Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Happy Birthday, Bro!

My only sibling...Collin, my 4-year-older bro, is celebrating his birthday today! I also like to take time to think about my mom on this day and what she went through to have my bro AGES AGO! haha (funny how becoming a mom will put things in perspective for a gal)

I LOVE you, Collin...I pray that you are blessed beyond your wildest dreams this year!
Ashley and Collin

So...Suz has been extremely sentimental this week...going through video and pictures from a year ago--I just CANNOT BELIEVE it has been ONE YEAR since I gave birth to my little quad angels! Take a walk with me down memory lane...

This was my last belly shot, one week before I gave birth. (And sorry folks, this was my LAST belly shot EVER...I repeat, EVER!!! I promise you, it is NOTHING pretty! Just imagine this striped balloon...DEFLATED! and there you have it)

This pic was one year ago today...on my brother's bday...getting to see Shiloh for the first time while on hospital bedrest. It was the last picture that was taken of me before the little ones came out of that belly.

Video from that same day...my poor brother had to have his birthday party in my hospital room! Awwww...poor guy! (He was showing me how to use our new video camera--just in time for the birth days later! sheesh...close timing!)


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Charla (SHar-la) said...

Well, happy birthday, Collin! I did meet him once or twice when he dated Julia, but he probably would never remember that. I just had to comment because I had a dream last night, a very strange dream actually, and YOU were in it! Ha! You weren't the strange part...lol. But, I had to tell you that someone was dreaming about you last night! HA! Actually, I was having a sleepover or something and you were there, that was about the extent of your role in the dream but I still thought it was funny.

Jenny said...

You had a beautiful belly!!!!! I think you looked amazing to be so close to delivery AND with having 4 babies in there!!!! Sweet angels!

Laura Marchant said...

Your poor belly. It makes me think of Jon and Kate plus 8 when she showed her belly on national tv!!! Brave woman but hey she got a free tummy tuck out of it :-)

Katelyn said...

Suzanne, when I first read your post I thought it said you had a four year old brother! I had to read it a couple times over to make sure I had it right! I am so excited for you, Joe, Savannah, Andrew, Ben, and Ethan that their birthday is literally around the corner! I hope that this next year brings as much joy as the last, plus I cannot wait to see those cute chubby babies start walking. That's going to be quite a hilarious adventure.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your brother! I still can't get over it being a year since the cutie pies were born. Its amazing how much they have changed and grown. It would be very hard not to be sentimental and emotional over the photos and videos. Such a HUGE blessing and miracle!

The Drama Mama said...

Sweet Suz, I can only imagine what you are thinking/feeling right now! I can't believe you had those sweet babies almost one year ago...time stinking flies when your having fun, huh?! I will be thinking of you all on Friday!!! Love & Hugs!

Anonymous said...

I have twin girls that will be three on Aug.2 and I still struggle every year as their bday approaches! I go back through my pregnancy photos, NICU pics, and special pictures of them later in life. For some reason, it always saddens me... almost to the point that I wish I go back to their birth. They grow up so fast.. enjoy every moment!
By the way, you had a beautiful belly. And I must say.. you are so darn cute... you are very blessed. Thanks for sharing your life with us.

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

aww, happy birthday to your brother!

you had a beautiful baby belly! i got really sentimental leading up to the peaches' 1st bday too...it was rough. i was so excited to see how far we had come in one short year and so sad that it had gone by so quickly!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Happy Birthday, Collin!

And, seriously, you look good for having ONE, let alone FOUR!!!

And, it's it crazy how fast they grow up....while it's sad that they aren't babies anymore, it sure is fun to see what the future holds for them.

Stephanie said...

Wow...one year ago today your babies were about to be born! I have been reading since then and cant imagine how you are feeling! BE so proud of the amazing children you and Joe have raised so far!! Atleast you have this wonderful blog to look back on and remember all the fun and struggling times! I hope you have a wonderful day Friday with your 4 one year olds!!!

Andria said...

Oh Suz! (Happy Birthday Collin!)
I remember you missing your "first baby" and how you got to get some much needed lovin' from Shiloh. I loved that post....then the next posts from Joe had me praying (almost lost my lunch with the sight of your paleness against his arm)... What a trip!

Those precious babes are growing fast in this blogworld!

Ahhh, you've got so much memories for those bambinos when they're older. I'm sure you'll never forget!

Savor the moment!

QuatroMama said...

Suz, I dreamed that I had another set of quads last night.
I kept calling the NICU to check on them, and they kept telling me, "No, they were discharged quite some time ago" and I would have to say, "No, this is my 2nd set of quads." Anyway, that dream was fresh on my mind and then I see your beauty of a belly and I'm having some hallucinations about now....

Okay, back to the real world. Do I really have 4 babies? Seriously?

Suz, I hope you have a great week, taking the miracle in of these wonderful little lives. Soak it in and be the mama. Don't be too busy to miss the moments, k?

Sooooooo wish I could fly to TX and celebrate with all of you! =)
Love you so much!

Jen and The Crew

Elyse said...

Happy birthday Colin!!!

Also-I can not believe the sweet quads will be ONE in two days and two sleeps!!! Time sure does go by!

You have raised four beautiful children and they will be in for a ride of their life over the years to come. You and Joe are awesome parents and your children are so blessed.


Kelly said...

I feel like all this was yesterday, Suz!! Happy birthday to your bro!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you probably know this already, but I read that the world's largest gathering of twins (and other multiples) is on August 1!

You and the babies could make a trip to Twinsburg, Ohio (for real) and participate in the parade, talent show and other twin/multiple-based contests.

Happy Birthdays all around!

mrs boo radley said...

Lovely vessel for keeping those babies safe and warm and nourished! I think it's beautiful.

Casey's trio said...

Happy bday to your bro!

Lovin' your trip down memory lane...sometimes you just want to pinch yourself huh? CRAZY how time flies. Can't wait to hear more about the bday bashes this weekend.

Sarah said...

Collin looks ilke Joey McIntyre from NKOTB in that picture! haha

Anonymous said...

Wait until your babies are old enough to look at those belly pictures and laugh. I only had twins and my kids get the biggest laugh at my pregnancy pictures.
I remember their first birthday being bittersweet. Being happy for them but sad for me. If only we could freeze time for a little while to enjoy our babies a little longer.
I'm just so happy you and the babies have done so well. The other day I looked at your videos of when you brought each baby home. It just seems like yesterday.

Well..you have a lot to look forward to. So many milestones ahead.
Happy Birthday to your brother!! Yoohoo!!
Cathy in Frisco

Jodi said...

No one would EVER believe you had 4 babies at once by just seeing you, you gorgeous thang! :) Regardless of what that belly looks like under your clothes, you wear it well!!!

As a blog budy/stalker who has been "with" you since way before they arrived, I can't believe they'll be ONE! Amazing. What a road you all have been on, and what a blessed journey. Thanks for sharing with us all! Those sweet babies are truly a gift!!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!! I started reading reading your blog early on your pregnancy. I can't believe that your gorgeous little quads are turning ONE already!!!!!! Have fun and enjoy it! Happy Birthday to them!!!!!

Mommy of five

Collins Family said...

Suz- I understand you being sentimental. I also have been that way this week. My baby girl was born 3 days after your quads. I remember reading about you having your c-section and thinking I had 2 more weeks and I went into the hospital 2 days later and had her on the 4th. Can you believe it has been a year already where does the time go. I know you all are looking forward to a celebration weekend as we are. I can't wait to see pics of the quads first b-day!!!!

Sandi said...

Happy birthday sweet quads!

Tamora said...

OHHHHH I can't believe it has been a year! I am so thankful and full of praise that you, Joe and the quad are so healthy and happy! You are an amazing mom! You be as sentimental as you want to be. I still find myself doing that and my baby will be 11 end of Aug.
Hope to see you at Target again LOL :*)

Amy said...

Just wanted to stop by to tell you I love your blog! I have one....but would LOVE four more! (Just not all at once!) :)

Elyse said...

ONE more day till the quads are ONE!!!

Happy early birthday Savannah, Ethan, Drew, and Ben!!!


Kelly said...

Happy 1st birthday Savannah, Ethan, Andrew & Ben!!!!

And by the way, you looked great for having 4 babies in their. You rock!!

The Carlsons said...

almost a year since the kids were born? oh my, how time flies!

i love your belly pics. and i agree with the deflated balloon similarity. oh yeah :P and did you get any "it looks fake!" comments on the belly? i know i did, one from our pastor and one from a close friend. and ya know, it did look fake :)

happy (early) first birthday to your quad squad! can't wait to see how you celebrate it!

-fellow quad mom of GGGG and a 4yo boy

*Lissa* said...

Ouch, your belly looks painful!! You look AMAZING in those pictures though!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your brother!

You looked fabulous while you were pregnant! And I totally loved your trip down memory lane... :)

Anonymous said...

Your babies were blessed to have a momma that sacrificed her health (and future SI swimsuit photo ops perhaps) to give them the best chance for a great start!!! God is so good and HE does answer prayers, doesn't HE? Great job, Suzanne!! As you celebrate their birthdays and God's goodness in the coming days, enjoy the beautiful fruits of your labor---Ben, Ethan, Drew, and Savannah. Blessings to you all.

Fan from Big D

Amber S. said...

Can't believe it's tomorrow!!

I had to chuckle on your belly comment... I am so there with you! After the twins were born, people always commented on how good I looked - but I never showed the actual SKIN part of the tummy. Isn't it amazing how it can go back to the "right size" yet still be so, so distorted?! I've showed a handful of people the tummy since - my doctor kinda looked alarmed, and replied with "I guess carrying 15 pounds of baby plus all of the fluid and such does that."

Anyway, I'll be thinking about y'all tomorrow!

The McNulty Family said...

Happy Birthday Babies!

I love you all so much!! I cannot tell you how much we wish we could be there in TX with you right now.

Suz, I am dying at your belly shots.. hummm looks a bit like mine.. lol.. exactly!! Love you for that!

Oh, and my kiddos would love to sing happy bday to yours tom. It's their favorite song!! So, we will be calling!!


Cindy said...

I am lovin that big shiny belly! I think its beautiful! Although, when mine was about that big, I didn't think anything but, "OUCH!"
Happy birthday to the quads!!! How time really flies - wow. I've been following your beautiful family since i found out I was having triplets...don't even know how I found your blog but I am so glad I did!

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you'll have much time to look at the blog today but I just wanted to wish a very Happy Birthday to Ethan, Andrew, Ben and Savannah. I hope you all have a lovely day. (And a belated Happy Birthday to Collin too!)

Cassie said...


Anonymous said...

Hi guys - Happy Birthday here in New Zealand it is 1052pm on 1st of AUgust so as I head to bed think you are not long from waking up and enjoying your first birthday! Hope you have an awesome day and get spoilt rotten. Hugs to you all . Marie in NZ

The Reeves bunch said...

Happy Birthday Savannah, Ethan, Ben, and Drew! I hope that you have a wonderful day and show momma and daddy how you can walk.

Amazing Greis said...

Happy 1st Birthday to the Steece babies!! I've been keeping up with your blog, but have never commented. So fun to see your beautiful babies and how they've grown. God Bless you all and may the next 10 years be just as fun!

tleaf10 said...

Happy birthday kiddos! Been keeping up with you for a long time - it's amazing that you are already one! Congrats to Joe and Suz too for making it look easy :)

The Drama Mama said...

HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY - BEN, SAV, ETHAN & DREW!!! We hope you have a great day today...maybe you will get some cake!!

lauren said...

Happy 1st Birthday to my favorite quads in the world!! Thought about y'all first thing this morning and hope y'all have a wonderful day celebrating your little miracles! I can't wait for tomorrow!!!

Beth said...

Happy 1st birthday babies! How far they have come and how truly blessed you guys are! God Bless your next year!


Anonymous said...

Happy 1st Birthday!


Jenny said...


The Sherrill Family said...

Happy birthday to Drew, Sav, Ben, & Ethan!!! And Happy 1 year of being parents to Suz and Joe!! I've been lurking for about a year (a couple weeks after y'all had the quads), but have never commented... the one year mark definately deserves a big celebration!! And thus I'm delurking to say that you both are fabulous parents and I am so blessed to have shared your lives and those of your children. Happy Happy Birthday to all!! God Bless!

The Momma said...


Kristi said...

Tell you babies Happy First Birthday - we share August 1st as a very special day! We also share our faith in the Church of Christ. We have many similar blessings, indeed!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Ben, Ethan, Savannah, Drew!!!

The Running Couple said...


For some reason I was awake at 1 a.m. this morning and I thought it's August 1st and then I thought the Steece Quads are one today.

Hope you all have a happy weekend celebrating your beautiful children's 1st birthday.

Elyse said...

Happy first birthday Steece quads!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Ethan, Andrew, Benjamine, and Savannah. It has been fun watching you grow over the past 12 months.. XOXO

Terri said...

Happy first birthday to Savannah, Ethan, Drew, and Ben!! I can tell that it's going to be a great one!

dee said...

I have never commented before but have been reading your blog for a little while now.

Just wanted to say a very Happy Birthday to your beautiful 1 year olds!

Anonymous said...

Hi Suzanne!

I'm Breanne Leonard's cousin from Stephenville, Tx. and found you thru looking at my cousin's blog and luvin on Anna Jane!
Listen...I have something to share with you as you appear to be extremely motivated and upbeat and successful minded!
It has been a powerful force in our lives for the past 30 days and trust me, you will get a taste of it as the national television commercials go live TODAY (aug. 2nd)!!!!!
May I have an email address so that I can send you something?

I think you and your husband will find it as powerful as my husband & I have!

Just shoot me an email address to
screacy@gmail.com & I will send it!

Thanks so much and & your family as well as you & your beautiful love for life is awesome!

Schelli Creacy
Stephenville, Tx.

~Melissa Mullinax said...

Can't wait to see birthday pics!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Steece Quads!!!!

Melanie said...

HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY (yesterday) DREW, ETHAN, BEN, & SAV!!!! Hope this weekend has been filled with so much fun!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Suzanne,

I have been reading your blog for awhile, your story is amazing and your kids are beautiful! Happy 1st Birthday to all of them!! I bet the past year has just flown by!! I have a 6 week old daughter, she suprised us by coming early, at 35 weeks, but she is doing great. She does have hydronephrosis and a possible UPJ blockage that we are in the process of looking into. She has reflux on one side. Her one kidney is 2x the size of the other one. They found it at my 20 week ultrasound. She already had an ultrasound and VCUG, we see the urologist tomorrow. I am a bit frustrated at the lack of information out there. Do you know where I can find information? Thanks!

Bethany said...

Happy Birthday, Babies!!! Hope your
Sunday Birthday was as much as a blessing as you deserve!!!

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Neal said...

Happy 1st Birthday, Ethan, Drew, Ben and Sav!! We are praying for all of you today!!

-Bryan and Susan

Quad Squad! said...

I admire your bravery! My humongous belly shot has never been viewed by ANYONE! And I don't need to see a picture of it now. I have a pretty good idea what it looks like!

andersons said...

can't wait for birthday pictures!!!! happy birthday quads~!

Cara said...

Happy birthday!!

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