Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy Monday = Happy Quads

So, because I've been terrible at taking pictures lately, I thought I would capture some candid moments of our Monday morning play time.

Drew--the most laid back, sweetest little guy you could ever meet! Drew is RARELY in a bad mood (...however- just recently when we have left him in the church nursery or gym daycare--he FLIPS!)

Sweet little Sav, in command of the toy box

A rare moment where Ethan is actually smiling for the camera! (He usually runs away when I get out the camera, or just stares at it)

Mr. Hambone...look at those teeth---all I have to do is point the camera in his direction and he gets this HUGE grin on his face! Ben is currently trying to carve a sculpture out of his crib railing...with his little chicklit teeth! (Yes, we have invested in some "Gummi Rails"--which seem to be helping the situation somewhat)

Just good-timin' it on an early Monday morn....ah, the good life (Drew in stripes-always, Ethan standing)

Savi with her pink horsie from Auntie Lori...not quite sure how to go forward---but a pro at the baby-step-back-up. Oh, and Savannah hasn't quite figured how to sit down after she pulls herself to a standing position---so, many times, when I hear her crying from her crib, she is standing-holding onto the rails, and terrified of easing herself down to a sitting sad, but so very funny at the same time! (We are working on it...)

Here we have Exhibit A: Ben's mid-morning fit for no reason----look at that mouth! SHEEEEESH!...(sad to admit that he has his momma's BIG mouth)

...and 1 minute later we have Exhibit B: Ben trying to hang upside down and look at me at the same time...everything is back to normal

Folks, I highly suggest you invest in a "Doggie Disposal System"...yes, that's right...Shiloh's favorite part of the day is when I let her through the gate, immediately following a tasty meal!

Shi loves to hang out with us during play time (she will soon start running for the door, I imagine...) I was able to catch each baby lovin on her this morning. Sav is actually trying to say "doggie" right now, but it sounds more like "dah-dah" (not to be confused with "dada"...hee hee)

This is Shi's "maternal look" (yes, I've seen it before...she tilts her head down and stares at the babes as if she were looking at her own pups). Ben petting Shi Shi

Drew actually leaned in for a little wet doggie nose kiss! He is by far the most gentle with Shiloh...SO CUTE!

Little Ethan and Shiloh. This is Shiloh's chair--or so she thinks--and Ethan loves to just pull up and stare at her...reaching his little hand out to feel her paws.

This is the time of the day that Ben thinks it is an absolute BLAST to throw a toy/toyS off of the second floor....

"Caught ya, buster!" (He will proceed to give you this face as he slowly edges it off the ledge--knowing FULL well what he is doing...............oh boy...)

...and finally, when you know it is getting close to nap time

"Ooooh Boo Bear....I is SOOOOO terrible!" "ever-so-dramatic" son, Benjamin.

like clock-work...time to take a nap! Happy Monday!!!!

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  1. Suz, do you take all 4 of them to the gym with you when you work out? Holy Shmoly...if you can do it, I should totally forgo my excuse of not wanting to leave 2 in the daycare...both of my kids freak out when we leave them in the church nursery! My almost 3 yr old Jack, went nuts whne he saw the pic of Ben crying...he was like 'oh no, baby so sad!!!'

  2. Oh and they are getting SO big! I can't believe how much they are changing and growing-such cuties!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. jenny (beav's wife)- u crack me up, woman! yah, i took all four to the gym daycare last friday by myself (STUPID STUPID STUPID)...and that was the last time! haha...i think after this season's quarantine they will be older and will do better at the day care. but SHEESH! it was BAAAAD---all four screaming! until next year--i will go at night when joe gets home!

  4. Sweet, sweet babies!! They are absolutely precious!

    And I was thinking the same thing....'gym? are you kidding me?!' But, if anyone could handle would be you! Hope the rest of your Monday is fabulous!

  5. Can they get any cutier? Seriously! They are all four so darn cute that I long for the next post each time. Shiloh and the kiddos are so precious. Just wait until they start throwing bigger things down the stairs :)

  6. They are all so beautiful!

  7. Cute, cute, cute, cute!!!! Wow..even throwing fits they are adorable! You are such a super mom and I admire you for that!
    Keep it up are awesome!!

  8. TeeHee. I have to laugh at Sav standing up and not being able to get back down. My son went through that a couple of months ago, and it was ROUGH. He'd stand up in his sleep and then wake up, realize he was in a predicament, and cry. Every 45 min-1 hr. All night long. It lasted a couple of weeks, but now he can get down and is close to better sleep. All of my mom friends thought that was crazy and had never heard of a kid doing that, so I'm glad to hear my kid isn't the only one who got "stuck"!

  9. your kiddos are adorable! i have the utmost respect for you! my ellie is about their age (11 months) and she's a good baby and i can't even imagine multiplying her by 2, much less 4! YOU ROCK! your attitude truly inspires me! :-)

  10. OH MAN!! They are adorable and look at those teeth. HOLY MOLY!! HUGS MOMMA! HUGS to the kiddies. It's hard to believe they have grown up so much!!

  11. Too Cute. I am a huge fan of the doggie disposal system. I think it is the only reason we still have an indoor dog.

    My 16 month old won't even let her feet get near the floor in the church nursery. She hangs on for dear life so that I won't leave her in there. If I do, I do not even get half way down the hall due to her screams. I just couldn't do that to those nursery workers. I am hoping this seperation anxiety is about to peak. I really couldn't imagine this stage times 4.

  12. I LOVE Drew holding Shi's little paw!! The pix were great! The other day Ashley said, "Dog" as clear as anything. I nearly fell over!!

  13. So cute! Our dog also waits patiently at the gate for the chance to clean up! So convenient, but she's probably gained 5 lbs this year! haha!

  14. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Happy Monday for sure! They are so adorable even in those sad/mad nappy time needed moments.

  15. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Well I guess I can't use the "I can't leave my kids in the gym daycare" excuse anymore. Your kiddos are so adorable (and Shiloh is too!)

    I left you some bloggy love on my site.

  16. Thank you for sharing part of your day with us!
    I love the pictures of Shiloh and the little ones! Too Cute!

  17. Anonymous11:36 PM

    i've never met you, but your babies are so fun to read about! i found you through my friend beth anne ballance's blog. you have such an amazing attitude through what must be incredibly busy and sometimes frustrating days! way to go for keeping so positive and enjoying the days that go by so quickly! i love that your puppy is just another one of your kiddos :) ours is like that too, she was our "practice child" and our first baby is due in november.

    kids are such a blessing from the lord, all the best to you as you continue to raise four lovelies!

  18. Suz! Oh my gosh - that pic of Drew kissing Shiloh.... oh my - his little hand on her paw just makes my heart melt!

    Happy Tuesday to you!

  19. Anonymous4:56 AM

    Lovely pictures,especially the ones of Ben screaming his head off - quite glad there is no sound though!

  20. Suz ~ The picture of Sav and Ben sad, yet so cute! And I love the pics of them showing the few teeth they have. Kudos to you for taking them all to the gym by yourself. You are a brave women!! I think you are my hero!

  21. I don't know you - I found your site doing some random blog hopping lastnight and once I started reading your story, couldn't stop.

    What an amazing adventure you and your family are on with quads!

    You have a beautiful family and sound like a great mom! :-)

  22. There are SO many things I love about this post. Their smiles are addicting, I LOVE the precious pictures with Shiloh...including the dog in things is so huge in our family--I love to see other people love on their animals as much, too!

  23. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Oh my goodness they are growing so beautifully! I have been following your blog for a loooonnng time, but rarely comment. I had to say though...

    Have you ever seen the Snoopy cartoon where Snoopy is sitting on top of his dog house impersonating a vulture? I LOVE that cartoon strip, and Shilohs 'maternal look' instantly reminded me of it.

    Too cute!!

    God Bless, Jules

  24. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Awe, I love these pictures! It cracks me up to think of a baby just gnawing on his/her crib like a little termite. So cute.

  25. Do you have any idea how many times your little blog makes me laugh and smile! Love watching them grow! SO cute! Really just adorable. Loved getting to see you in person last week. You know I think they are even cuter in person, if that's possible!

    And the gym? My word you are a brave woman!

  26. For some reason the first picture of Sav looks just like Joe and the first picture of Ben looks like you! Like little MiniMe's Thanks for sharing the pictures with us, they are all so cute and it is obvious you get much joy from them all.

  27. SG! you call it "brave"....i call it "STUPID!" hahaha...SOOO good to finally meet you too! blessings! suz

  28. What a GREAT Monday! Love those pictures esp. of the crying ones! I'm glad you captured Shiloh with the kiddos. When we were in Memphis there was a lady who had quad girls and she would go maybe twice a week (that I saw). She would always bring her mom or in-law with her. I want to say her quads were 18months or 2 years. So there is some hope for ya!

  29. Suz, they look so cute. I can not believe how many teeth Ben has. Girl, you better watch out, next thing you know he will be carving out one of his sibilings. I had one of those!!


  30. Suz, I don't think I have ever left you a comment, but I have been reading for almost a year. I started reading your blog last year when I found out I was pregnant with 4, I lost one very early on. Our triplets were born at 29 weeks on 2/28 at Harris. Dr Thigpen was my dr but Dr Tabor did the csection. They were in the NICU 6-10 weeks. They are almost 6 months old now & getting so big. I also have a blog I saw that you met Tina McLean. Her quads were born last week at 27 weeks. You are always an inspiration!


  31. I started reading your blog about a year ago when I found out I was pregnant with 4 babies. I lost one very early on. Our triplets were born at 29 weeks on 2/28 at Harris. Dr Thigpen was my dr, but Tabor delivered. They were in the NICU 6-10 weeks. They will be 6 months this weeks & are getting so big. I saw on Tina Mclean's blog that she met you. She had her quads last week at 27 weeks. You are a great inspiration to moms.

    Our blog is

  32. These pics are way cute! Playtime looks like a blast!

  33. Sorry my comment got left twice. I thought it got deleted & I retyped it. You have gorgeous kids too!!! Did you go to the NICU reunion? Our kids were still in there when they had it. Just wondered what it was like.

  34. They are getting so big. And even cuter! How is that even possible?

  35. My son does the same thing as Ben and he thinks if he gives you a cute look it is okay. Okay he is probably right cute looks let him get away with more than he should.

  36. love the ready for naptime pictures! hilarious!

    you inspired us to start a blog! check us out at

  37. Anonymous7:50 PM

    you have beautiful children!

  38. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Just wanted to let you know that I've enjoyed reading your blog for some time now. I think it was the first one that my daughter, Jenn (King Quads) got me hooked on! It's obvious how many lives you have touched by sharing your life here, talk about a ministry woman! Thanks for encouraging Jenn to start one of her own also to document this journey she is on!
    Smiles~ Grammie Bear aka "GBear" ;)

  39. Suz-Since the babies are changing so much I'm sure their schedules are also changing. If you have the time, can you let us know what their daily schedule is? (mealtimes, bathtimes, playtime, etc...) I'm sure you have to put those babies on a pretty tight schedule to keep your sanity!

  40. Haven't been by in a while... those babies have the prettiest smiles - I know they must be happy MOST of the time! HA! You and Joe are doing a great job...

  41. how precious are those babies! Shiloh is so sweet too!
