Sunday, July 27, 2008

Another Weekend on the Road!

We are definitely trying to take advantage of getting out and about before October quarantine! SHEESH! We had a great time this weekend traveling to San Antonio for my cousin, Eric's wedding celebration to Erin! Welcome to the fam, Erin--LOVE you!!! (Always nice to have more girls around--coming from a gal who grew up with primarily boys)

The beastly, hairy bro, Collin, cousin Eric, and cousin Sean

I laughed when my sweet Aunt Joyce asked if we could get a picture of all the quads "sitting in a row"....hee hee hee "SURE! We can try!" (Savannah, Andrew, Ben, and Ethan)

My dear friend Lizzie came along for the weekend! "Mr. HAMbone" is sitting in her lap...(Ben)

Seriously--HAMS it up for photos, no lie. If he even SEES a camera- he immediately gets this HUGE grin on his face...silly Boo.

Aunt Judy luvin' on little Sav, her "Darla"

Uncle Collin, his handle-bar stache, and Ethan

Papa and Drew--with his first big boo boo on his forehead and nose (First of many, I'm sure!)

The quads had been eyeing that cake all afternoon--so we decided to let them practice for this weekend. Judy and Andrew

Auntie Ashley and Ethan

Granna, me, and Savannah

As far as party planning goes: We are having one small, family/close friends party on Saturday and one HUGE celebration on Sunday as a THANKS to all of the Diaper Darlings (church volunteers) who have been such an amazing blessing in our lives. I'm calling that party the "Diaper Darling Appreciation/Quad One Year Celebration"! Should be a blast! Gotta get to work!.....

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Williams' bunch said...

They are so cute! I know you all will have a blast on their first birthday! :-) It's hard to believe they are a year old goes by so fast.

Gen McNulty said...

Ahhh great pics Suz! My fav is the attempt at the group photo.. SOOO feel ya girlfriend! Nope, it DOES NOT get easier!!! LOL. Oh, and I adore the one of the three generations of beautiful ladies!

I missed you so much this weekend. Think you could stay put for a second? Just kidding..

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Everyone in the pictures look so nice in their dress up clothes. Even the grown ups. ;)
I cannot wait to see the birthday pictures...what a big event to celebrate. Looks like Ethan and Drew loved their samples of cake. The birthdays come quicker and quicker..babies just grow up way too fast.
Glad you had a nice time at the wedding and congrats to your cousin!!
Cathy in Frisco

The Jessie James Gang said...

Ha! I can't even get my 2 year old and 1 year old to sit still for a picture - esp since the 1 yr old just started walking and she doesn't believe in sitting on her bum anymore! You'll experience that, X 4, soon enough!

The Budget Mommy: said...

Ah yes, the start of the cuts and scrapes and bruises! Hyland's Homeopathic makes a Bumps n' Bruises stick that is fantastic. If you get the ointment on right after a fall happens then the bruise will never show up, or barely be visible. That stuff is wonderful!!

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

looks like you all had another great trip! i adore that photo of the 4 in row, well the attempt anyway. it looks like most of our pictures :) i cannot wait to see the birthday much fun!

Anonymous said...

What do you mean, "October Quarantine"??

Leslie P. said...

THe picture of your mom, you, and savannah is so great! That is fun to have three generations in the pic. I tell you what that Ben is a character. I love his big ole smile! Hope your day is super!

Suzanne said...

anon- i'm sorry i didn't explain. in october, we will be INSIDE the confines of our house until april '09, due to the threat of RSV (a very serious virus---it would be like a simple cold to an adult--but if my kids were to catch it, could be potentially life threatening--respiratory problems for the rest of their lives) normal, full term, healthy babies are usually not affected, mainly--preemies, like our quads. this will be the last year for quarantine! woo hoo

becky said...

aww...happy almost birthday quadies! i really enjoy reading your blog. your kids are so precious and you and joe are so stinkin cute yourselves!! congratulations on a wonderful first year!!

Anonymous said...

Your family is beautiful! I get worn out just traveling with my twins - I can't even imagine x4!! You are such an inspiration. Enjoy the birthday celebrations. I'm sure you will take lots of pics, but be sure you also take time to just enjoy the moment. ;)

Susan said...

So cute!!! So does that mean no Aggie Football Tailgateing in the fall? Let us know, we are planning to take our little one to an Aggie game this fall. We'll see how that goes!!!

Elyse said...

So the quads turn ONE on Friday!! The year seems like it has FLOWN by in a few days. I know it may feel longer-but WOW!!! I can not believe they will be ONE on Friday!!!


Anonymous said...

The girl quad looks just like her daddy!
And, just as an FYI, RSV DOES affect full term babies as well. Both our kids got RSV and both were full term babies. Preemies are just more susceptible than most, because of their underdeveloped lungs.

Stacey said...

Looks like everyone had a great time! I look forward to pictures and post from the one year old celebration. I bet it hard to beleive they are already a year old! ~Stacey

Suzanne said...

pookie bear- yes, that is what i said, "normal, full term, healthy babies are USUALLY not affected"...but they CAN be. i hate that your kids have both had RSV...hope they are doing well.

Laura Marchant said...

How exciting! Hard to believe they are a year already!

Anonymous said...

How is Joe's arm doing?

JAMIE'S CREW said...

Happy 1st Birthday Steece's Pieces!

Aggiema (Michelle) said...

Wow I did not know that Eric was your cousin! He is our worship leader and I just love him and Erin to death! Somehow, we got our dates mixed up and missed the reception. It's a small world!

Elizabeth said...

Had a wonderful weekend with you guys, thanks so much for taking me along!! Thanks also to the Grandma and Grandpa Steece for letting me stay with them! Let me also tell you that it's only been a day but I am already having quad withdraws! I love all of you so much, words cannot express.

Anonymous said...

Hard to believe its been 1 year! Wow! Can't wait to see the party pics.
The kiddos look so cute all dressed up for the wedding. Especially the picture of them all "lined up"..haha!

Jess NBP said...

WOW Really already a year old!! Time flies when you're having fun.

Haley said...

pookie bear--I think Ben and Savannah look just like Suz! But the twinnies look like their daddy to me.
I love your blog--you are so positive and uplifting, and reading it makes me strive to be a better mommy to my almost-1-year old daughter.

Melanie said...

A few more days;) Gosh hard to believe that they will be one. I have had the best time keeping up with you guys. you have such a beautiful family. Can't wait to see the birthday pictures;)

Anonymous said...

I started reading your blog a little over a year ago. The kids are beautiful and I just can not believe they are going to be 1 at the end of the week. You make me wish I had quads. Have fun with the parties this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Thanks ,Suzanne. They are both doing quite well now. This occured this past Winter. But, both were hospitalized for almost a week. Uggh, so glad that is now behind us. I can totally relate to you wanting to quarantine your kiddos during the RSV season. Unfortunately, we both have to work, and our kids had to be in a daycare setting. We thought a home day care with only 4 kids would be less "germy" than a huge daycare, but alas, they still got RSV. sigh. being a parent is soo hard at times! Your little ones are adorable!

Stacy said...

Yay for 1st birthdays! I am so excited for you! Have fun at your parties!

Misty said...

WOW One year old!! How does it go so fast. I have LOVED following your journey for so long now and watching them grow! They are just so precious!! Thank you for sharing their life with me/us.

I had to tell you that I was on my way to a Drs appt today and in front of me was a car with an Aggies sticker or actually several before I would have never thought twice about it, but now that I "know" you I thought about you and your family and a year ago and what all was going on and all the posts since then and how this weekend there is going to be a big bash and how fast it has all gone!

Just thought I would share :-)

Kristie Seale said...

Suzanne, your kids are adorable! I thought one was hard.... wow, you have your hands full! God is so good and he doesn't give us anything we can't handle. Obviously he knew what he was doing blessing you with quads.


Elyse said...

3 days! and counting till they are one!!!

Anonymous said...

Suz, I gave you some bloggy love!! (Check out my blog entry from today (7-29-08) to see what I am talking about.) Can't wait to see photos from the big bash this weekend!

Anonymous said...

Suz, I gave you some bloggy love!! (Check out my blog entry from today (7-29-08) to see what I am talking about.) Can't wait to see all the party photos from this weekend!

Lees said...

Hey - do you have to go back on isolation this winter because of RSV? Oh, my, GOSH! I am SOOOOO sorry - I remember last year being in isolation and it was JUST hard! No Bible Studies mid-week - LONG DAYS and sometimes even LONGER nights! I will be praying for you that you would have a blessed time even though you are stuck inside!!!!!

Jill said...

Wow, I haven't seen Sean in like 10 years, but he looks the same! WHY THE OCT. QUARANTINE???
Y'all have a fun BirthdayX4 weekend!!!

Mom Guide said...

Happy Birthday !

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