Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Texas Travelin

Whew! Gettin slower at this blogging thing, eh? The Steece household has been crazy busy getting ready for our first out of town trip! That's right folks, RSV season is coming to an end and the highly anticipated "Steece Family Tour of Texas" is about to take off in full force, starting this weekend.

Starting late Thursday night we are leaving Forth Worth & heading to Austin after the quads last feeding to stay at Joe's parents house (3 hour drive). Friday, heading further south to my grandparents house in Uvalde so they can get some good luvin' in on their great grandquads (another 3 hour drive from Austin). Saturday making an appearance at my Aunt Judy's retirement party in Brackettville (30 more minutes south), and back to Uvalde that night. Sunday morning we are going to church with my grandparents and then back home! (a roughly 6 hour trip...YIKES!) Needless to say, LOTS to do! I have about 10 different lists of items that we need to bring and things we need to do!

First things first, ALL THREE BOYS ARE GOING IN TOMORROW TO HAVE RENAL SONOGRAMS AND VCUG testing. ICK! NOT looking forward to it! The first boy goes in at 8:30am and the last boy finishes up at NOON! (if everything goes perfectly!) No, I'm not going alone--there will be an adult per baby...so that will help a TON! However, still going to be an emotionally & physically draining day! Please pray for the little guys and that their tests are normal...much appreciated!

And, no one likes an update without pictures or video, so here ya go:
Here is some cute video of Savannah laughing her hearty little belly laugh. Drew loves to be upside down with his head back and he's laughing as I use his head to tickle Sav's belly.

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Rachel Inbar said...

Adorable :-) Enjoy the trip! I hope the testing (and especially the results) go well!

Christi said...

I Love it! your kids always bring a smile to my face... Enjoy the Steece Family Tour of Texas!


Elyse said...

Sav and Drew are so cute! What a riot! Will be praying for the boys as the have their stuff tomorrow. Hopefully everything will turn out ok. On another note-have fun with the road trip this weekend! Yay that RSV season is coming to an end!

Page said...

Such a sweet video!! Have a great trip...can't wait to hear about it!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the video!! They are so precious!!! Praying for safety this weekend as you travel...

Lela Kay said...

I know planning for a trip for even one infant is difficult, so our prayers are in full force as you head out into the great state of Texas (I guess it's great. . . I have never been there!) ha! Safe travels!

Staci said...

Good luck with the testing tomorrow!! Are you being seen at a Children's Hospital? I am a Child Life Specialist at Dell Children's (Austin) and prep kids for VCUGs and provide support during the procedure- your boys are a little on the young side for a "prep", but have you talked to a CLS where you are going? You could get some great distraction techniques and maybe you could get one to be present for the tests? Good luck!!!!

Akinoluna - a female Marine said...

You are brave! Traveling with four babies!

Stephanie said...

Too cute!! Prayers being said for a safe and great trip.

Gen McNulty said...

Your gonna do great!!! I'm here if the trip starts to make you nutso! Just a text away... he he he!

Saying BIG HUGE prayers for you and the boys... that's going to be a looonnnnggg day. Wish I could help. Wanna move to Cali????

Love you guys!
Gen :)

Miriam said...

My goodness you are brave! We've taken a few out-of-town trips with our twins and I felt like I packed the whole house. Hope the sonograms are uneventful (i.e. normal) - and good luck with that trip. I bet you'll have plenty to blog about after that!

lauren said...

That video was so cute! James died laughing along with them. I will be thinking about y'all this weekend and will say prayers for everything to go smoothly! Can't wait to hear all about it!!

amanda said...

super cute tickle video!!

can't wait to see all the pics from the road trip!!

have fun & good luck :)

The Mom Jen said...

Have a safe trip!

Best wishes to your boys tomorrow! ((strength vibes))

The video is precious, nothing like those belly laughs putting a smile on your face!

Traci said...

What precious precious babies you have been blessed with. As a mother of a daughter who has had her share of kidney problems these last 6 years, I will definitely keep your sweet babies lifted up in prayer (and mom and dad, too!). Good luck on your upcoming journey, I'm sure it will all go smoothly. There's nothing better than spending time with our families, sharing together. Enjoy!

Amanda's News said...

Road trip:) I'm actually heading out with the boys to go see my mom (6hrs) on Thurs. I too, make list of what I need to take and it never fails that I always forget something. I hope the traveling goes well.
We will be praying for the boys and their testing. I will also pray for you too!

LOVE those precious laughs!

JAMIE'S CREW said...

Enjoy your road trip! I know that you will do a bang up job! You are so organized and practical. I can remember our first trip and toting 2 exersaucers, 2 bouncy seats, diapers, wipes, etc plus 3 kids and 2 dogs. Hilarious!

I hope the boys get really good test results tomorrow. I know there will be many prayers said tonight and tomorrow for all of you!

annalee said...

praying for your 3 boys tests tomorrow! you will be on my mind all day... may God give you strength and them comfort. and have so much fun on the big road trip!

Elizabeth said...

So excited for you about the trip!! I know that you are READY to get out of the house...Praying for you tomorrow and for the trip. Text me if you are going crazy on that long car ride!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

We'll be praying for the boys (and mommy and daddy, too).

Have a great time on your "tour de Tejas."

My 18 month old loved the video. She heard it and said "baby...see." She smiled and smiled (as did I).

The Drama Mama said...

WOW! Praying for all three boys...and of course you, too!!! I know that can be so draining (times 3...YIKES! is right!)

Sending love and prayers your way! We will also be praying for all your traveling!

Leah said...

Precious laughter!! Enjoy your trip! Hope everything goes smoothly!

Suzanne said...

First off, and most importantly, I will definitely be keeping your sweet boys in my prayers. I can't even imagine. And I'll be praying for safe travels as well! Lists are a MUST!!

I too love "small world" experiences! And to add to ours, I grew up in Arlington and my parents still live there (my husband, me and our daughter Shelby live in Colorado). My grandmother goes to North Davis!

Enjoy Uvalde! My grandparents live there and probably go to church where your grandparents do...crazy!!

Williams' bunch said...

Good luck on your trip! :-) Hope all goes well.
I hate that for the boys and you tomorrow. Bless their little hearts...I hope everything turns out okay for them.

The Running Couple said...

We just went on our first out of town trip with twins and I felt like I packed and planned and prepared for a week and took too much and still forgot a few things so Kudos to you, you are a saint with those four beautifully babies and making it look so easy.

I hope all goes well at their visit tomorrow. I know good news will make for an easier trip this weekend.


Goerlich Quadruplets said...

Wishing you safe travels, little Steece's Pieces! Be nice for mom and dad and sleep in your pack and plays quietly!! :) Here's a tip that I did - keep your list on the computer once you get it finalized and all you have to do is print it once you get ready for the next trip. We also just through all the babies' feeding supplies, diapers, etc. in a big rubbermaid tub - it's handy for once you are there to know that everything is in one spot. Let me know any tips you come up with - I'm sure you'll have plenty after this!! Have fun! -Mari & Gang

Unknown said...

Good luck with the tests tomorrow and the travels this weekend. We always travel (if possible) at night with our twins, too - driving is so much easier when they are all quiet, content and asleep! Hope everything goes well! Enjoy life beyond your home and Dr's office!

Jenny B said...

YOU CAN DO IT!!! :) we did it at christmas time with the quads. and they did great. we drove through the night and it was great...although we were very tired the next day. we will be traveling to AL soon since Brian's lil sis is about to have a baby girl anyday...so we'll be practicing our traveling skills again. I pray it all goes amazingly for you. Also praying for you sweeties tests tomorrow!

Charla (SHar-la) said...

Okay, it just doesn't seem right that you guys will be in Uvalde at the exact same time we are and we won't see each other. SO...if you get this, send me your email address and I'll send you my cell number and my parents' phone number (I know you've sent it to me before, but I can't find it). Even if we just meet you somewhere you are going to be, that would work for me!

Hope it works out!


My parents' last name is Dabney, so if we don't get phone numbers you can look us up.

I know y'all might not have time, but if it works, great!!!

Tabaitha said...

I hope you guys have a fantastic trip. I will be praying that everything goes smoothly for all of you. I love the video. There is nothing sweeter than hearing babies laugh from their bellies.

The Nanny said...

I love how Savannah reaches out to grab Ben's face closer to her :-)

Jenn K said...

Have a safe trip and take lots of pictures (like I even need to tell you that). The babies are going to get some serious lovin!!

Brittany Wardlow said...

omigosh, savannah looks like the laman side of the family. am i right or am i right!? so precious. i got your text and i soooooooooo wish we could join yall but you know how it is. actually, if i didn't have a wedding that weekend i would have seriously SERIOUSLY considered "hopping on a flight!" love you!

Leslie said...

Good Luck and we will say a prayer for safe travel and strength to get you through it!!

mrsvanoven said...

Good luck with the tests! That video was TOO cute!

Casey's trio said...

Good luck with the tests today. I'll be thinking of you all:) I'm sure you will all do great on your travels and how exciting to get out of the house and visiting loved ones!


Stephanie said...

best of luck on the test and the trip! I'm sure everyone will do fine! Cant wait to see pics of the trip!

Tonya Staab said...

Have a fabulous trip :)

Max's Family said...

Oh my word, that's the cutest video! I know how much joy one child brings me, so I can't imagine that x4! You are so blessed!

Kim said...

Enjoy your trip! Now if that video doesn't make your day, I dont know what does!

debi9kids said...

That is the cutest video! My kids came running into the room when they heard the laughing and I had to replay it for them. :) So darn cute!
Have a wonderful trip & takes lots & lots of pictures!

Anonymous said...

I've been a long time stalker of the blog. :) I've never posted on a blog before, but just had to on this one. It's a small world out there. My aunt and uncle(JoAnn & Gerald Richey) attend North Davis as well as my former secretary(Sue Baker). I have quite a bit of family in Uvalde and Bracketville. In fact you will be at my cousin's(Kandace Lamascus) retirement party as well on Saturday. Come to find out she teaches on the same team as your aunt. :)I hope the boys tests went well today and that your trip is a great one.

Carey said...

Suz -

Have a blast on your Texas travels. We had a great time at lunch a week or so ago. Hope we can continue to get to know you, Joe and all the babies. FYI our blog is connorscrazydays.blogspot.com


Anonymous said...

I hope everything went well today. I hope you have a wonderful trip this weekend. Did you rent a U-Haul to take everything in? LOL!! Your family will just love having the babies visit and the babies will get a kick out of being in new environments.
I will anxiously be waiting to read your blog when you get back. I'm sure you will have some great stories and pictures.
Cathy in Frisco

SimplyAmusingDesigns.com said...

Hi from a fellow Texas mom! I miss living in Austin (I live in east Texas now) - you're in for a beautiful drive (and I've said a prayer that the kiddos sleep through most of it for you!).

Anonymous said...

Cutest video ever! Thanks for sharing it with us!

~Denise~ said...

Have a fun and wonderful adventure!

Jeana said...

Hi, Suzanne! Found you through the BlogHer ads, and it looks like you're in our neck of the woods. Hope your trip goes well--your babies are adorable!

Anonymous said...


A friend of mine turned me on to your blog a while ago and I LOVE reading about your life and your sweet little ones! I have seven week old twin girls and am curious about what method you used to train your babies to sleep through the night and how much they weighed when you started training, etc. I am interested in hearing what you learned through the process. If you get a chance, my email is heb@Keyspace.org.


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