Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My Sweet Baby Girlies

Savannah had a bladder infection about a month ago. Because of her young age, she needed to be tested for any structural problems. A little over a week ago, Savannah had a renal ultrasound and a VCUG. I knew something was wrong based upon the questioning and facial expressions, but the technician knew I was a RN and said, "as a nurse, you know I can't tell you..." (*That, my friends, is when it is frustrating to be a nurse...I have had to give the exact same "poker face" to patients...I can recognize it anywhere!* ARGH!) I had to wait for them to fax the results to my pediatrician, then wait for her to call me...5 or 6 hours!

Sweet sister has hydronephrosis, a possible UPJ obstruction and Vesicoureteral Reflux...or kidney reflux.

Kidney reflux is graded according to its severity:
Grade I results in urine reflux into the ureter only.
Grade II results in urine reflux into the ureter and the renal pelvis, without distention (hydronephrosis).
Grade III results in urine reflux into the ureter and the renal pelvis, causing mild hydronephrosis.
Grade IV results in moderate hydronephrosis.
Grade V results in severe hydronephrosis and twisting of the ureter.

Savannah has a Grade II in her right ureter, and a Grade IV-V in her left ureter. I have been told that she WILL have to have surgery soon. They are not sure how much damage has already been done to her kidneys. She is currently taking an antibiotic every day to prevent another bladder/kidney infection. (Which is pretty tough on her tummy) Before we meet with the specialist (on March 26th), he wanted her to have a Renal Scan with Lasix Wash Out. So he will know exactly what he is working with and how we should proceed. Any blockage or structural deformity would mean an additional surgical procedure. SOUNDS HORRIBLE! This test involves nuclear medicine flowing through her veins! Savannah will NOT be sedated. Mom, on the other hand, is going to need a sedative!

So, tomorrow morning (Thursday) at 8:30am, I'll be taking the little princess to the hospital for this test. We will be there for a good part of the day. I'm dreading it. It was VERY hard for me to watch her endure the ultrasound and VCUG. VERY HARD. (and I'd like to think that I'm a pretty tough gal) When your little baby girl is screaming and being held down and she looks at you with those big brown eyes like, "mommy...why are you doing this to me?" IT KILLS ME. Thank goodness my mom is here (Spring Break) and will be going with me!

We won't know anything until March 26th, when we meet with our specialist Dr. Pinto. Oh, and this is a fun tid bit:

"Undetermined genetic risk factors may affect the development of VUR. About 34% of patients who have the condition have siblings who are also affected. Siblings of patients with VUR are routinely tested for the condition, even when symptoms are not present."

So, we are going to have to get the boys tested as well! NEATO! I will keep you updated, but please keep us (especially little Sav) in your prayers!

As far as my first born girl child goes, she is doing well. Several of you have asked about Shiloh baby girl dog. She just ALWAYS wants to be right in the middle of things! I know it must be hard for her...but she is doing great with the babies. This is so funny, one day recently, after I had put all the babies down for a nap...I walk back into the room to find Shiloh like this...

Poor thing...just constantly surrounded by baby stuff! EVERYWHERE! ALL THE TIME!

And Big Ben, trying to ride her like a horse...pretty soon she won't WANT to be around with four little toddlers chasing her and pulling her ears! Ha!

But, have no fear...she still gets PLENTY of good luvin'! When the babies go down for the night at 7pm, she spends the rest of the night laying on my lap!

Casper the friendly GHOST and Shiloh, trying to catch some much needed sun!

post signature


The Murray Crew said...

1st of you're all in my prayers OFTEN! I'm especially praying for Thursday to go AS WELL as POSSIBLE! For strenght, mercy, and patience.

2nd, Can I JUST complain about you showin' your legs in March! It's down right illegal! Not when us Hoosiers have to deal with winter for months longer! GRRRRRR...pasty or not I'd like to whip ya about now, Steece!

Suzanne said...

i told ya a thousand need to move to TEXAS!!! ;) love you!

Julie said...

Hey, this is the Bow Lady from VA. Anyway, we lived in Texas and we used Dr. Pinto when one of my boys had an issue. Just wanted you to know that you are in WONDERFUL hands. I'll be praying. Small world. Also, just wondering if you ever got a handicap parking sticker? You do qualify you know... Lots of Prayers tomorrow!
Julie in VA

Lindsey said...

Your beautiful baby girl will be in our prayers, especially tomorrow.
Lindsey in San Diego

Cathy said...

Hi, I have been checking out your website over the past few weeks, but have never commented. I have to comment about kidney reflux, because my 11 month old daughter has Grade II reflux in her only functioning kidney (her left is completely useless.) She is also on a daily antibiotic to prevent kidney/bladder infections. She is doing great - growing well, progressing, and so far, we haven't had any major problems. The doctor said that there is an 80% chance that her reflux will subside by 2 years old, so she will have another VCUG in one year. Also, my older daughter just had a renal ultrasound because of the sibling factor. Thankfully, the ultrasound was painless and told them all they need to know - her kidneys look great! Sorry for the long comment, just wanted you to know that there is someone out there going through something similar and things are looking good for us!

Jilliebean said...

My thoughts and prayers will be with Savannah tomorrow! And we will claim that the boys do not have this!

Stay strong tomorrow!

Just the five of us said...

Stay strong, when Sean had his VCUG it was horrible. He was on the Antibiotics and seems like went through a lot of what Sav is going through. We are hoping that his issue resolves since he does not have a blockage, but he has stage III Hydrophrenosis is both Kidneys (bi lateral) and it is nerve wracking just watching and waiting. He has Hypoparathyroidism to boot, so he takes Calcium and Vitamin D everyday for that, and now we have to watch for Kidney stones. In addition to his weekly blood draws from his skinny little arms. I do not knwo about you, but I would trade with little Savannah and Sean any day! You are in my thoughts and prays.

Anonymous said...

Prayers are headed your way!! Hopefully it will go smoothly tomorrow and I will pray that it goes by fast for you!


JAMIE'S CREW said...

Savannah will be in my prayers too! You too Suz. I know it is rough watching your kids go through hard things. I can remember when Ryan (boy twin) had his bilateral inguinal hernia surgery. It was so hard handing him over to the surgical team!
I have heard good things about Dr. Pinto. =)

Tiffany Norris said...

We will definitely be praying! Bless her little heart!
On another note, that picture of Shiloh in the boppies(?) is one of the cutest things I've ever seen. Glad she's doing well, too!

Nikki said...

Poor sweet Savannah. You all are in in my thoughts and prayers. Hopefully everything will work out just fine.

And I have to agree with the Murray crew...not fair that you are wearing shorts while there is snow on the ground here in Missouri! :) I need to move to Texas...

GlitteryKitchenTable said...

Poor Savannah!! All of you are in our prayers.

The pics of Shiloh are adorable!

GlitteryKitchenTable said...

One more thing-how in the world do you always look so cute and put together! Where do you find the time? I think I am in my pj's just about every day with the twins! And as for doing my hair and makeup-HA!!
You look great!

Kristy said...

Hi! We will be praying for your sweet girl. We have used Dr. Pinto and we LOVE him!! He is so patient with parents who have a thousand questions! (Like me!)

Anonymous said...

Lots of prayers and thoughts for you and your beautiful babies!

Nahum 1:7

:) ELizabeth
-mommy of Olivia in Indiana

Aggiema (Michelle) said...

I am sorry that you and Savannah are having to go through this hard time. I pray that the test goes smoothly with little or no pain for either of you. I pray that the doctor will know exactly what to do to treat this problem and that the boys will not have the condition also. The Lord has provided for you and Joe so far and He will continue to do so. Blessings.

Kelly said...


Oh no! I hate that for all of you. We are praying all the babies will be ok and especially for Little Miss Diva.

On a funnier note, we have found our baby girl dog Molly on Ash's play gym whilst lying on a boppy pillow!!

Denise said...

Keeping good thoughts! I usually don't comment I just lurk, but just had to wish you well. I am the mom of three boys and a princess myself.They are all singletons though.

elizabeth said...

Dr. Pinto did Mary Beth's surgery last year! You will really like him.

Most of the girls I know (including ME) had to be on antibiotics for several years before having the surgery. Their kidneys need time to grow, so if the antibiotics keep the infections at bay, that buys you some time.

In any event, the surgery was really easy. I feel like Matthew had a harder time recovering from his tonsillectomy than ME did with her surgery to correct the stage 4/5 kidney reflux! Hope this eases your mind.

ME is doing great and hasn't had any infections since the surgery. Her scar (which looked HUGE after the surgery) is almost invisible.

Email if you have any questions!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Prayers headed your way for you sweet little girl, mommy, and the boys, too!

Colleen and Billy said...

Thank you for all the great info. My daughter is going for a VCUG in 3 weeks. My neice has the same thing so the dr are thinking heriditary too.
You are great Mommy! I will be thinking of you and your sweet princess!

Elyse said...

Sweet Savannah just can not catch a break! I continue to pray for the quads daily and will be thinking about you and Sav tomorrow. Just remember to relax and try (just try) to stay calm! Hope all goes well tomorrow and I also hope the boys do not have it!
You are in my thoughts and prayers~

lauren said...

Thanks for updating us on Savannah! I will keep her in my prayers. It is so hard when something is not right with your baby (or one of your babies in your case!:)), so I will keep you in my prayers, too! Love you so much!

Jenny said...

AWWW!!! Poor Savannah! I will be praying for y'all!

Unknown said...

Sending lots of prayers to Savannah, you and the boys. Can't imagine having to go through that with one, let alone 4 babies! Hopefully all the results on the boys will come back fine and Savannah will come through it with flying colors!

katherine said...

As if you didn't have enough on your plate... I'll be praying for your sweet girl and you as well.

I also have to say that the photo of Shiloh and the Boppies is too funny! My dog would totally do that if he could fit but he's over 80 pounds. As it is, he just lays on the baby's blankets and licks her stuffed animals until they are wet.

courtney said...

My 23 month-old has kidney reflux, too. She was diagnosed at 8 weeks with Grade 5 when she got her first UTI. She's been on a prophylactic since then (so almost 2 years of daily antibiotics!!). She had another VCUG at 14 months and the grade had declined, but now has it on both sides (before it was just the right side). The prophylactic seemed to have been working until last month and in the past month and a half she has had THREE UTIs....ugh! Poor thing! Anyway, we go back for another VCUG in 3 months and I really hope this has corrected itself by then.

Sorry to ramble....I'll be thinking and praying for little Savannah. I know UTIs are no fun!!

Astraea said...

Sweet Savannah is in my prayers. She is such a beautiful baby!

P.S. Got to love white legs and flip flops! I'm sporting that look today myself! :)

Erika von said...

You're in our thoughts and prayers!!!!!! My heart goes out to you and your little princess.
Prayers from Florida!

kelly said...

hi steeces - i'm one of the millions of people who don't know you, but love to read your blog :) i'm always amazed at your attitude - really inspirational!
i will definitely be praying for your sweet baby girl (savannah, that is - not your beagle, though i love beagles!). i'm so glad you guys have such good doctors.

bless you!

Joy said...

I'll be praying, praying, praying tomorrow! Praying for your sweet little girl as she endures these tests and praying for mommy and the rest of the family as you wait for the results. I'm thinking of you and your family during this time!

Hatten Family said...

Poor baby! I'm sorry to hear that Savannah has to have surgery, but hopefully it will be one surgery and all will be taken care of. I will keep her & mommy in my prayers for ease in dealing with this diagnosis! Hang in there!
- Jen Hatten

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

i will be keeping savannah (and you) in my prayers tomorrow, hoping that everything goes well and that you hear some positive news. my oldest had kidney reflux as well, but hers was not severe and they just watched and waited and she eventually grew out of it. hang in there! i will be thinking of you all!

Elizabeth said...

I will be praying for you girls tomorrow morning!! So sorry that you both have to go through this...I love that little princess and will be thinking about you guys...

Hilary said...

Oh that is so sad about Savannah!! I hate taking the kids to the doctor for the scheduled shots- I can't imagine the ultrasound and other test! Poor Mommy too!! Be strong..I'll be praying for everyone. Our dog is named Shiloh too..she's everyones pal here!!Hope all goes well! :)

Amanda's News said...

AWWWEEE Poor Sav! She will definitely be in our prayers as well as the rest of the kiddos. Thank goodness for moms! I'm glad your mom will be with you:) Happy belated Anniversary. I'm glad you and Joe take time to reconnect with one another. It sounds like you had an awesome celebration! Love you!!!

Anonymous said...

Suz, I've been lurking for a while, but I will also be praying for Sav and for you as well. I know that she will be in wonderful hands.

Meg said...

Sending lots of prayers to sweet Sav!

Jolly Johnstons said...

Poor Savannah! We'll definitely be praying for you guys tomorrow. I know it's rough watching your little one suffer and go through tests and surgery, but with a little faith and lots of prayer support, you can make it. And you'll be so happy when she's feeling so much better. I remember when Eliana had bilateral inguinal hernia repair at 5 months and it was so hard to wait for her to come out of surgery. Hang in there!

The Cains said...

Poor Sav--bless her heart. And yours and Joe's---you are all in my thoughts and prayers. Praying for the best outcome and the least pain for Sav! Do keep us posted. Y'all are amazing--God is good--he will provide you with what you need!

debi9kids said...

I am so sorry to hear about little Savannah. I will definitely add her to my prayer list on my blog and keep all of your little ones in my prayers.
Try to stay strong tomorrow. (I know, easier said than done)

MaryBeth said...

Praying for you and sweet Savannah, and that the boys will be all clear!

Jodi said...

I am DEFINITELY praying for sweet Savannah and her Mommy! Man, I would be a total wreck watching her go through that! My niece had the exact same thing... my sister sat with her through that test while she pleaded "I get up now, Mommy! I get up now, Mommy!" Yeah, heartbreaking. Her surgery was hard but went well, and she is 6 now with no issues!

I pray tomorrow goes as smoothly as possible with the best news possible.

HotMommy said...

I know exactly what you mean about the big eyes looking at you while they're screaming - my preemie princess had to go to the opthamologist many times where they use this evil little "tool" to hold their eye lids open for the doctor to see in and another "tool" to poke the eye to get it to look where they need it to.

The nurse told me I could step out, but I was determined if Punkinhead had to go through it, the least I could do was stand beside her!

But oh, how it hurts to let her hurt!

Love reading your blog and we'll add that specific need to our family prayer list.

Jody said...

I just want to lay down and cry b/c you are so cute!!! Ugh! I only have twins and I look like I fell off the garbage truck! How HOW HOW HOW do you do it??? I can't seem to get myself together before I am spit up on.
I have so many questions for you. Like: How did you get them all on the same nap schedule and does it ACTUALLY work? Do they sleep through the night (11 hours)? ETC!
I know you don't have ANY time, but if you ever get the chance can you tell all of us how you do/did it... sleep training/ nap training.
O.k... the real reason I am leaving a comment is to say that Savannah is PRECIOUS and we will be praying so hard for you guys.

Thanks for sharing your life.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I guess you could call me another one of the blog readers who never leaves a comment! My sister and I have followed your blog since before the quads were born! My sister was born with Bilateral Reflux of the Kindneys...not sure how close that is to what Savannah has been diagnosed with or not (not sure if spelled that correct or not either!) My sister had surgery when she was a little over 2 and was on antibiotics (bactrum) for years to follow...we traveled back and forth to Childrens Hospital in New Orleans LA for 9 years, numerous VCUG's and tons of test and hospital stays also...To put a nice ending to it all...when my dad was saved in 1998, she was healed...the doctors all say they dont have a medical reason for her not being sick to this day, but we know why! If you ever need any questions answered about it just let us was a pro at it years ago!

Love the blog, its part of our daily routine to see what the quads are up too!

Denise Darnell

Who's Lees? said...

Praying, praying, praying here in Phoenix!!!! I will pray for her speedy recovery and also for you and Joe! I can not imagine what it is like to hold them down and have them look at you...

You are a great mom and I am sure that Joe is a great dad! May God give you the strength YOU need to endure these tests!

Much love to those little angels! I like you woke up recently and wondered where my "tiny" twins went!


Chelsey said...

sounds rough, we will keep all the kidlets in our prayers

Matt and Amberly Collins said...

We are definitely praying for you in Mississippi...not only for baby Sav but for you and Joe as well.

With Blogger Love...

Hilary said...

I'm so sorry to hear about the problems Savannah is having. I will be praying especially hard tomorrow morning that her test goes well and is not painful for her. Even when faced with overwhelming situations like this, you seem to be calm and handle it so well. I'm completely confident that God picked the perfect people to parent Savannah, Ben, Andrew, and Ethan.

Melanie said...

Will be thinking and praying for you all tomorrow!!!!

My name is Tammie said...

Poor Sav!!! Little honey. I will keep her in my prayers. Little love. I feel so badly for her! Huge hugs to you, this can't be easy.

The Drama Mama said...

I am praying for your sweet baby girl RIGHT now! And also for you...I know from experience how hard it is to stand by and watch your little baby go through with something like that! Lots of prayers headed your way (ALL day)!!!!

Karen said...

I have been checking to see how her test went. Sorry she has to go through this. I know several people whose children have/had this. My step sisters oldest and a neighbor. Seems there is one more, and I can't think of who. Luckily she won't recall this. I know my niece was 10 when she had her surgery. I hope the day goes smooth for you.

The Beasley's said...

I hate to hear about sweet Savannah! Seriously, though, could she get any cuter? This question might have already been answered in a previous blog or by comments of other people but what even made you suspect something was wrong with her? She seems as happy as can be. I remember when you said she had the high fever, but I guess I'm missing something?!! You'll be in my thoughts and prayers, as always. God is definitely working through you (and Joe!)--I just look at you two in awe!

The Beasley's said...

OH, and Shiloh! I forgot to write about her. A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E! I'm an extreme dog fanatic, and she just warms my heart :-)

Anonymous said...

Praying for you all!!

Chad said...

Prayers will be lifted by our family in Alabama for little Savannah.

Leah said...

Bless your heart and Savannah's too. I will say a special prayer for you gals today. I hope everything goes ok.

Kate said...

First off, I agree with Jen Murray...we just got 20 inches of snow in the "Buckeye State" you SHOULD NOT be complaining about GETTING to show off your legs...white or not! You wanna see WHITE, check out us midwestern girls.

Secondly...poor baby girl! I am praying that God would HEAL her completely, and by the time she has to actually have the surgery, they will find nothing wrong! But IF THAT'S NOT THE CASE, I pray for the doctors, nurses, staff, etc. that everything will go perfectly smoothly, Sav will be completely taken care of, and mom & dad will have peace throughout the process. I am also praying the boys will be unaffected.

If you'd like some encouragement, you can check out my latest blog entry...its about PHYSICAL HEALING from the Lord! My friend just had a heart attack on Christmas Eve, went 30 min without oxygen, was pronounced brain-dead, and through LOTS of prayer...GOD HEALED HIM! He's a GOOD God. Check it out if you want.

Anonymous said...

praying for savannah!

moriah from PA

Nicki W. said...

holy moly, suz! bless you for having to watch your punkin get all those tests. i know it is always so so so hard on the mommy when they are looking up at us asking "why?!" you are a tough cookie, girl! i am sure your sav is just like her momma. keep us all posted!!

Susan said...

Hope the renal scan goes well...I have had that (as an adult-for horse shoe kidneys) and it takes forever...we are praying that you gals come home and have a great afternoon.

God, watch over Suz and Sav today. Please give Suz and Joe strength at this time. You have a plan for Savannah - you have given her hope and a beautiful future. Bless Suzanne and give her great strength. God we praise you for the overflowing love and support you have given them at this time, and we praise you for the wonderful work you are doing through this family! Amen!

Leslie P. said...

I love the look on Big Ben's face where he is sitting on Shiloh! So cute! Looks like he is up tp something! Hope Savannah gets well very soon!

G24 said...

YOu sweet little girl and boys are in my prayers. My little one has other urological problems but we have been through the same(yucky) tests and were on antibiotics for what seemed like FOREVER.
I will also say some prayers for the doctors, so they can figure things out and fix them quickly:)

damien said...

the kids are getting so big sorry to hear about the princess my prays are with her . have a greatr weekend guys.

damien said...

the kids are getting so big sorry to hear about the princess my prays are with her . have a greatr weekend guys.

Anonymous said...

Hi Suzanne, I've been a follower of your blog from Woodland West... in fact I trained to come volunteer but the scheduling never worked out! Anyway, I couldn't read quick enough to get to the point in your post that said you were going to Dr Pinto!


As bad as the test are, be glad it's while the kids are so little and will not remember them! My daughter was already in school before things started with her (very unusual)! We delt with the same things. The surgery was the easy part! Anyway, I didn't see but a couple of the commments referring to Dr Pinto... My daughter saw him for over 5 years... She 13 now. And prior to us, my friend had used him for surgery on her son. Very nice man!

Prayers are with you all.

Unknown said...

I had to go through MRIs and GI tests with one of my daughters. Not fun. Hoping all goes well tomorrow!

Casey's trio said...


I will be thinking of you and Sav. Poor baby. I hope that the washout shows the best possible scenario for the surgery.

BIG HUGS girl!

The Morrow Family said...

A fellow blogger from Killeen/Ft. daughter was diagnosed with a very rare chromosomal abnormality at four months and has undergone NUMEROUS procedures. I can honestly say that I know how you feel! Every time she is poked or prodded, I wish it was me enduring her pain. Keep your head up and remember that what ever you are present for when it comes to her...she will forget and love you more than the day before!

The quads are gorgeous and your family amazing...

Cassie Morrow

Goerlich Quadruplets said...

I'm wiping the tears away right now just thinking of you having to go through this test today. Ugh, you just wish you could trade places with them somehow. I will be praying for you and Sav. Praise God that they found this and it can be treated. It will be hard but definitely something that Sav will overcome. Lots of hugs and kisses to you and your SWEET babies!! Love, Mari

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for all of you.

Mommy of five

Anonymous said...

I'm not religious but I have a certain belief in the universe and the way the cosmos works. I hope the universe wills things to work out well for Savannah. I was really sick once and watched the pain that my mother went through. I hope that you are saved from that and that Savannah's situation is the best possible that could occur. Love is all you need.

Best of luck.

Melissa Halford said...

Yall are in our prayers this morning! K, E & I will be praying for sweet Miss Sav all day. Please let us know what they say and how she did. I know being at the Dr. is hard especially when it is all day and you have to leave the other baby(ies) at home. Hang in there!

SG said...

Hey there!
I had reflux surgery at age 2 and then on the other side at age 12. I was good to go after that and had none of the problems they thought I might, even through 3 healthy full term pregnancies. As a person who went through all the testing and surgery it at age 2, I remember nothing. My Mom on the other hand had it much worse having to watch me go through it. Just keep telling yourself it is for her greater good and she won't remember a thing! Taking a mommy sedative might help too. :) Praying for all of you!

Melissa Dovel said...

I always feel silly leaving you a comment cause you get so gosh darn many;) Just now catchin up on the last few posts. I will pray for all the kids as you walk through this not so fun part of being a momma. I also want to say about your last post (& im prob 10 yrs older than U so its wisdom:) U have got to make time to be together with your husband. Sometims its hard with kids at the end of the day to even be nice to one another. Never feel like your taking away from your babies by spending time with your husband. We all need it and PTL you can do it. ok thats all I know your a super mom and you already know all this stuff just wanted to say it:)

Blessings & Prayer

Lindsey Eason said...

Girl, I'm so sorry to hear she's going to have to go through all those procedures. I will be praying that the doctors and surgeons will be able to repair whatever damage was done and fix this quickly - will also pray that none of your boys have the same problems!!!

Lindsey said...

I am hoping that you are having a good day at home with your 4 beautiful children. I have been following your blog for a long while now. I am wanting to email you a "Texas" question. Can you email me your email address(if you don't mind).
Thank you ~ Thank you... I know you are a very busy woman.
Lindsey in San Diego

Celeste said...

I will be praying for Savannah plus you and Joe. I would be a nervous wreck in need of some strong sedation if I had to watch my baby go through all of this. You are a strong mom. Celeste

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog for quite sometime and really enjoy it!

I just wanted to encourage you a little bit:

My niece was born with some pretty significant kidney issues....I'm not very good with medical terms, but it sounds similar to what you guys are dealing with. In her first 9 months of life she had 9 hospital admits for kidney infections and then when she was 9 months old she underwent surgery. It was a 5 hour procedure and according to the doctor, technically a very difficult surgery, BUT my niece did awesome. We were totally amazed at how well she did and I think the surgery was rougher on us than it was on her. She bounced back quickly and has done very well. I will be praying that you will be filled with peace and that none of your other precious ones will have to deal with this.

Amy S.
Grand Rapids, MI

Mom Guide said...

Longtime reader, first time commentor (is that even a word?).

Just wanted let you know you guys are in our prayers.

Deana said...

Hi there. I know that this is silly to comment now, I am your 83 comment. You are a busy lady!
I am from Middle TN and have been following your blog since you were prego with the quads- we were actually prego at the same time. My baby is now 8 months and my oldest is 3. This post of yours touched me a lot b/c of my 3 year old. I am a nurse as well and what knowledge we have is dangerous. When I was 18 weeks prego with Dayne I had my 1st US, they told me a week later that I had to have a repeat US in a few weeks. By 24 weeks they told me that Dayne had bilateral hydronephous of his kidneys. The left was more severe than the right. I had US's every 3-4 weeks throughout my pregnancy to measure growth, size, any changes, and if we were going to have to delivery early d/t possible damage to his Left Kidney. At birth he had a renal US, then when he was 6 days old we met our wonderful Urologist and had our first VCUG. Since then we go every 3 months for f/u apts and US's. Dayne has had 3 Lasix Renograms. Dayne was on a prophylatic antibiotic for the first year of his life. For you and Joe the test will hurt you, she will probably sleep through the renogram if you can get her comfortable. For us we couldn't hold Dayne, I just laid my head on his chest and rubbed his face. It is harder now that he is older. Vanderbilt Children's hospital is a wonderful place and the Nuc Med dept is awesome. We have been going through this for the last 3 years, but so far and thanks to so many prayers to GOD that Dayne has never needed surgery on his Left kidney. They just keep describing his kidney as a very slow drain, it eventually empties just takes it a long time. We are up for another Renogram this year and I just dread it. I will be thinking about your daughter. You and your entire family have been through so much and God is holding your hands. Best of luck to you and to your little girl.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know you are in my prayers. I know what it's like holding down your baby girl while she endures the renal sonogram and VCUG. YES, VERY HARD! I had to endure those big brown eyes looking back at me, my heart breaking every second. Nothing in the world hurts more than watching your children in pain. It's funny how we don't realize this when our own parents hurt for us, but the moment we become parents, we know what they've gone thru. I hope all turns out well for you guys.

Anonymous said...

I was so sorry to hear about sweet Savannah's reflux the other day at church. McKenzie is on daily antibiotics for a year for her grade two and then we see how its progressed from there (better or the same). Dr. Pinto is great; You'll like him. He was great with McKenzie. I was wondering about the boys because I knew if one has it all your other children need to be tested and have a 30% chance of having it and Savannah's kids will have a 70% chance of having it. You guys will be in our prayers. Just remember, she growing beautifully and all these things can be fixed.

Anonymous said...

I was so sorry to hear about sweet Savannah's reflux the other day at church. McKenzie is on daily antibiotics for a year for her grade two and then we see how its progressed from there (better or the same). Dr. Pinto is great; You'll like him. He was great with McKenzie. I was wondering about the boys because I knew if one has it all your other children need to be tested and have a 30% chance of having it and Savannah's kids will have a 70% chance of having it. You guys will be in our prayers. Just remember, she growing beautifully and all these things can be fixed.

Traci said...

We'll be keeping sweet Sav and all of you in our prayers (as we already do...just even more now).
You are so completely blessed to have Dr Pinto for your specialist. Dr Pinto was my daughter's specialist until she "aged out" (turned 18). He saw her through her 5 surgeries and took fantastic care of her. UANT is the largest urology group in the US and allows each dr there to specialize. That means little Sav is in the best possible earthly hands (as God's hands hold her daily).

Maggie Jean said...

I just stumbled upon your blog and i had to tell you my story. i was born with a upj obsruction in my right kidney. I was a very stoic child and teen and young adult and ignored the pain for years. I have had dozens of urinary tract infections. i finally had a stone (caused by the hydronephrosis) that caused me enough pain to go to the dr who admitted me immediatly. Let me say that the sooner you can find out and get treatment the better. Less damage to her kidneys and as an adult it is much harder to find an experienced physician. i was actually referred to a pediatric urologist initially. I wound up with some additional problems probably because of how long i waited to see someone. but now 4 surgerys and a nephrostomy (now removed!) later i am well and have been for almost a year. The lasix scans are not very fun.. i guess you know that now that you guys went through it this am. please know that you are in my prayers. i can't imagine going through this with a little baby. BTW i was at harding in 98 and 99.

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