are at school. I love reading about your beautiful family!
I like:
unFOURgettable...Our 3 sons + Miss Priss= BLISS
FOURever blessed
THere's lots of good ones!
Keep up the good work.
well i like
Final score
but you can't forget about shiloh. lots of cute ones people have come up with. i can't wait to find out your secret creative person. i need a creative one for ours...
good luck
Just a quick vote from a Harris nurse...
'Two was great.
Six was fate.'
I love Steece Grand Slam ... four years, four babies and the bases are loaded.
How about:
Steece Love and Happiness
(like peace, love, and happiness)
Born Together..Friends Forever-Steece Quads!!!
Born Together..Friends Forever-Steece Quads!!!
Born Together..Friends Forever-Steece Quads!!!
Four Star Hotel
Have fun deciding!
I haven't read all of the above, so forgive me for any repeats...
"Four" Crying Out Loud!
Hangin' on "Four" Dear Life
All "Four" Love
"Four" Real!?
Can't wait to hear the results! Love your blog!
Holy cow, these people are creative! I'm just lookin' forward to new entries, and now we get a new look. YOU GO GIRL!
Since it would be difficult to narrow all of these great names down to only 3, I thought I'd post the winner....Quad Mama Drama.
No charge for this.
Love, Chris Goerlich
Wow! The header is FABULOUS!
This is long, but...
People who say they sleep like a baby, don't have four.
Half a Dozen Steeces
Time 4 tots!
How about
Our family has grown by 8 feet
(and we couldn't be happier!)
someone said...
Steece, Love and Happiness...
that is too cute! :) good job.
4 once in my life
Couldn't ask 4 more...
I don't usually post comments. I love following your journey. Anyway here's my suggestion: "Three men and a lady"
iQuad nano :)
(isn't that cute?)
I love the one above, but i have another...
4 Boys, 2 Babes, and a Beagle.
Suz's iQuad nano
Hey Suz!
I'm a long time reader first time commenter. This is SO fun! What a good idea to play Name that Blog! I LOVE someone else's idea of "iQuad nano"!! That is short and sweet. :) I also like "8 little Feet on Steece Street" cuz it's cute too and rhyme-y, but kinda long. Have fun deciding!
iQuad nano is TOO CUTE!!! It gets my vote.
And then there were 6
4 times the babies, 4 times the fun
The Dynamic Due-o times Two-o
I'm not feelin' the creativity today, but just wanted to say HI. It's been a LONG time since I've been on your blog and finally was able to catch up. Your cuties are getting SO BIG and cuter and cuter. And you, my dear, look F.I.N.E (as always). You and Joe are doing a great job...keep it up!
I bet you didnt realize you would have HUNDREDS to chose from!!! Wow!
The header is really cute! I didnt even read through all of the entries because there are so many but I really like
"Couldnt Ask Four More" Cute!
I love love love:
4 of a kind: 2 pair: Full house
It's sooo cute!
Ok. I'm done. (:
How about the Four-one-one on Steece Street.
My Goodness.. that was a lot of comments to get to the bottom of!!! Suz, you've got some creative readers out there. Well, I'm not creative at all (unless it comes to duck tape).. just a fellow quad mommy.. so here is my vote..
#1. Steece Street
It's sweet and simple. You have such a great take on life that your blog speaks for itself.
BTW.. LOVE the new header!!! SOOO darn cute!
Seven Pairs of Brown Eyes, Shiloh, too!
So "four"tunate
Life with the Steece blessings
God bless! Your little ones are beautiful:)
The Quad Squad
I love the new header!
I'm not too creative but I was hoping you could tell me where I can find someone to make me a cute template.
The Steece Quad Squad :o)
geez luiz...there are some seriousely creative people out there!!! My vote is for:
Go 4th and Multiply OR 4 score and a lifetime ago....
How will you EVER choose?! good luck!
I vote for Life in the Quad lane. That one was cute. :) Good luck with your decision. I like the new header!
I like.........
Pump up the volume with 3 men and a little lady......
Suz...Like you'll pick mine outta all these choices, but just had to participate....
1. Let There Be STEECE on Earth
2. Just Steecin' (The Life and Laughs of the Steece Quads)
3. God BLESSED TX! (Multiple Times)
4. It Started with a KISS it Ended with THIS
That's all my rocket scientist mind can stir up at 10:30 on a Friday night. =)
Good Luck Players!
Hey Suz - McMoms used to have t-shirts that had [on the front of the shirt] a heart outlined in little hand/feet prints - and inside the heart it said "Yes My Hands Are Full"
and on the back of the shirt it said "But So Is My Heart!"
Maybe a play of words on that?
John & Suz: One Pink, Three Blues
I am a fellow blog-stalker or huge fan of you guys, which ever you prefer to call me. I enjoy reading your posts so very much. I am a teacher, and my students saw me reading your blog one day at school. They ask from time to time "how are the quads doing?" Here's my suggest for your blog ,title: "Four-Real" "Our Life, Four-Real", or "Quad A Lot of Kids" (quite a lot of kids).
My husband insisted I include his suggestion of "Two by Four" (two for you and Joe and four for the quads).
Hope you enjoy the suggestions,
Mandi from AL
stories of 7 lucky Steece's
i definitely thought "steece, love and happiness" and "2 was great. six was fate" were REALLY cute
This isn't really a fully formed suggestion, jut a vague idea, but I noticed the children's initials (Ben, Andrew, Savannah, Ethan) spell out the word "BASE" so I wondered about something including the word "base" or "basement" or something like that?
I really like quad squad or
4 guys 2 girls and a dog!
Love your blog and we pray for your family daily!
Me again! I couldn't find a way of editing my other comment or I would have done that. What about "Touching Base", as that sort of means catching up or keeping in touch, sounds quite appropriate for a blog. That's what it means here anyway, perhaps it doesn't translate!
Hi Suz and Joe
We miss you at CT Dallas! It was always a joy to see your smiling face and all of the little ones! The photos of the babies in their bands are adorable ! Surely...with a prayer and keeping our finger crossed they will make the
09'calendar! If we have anything to say about it they WILL !
Give them all a hug and a kiss from us !
I like these:
3 Boys + Miss Priss = BLISS
4 Boys, 2 Babes, and a Beagle
3 Men & a Lady
Shiloh's Army
Life is great-worth the wait
Counting our 4 Blessings
Steece's Pieces
Steece Love and Happiness
get my vote!!!
Ezekiel 34:26
there will be showers of blessing.
1 Corinthians 15:51
We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed
Pieces of Steeces:
A glimpse into the lives of...
3 Men and a Lady
Shiloh and the Humans
4 Real!?
7 Wonders of this World (cause all of you amaze me!)
We asked 4 it...
4 the Love...!
Wow, I haven't been able to catch up on blogs in a while and you've posted about three-four new ones. Yes, I locked Thomas in the car and didn't have a spare key and waited like 30min for a locksmith to get him out.
POOOR SAV! I really feel for that girl going through all of that with a UTI. Glad she is doing better:)
Your new blog will look so cute with whatever name you choose. Love ya!
3 precious boys + 1 pretty princess +2 Parents + 1 Shiloh = The Steece family
Adventures raising quads and a dog!
How about . . .
Go FOURth and Conquer
Y'all are the cutest!!!! I lvoe hte header and am just going to throw out what I have you listed as on my blog...The Aggie Quads. My hubby and I are HUGE Virginia Tech fans and think of our boys as lil' Hokies all the time. Just a thought! :-)
Our Trans4mation:
40 fingers...40 toes...
That's the life a Steece knows!
peek in to our chaos.
HOLY COW!!! You've had almost 200 suggestions!! How are you going to choose?? Just checking back in to see if you had narrowed it down at all. I don't know how you are going to do it..I still like my original one best(Our 3 sons + Miss Priss= BLISS) but thought I would add a few more..(just to make life easier on you:)
1.4 the love of God...
2.4 little branches...(from the Bible..He is the vine, we are the branches..)
3.4ever Steece's
4.4 our blessing's...
Okay, my creative juices have run out! Have fun picking only ONE!!:)
I vote "Go 4th and Multiply"
I think I cried laughing!! : P
Hi! I love reading your blog! I'm a fellow Harding Alumni ('97) in DFW, and I have twins plus one--fourteen months apart! I enjoy the stories of other busy families who "have their hands full!" It's great to be able to relate to others!
I love many of the suggestions already but wanted to add my ideas anyway!
~From Him, Four Him
~Hearts 4 God
I can't wait to see the winner! I'm glad I don't have to decide!
You are so fun! Your life adventures make my life seem so simple and boring! Thanks for sharing your journey.
Here are a few that popped in my head...
Four to Adore
Quadruply Blessed
Blessed by Four from the Lord
I still think that you need to have your little "Life through the eyes of Suz" on there somewhere!!!!
Can't wait to see the finished product.
Organized chaos
what a difference a year makes
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