Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Please Don't Feed the Animals

Folks, its a ZOO around here lately! (I LOVE it when my babies are crawling all over me--one of the best feelings in the world!)

The quads and I headed out for a nice friendly drive to Waco this morning to spend some quality time with Granna & Papa. Friday we will be driving to Austin for some Grandma & Grandpa Steece luvin' as well. WOO HOO!!!

Now that we have EXTREMELY mobile quads, it is imperative that we travel with this nifty contraption. It is hard enough keeping ONE child safe...let alone FOUR!

If any of you are looking for a high quality, durable, safe, sturdy superyard...I would definitely suggest this Metal 3-in-1 Superyard! We bought two of them to create a bigger space for the little quaddies and couldn't be happier with this product.

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mrsgingergrl said...

Hmmm... looks alot like my house! Babies into everything! Have fun with your visits. :)

RG Mama said...

Completely agree! With just twins, that stuff is a must. Gotta recommend the Kidco PeaPods, too. Those are the most rockin' travel beds and they take up NO space at all. Safe travels to all of you.

CityStreams said...

That's so funny! I've only ever seen those for indoor dogs. I'm glad you posted the link to Toys R Us, because I was curious. I guess it wouldn't really matter,though. We use the baby gate to keep the dog out of the front part of the house.

The quads are adorable! How are you going to teach them to walk? You don't have enough fingers!

MtnGirl said...

Your little "animals" sure look cute! Kudos to you for traveling around with your kiddos. Have safe and fun travels this weekend!

Amber S. said...

I noticed Savannah going for for hoop earring in the first picture...

I've wondered how, in every picture I see of you, you are still wearing cute jewelry! I have given up on cute jewelry for the next several years - my boys LOVE it (love PULLING on it, that is) too much!

Anyway, hope y'all have a fun, safe road trip!

-Amber and the boys

Cindy said...

I GOTTA get me one (or two) of these!

Nate, Maurine, Hannah, and Monroe said...

Love the Zoo!! : ) Also so glad Joe was OK! Glad you're a nurse! : )

Melanie said...

Gosh, they are getting so big..I know I don't have to tell ya, but ENJOY every minute. My oldest will be 13 next week and my youngest is almost 8. They grow up entirely too fast. Be careful on your trip and have fun.

JAMIE'S CREW said...

We had 2 of the original plastic Super-Gates for our twins and we loved them.

When they got to the walking stage - we re-configured the gate in various sections to protect TV's, fireplaces, etc.


debi9kids said...

You are sooo right! the metal ones are so much better. esp. when they get bigger & stronger and may decided to try to "walk with it" LOL

Moni Graf said...

Awesome purchase! I'm a fan of the Kidco PeaPods, too. Hope the gate is super easy to put up and take down. Have fun with the g-parents!

Love from KS,

The Jessie James Gang said...

You really should get a commission off all the product placement on your blog :)

Anonymous said...

It still amazes me that you wear a skirt even when traveling and playing on the floor with the sweeties! You rock!

The Drama Mama said...

Ha...I LOVE the pictures of them all over you (Mother Hen!!). You guys are too cute! Praying for safe travels to Austin!

Caits said...

haha I love that first pic:)

Mary Beth said...

We bought two of these as well and made a massive "play yard" for our kids (we only have two though so maybe we are just lazy).

This was the greatest thing ever until my mother was stepping over it.... (see we were even too lazy to move the dang thing! We would always just step over it).....and fell and broke her hip!!!!

It was such a lovely story to tell the hospital. Also, we laugh because in every baby picture of the girls you can see the "cage" in the background.

Sorry to chat for so long-the quads are adorable!!

FYI: We live in Abilene-so we aren't too far from ya'll!

Beth said...

I absolutely love the "Zoo" picture! I only have one child, who is almost 2 and I still love playing on the floor with her as she is crawling all over me, well trying to stand sometimes, and trying to ride me like a pony!! You will have your hands full with 3 cowboys and a cowgirl trying to ride the pony!! You're amazing, love your blog! Glad your hubby is ok, sometimes it is hard to be nurse in those situations...."am I nurse or wife?" I know my hubby has a different issue daily to ask me about!! God Bless! Safe travels!

Pam said...

Looks like they are so much fun! Love the security gate, can never be too safe! Enjoy! see how fast they grow! Your friend in East Texas, Pam.

Elyse said...

The so-called "animals" do not look as happy though! Guess they were just having their moments of the day! Hope the "zoo" had a great day!!! Love the new gates!

4under3 said...

As funny as this sounds, your baby zoo looks like a wonderfully relaxing place. I too love rolling around on the floor with our children.


Unknown said...

what a great idea to take that big gate when traveling to other places! I dread going to my in laws b/c it is not child proofed at all...and I hate running around watching them or trying to save ceramic pieces from getting dropped..eek!

Anonymous said...

okay your going to think i am crazy!!! I am a mom of twins, how did you get your babies to hold their own bottles? We have been working on it and could use some advice! Thanks

Rebekah said...

I just found your site - I can' not tell you how since I spent the last few hours reading all your posts ... I LOVE your site - I LOVE your honesty and I LOVE seeing so many pictures of your little miracles ... they look like so much fun and honestly I can not imagine doing all that you do ... I am a mom (she is 6 years old) and 14 weeks pregnant with Baby#2 ... I was freaking out a little bit about how I will grow to love this other baby but after reading your posts I know that I will love this baby as much as my first and the love just multiplies ten-fold. I look forward to reading about all the adventures you have in store and of course the 1st Birthday of your kiddos ... Have a wonderful day!

Rebekah, Jaden & Baby#2 TOO!

ashleigha said...

I came across you blog through a friends blog. I love seeing your kids. Those picture make me want to dive right in the middle of the fun!!!! They are so cute!!! Great Job in all you do!!!!

twarpula said...

Gotta LOVE a good gate!!

Kelly said...

That is awesome!

Emily said...

I LOVE that you brave going on roadtrips with your FOUR babies! You are such a fantastic mom, they are so blessed to have you.

Sarah said...

I totally think that super yard is a must! We only have one kiddo...and we got one as a gift..and my hubby said we needed to return it b/c Luke wouldnt ever "need" it (yeah right!) and it reminded him too much of UFC cage fighting.he apparently convinced me but needless to say, when Luke was mobile...we missed that thing!

have a safe and fun trip!

Amy said...

Do you have this in a play room or in your main living room? Appx. how big is it? Just curious because our 6 month old triplets will need something like this soon and we are trying to decide if we want to do this or attach gates to the walls. Our home is small - we only have 1 living with no extra play rooms and we want them to have plenty of space but yet have enough space for us to walk through the room.

Lolly said...

I had one of those for my granddaughters. We affectionately call it "the cage". They had plenty of room to crawl and walk around and I could leave the room and shower and get dressed, etc. without worrying about them getting into anything that would hurt them or attempting the stairs. I think that is great!

Goerlich Quadruplets said...

enjoy your travels! i totally sympathize with the heightened stress level while at a new place - it's nerve racking to look around and realize how many places the babies could get into! try to have fun in spite of it - looks like you're much more prepared than me with your portable white picket fence! :)

Anonymous said...

Cutest zoo I've ever seen and that play yard is a great idea!

Anonymous said...

Where did you get your skirt that you have on? I noticed it in some other pictures and I just loved it.

Suzanne said...

amy- i think these gates would work GREAT with your triplets! i would get two of them and combine them. we primarily use them when we go to other people's houses that aren't baby-proofed. it is large & will take up a good chunk of a small living room, but you can still get around it easily. and there are two gate doors that open into the playpen! (one door per gate) as far as actual measurements, click on the link and you can read all about the specifics!

anon- thanks! i hate wearing shorts--so you will usually always find me in casual skirts. TARGET TARGET TARGET!

Anonymous said...

I found your blog while I was just cruising around on the web. You guys are AMAZING!!! I have had the best time reading about you and your babes - I have a 3 year old and am completely enamored by him, just as you seem to be with your group.

I, too, have the 'endo-junk' and thought pregnancy was a long gone dream. Mason, my sunshine, is a miracle from God.

I just wanted to say that I admire you and your strength - and completely adore the relationship you have with your husband....You are one VERY lucky MOMA!!!

Anonymous said...

I love those pictures Your babies are sooooo adorable :-)

JAMIE'S CREW said...

I notice that all four babies are getting lots of hair!!!!

Soooo cute!

KirkKrew said...

The pictures are too cute!! We lovingly called our Superyard "The Cage" when my girls were younger. It is a lifesaver! Have a safe trip!

mrs boo radley said...

How so very sweet!

joonur said...

Hi Suzanne, a friend told me about your blog b/c of the pics you published of the babies in their DOC bands! My son just got his band 3 weeks ago and is doing great. Your babies are so pretty and I love your authentic writing style!

Any advice you have on your DOC band experience would be much me anytime!


Lees said...

Oh my gosh - you have just SAVED my life! :0) We have an octagon that we have LOVED for Noah and even for the twins up to this point... BUT...Addie is my climber - she started walking at 9 months and can not scale the octagon - the slats in the one you have DON'T have the cross bars for her to climb! Brillant! LOVE YOU SUZ!

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