Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Rub-a-dub-dub, 4 Quads in a Tub!

Andrew, Ethan, Benjamin, Savannah

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  1. Adorable! I love how they sit so well together. My little Kai (just shy of 18 months) is a wild child in the tub! Too cute!

  2. Oh My Gosh! I always love your blog, but this post is just the cutest ever!! You have such precious babies, or toddlers, I guess. They are starting to look so grown up!

  3. So cute! My 2 year old was watching this and giggling at all the babies she saw :-)

  4. So stinkin' cute! Savannah's eyes are beautiful! She's going to have the boys knocking down the door-good thing she has several boys to go through first!

  5. The kids look adorable! I have to hand it to you - Even though I only had twins - I just never enjoyed bath time with 2 babies. How you manage to be happy, cheerful and video too - well - you are just freakin' awesome!

    You are an inspiration to me.

  6. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Their personalities just SHINE! Oh my goodness, they are all kinds of precious. Thanks for sharing this today - completely makes me smile despite the yucky Okla. weather!

  7. They are so cute and well behaved! I can hardly keep my 2 year old in the tub. It is a constant battle, and yet somehow, you keep 4 kids in the tub with no trouble. Amazing!!!

  8. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Oh My Word...that is precious! I'm so glad they like their bath time because some babies are so difficult about it. They look so happy!

  9. Anonymous1:51 PM

    so stinkin cute. thanks for sharing. they are adorable!

  10. Awww, babies in the tub get me everytime. Too cute!

  11. That is so cute! I am impressed at 4 in the tub and no one is crying! My two are a handful and there are usually tears!

  12. Anonymous3:09 PM

    I love their little noises and the faces they make! So sweet!

  13. They are too hilarious!! So much fun.

  14. Awwwwwww, SO FUN!!! Bath time is one of my favorite activities of our day also!

    Sounds like Ethan is working on some "words" - how cute!

    Such a fun age... we are soooo blessed!

  15. Anonymous3:54 PM

    How fun!! They are so cute. I dont know why but the twins look older than ben and sav to me...
    Its funny, Sav looks like she is trying to get out of the tub, "mama, a girl needs her own bathroom :)"

  16. How can you handle so much cuteness? I love the video!

  17. Anonymous4:15 PM

    I love, love, love the huge smiles that Ben and Drew were making. Just too cute!

  18. Anonymous4:19 PM

    You are the BEST quad mommy, ever!!! Your love is so geniune for the babies. Keep up the good work. Your house looks beautiful, too!!!

  19. Your little girl does look a little bit like her mama! She is a little bit more tan than the dudes, and so pretty!

  20. I can't believe how behaved they are in the tub. Like someone else said I thought bathing my twins was tough! They are all adorable and in the tub it made me see how much they all look alike.

  21. You have the most beautiful children! It feels like their big beautiful eyes look right through me into my soul. Tub time looks like fun! You are an amazing mother!

  22. Anonymous5:45 PM

    I would still be afraid to undress the twins at the same time - for fear I wouldn't know which was which! I guess that is why God gave me babies one at a time. May God continue to bless your beautiful fam.

  23. Ok, I don't always comment because well you know...but I have to on this one!!! OH MY FREAKIN GOSH THEY ARE SO CUTE!!! Could totally tell Ethan apart from that mouth thing he does now!! LOVE IT. Makes me want to come and play with them!!!! Love you so much and kiss those cuties for me!!!So cute!

  24. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Your babies are so cute! I have been reading your blog for about 6 months. I cant imagine how busy you are. :)

    My husband and I are Advocare Distributors, and we are looking for busy people to sample Spark Energy Drink? Would you be willing to sample it and let us know what your thoughts are?

  25. Those kids are just way too cute for words! You are so blessed, but you already knew that didn't you?

  26. To Cute! Tegan (who is pretty much the same age) would love to have this many babies to play with in the tub. Love it! Hey, I'm doing a give-a-way at my place. Stop over.

  27. Poor Sav! Let that girl have her OWN relaxin bubble bath for crying out loud. Every girl deserves her bubble bath (including you!!!).

  28. They're just the cutest! They sure are stylin' with all that wild bath hair and I guess they won't all fit in together for too much longer. Just precious!

  29. Oh my goodness...this made me smile. Ethan cracks me up with his hair, Sav and her sweet tounge and smile, Ben is too busy and does not care if you call his name (what a sweetheart), and Drew I think just likes being with all his siblings. Their smiles are contagious and so sweet.
    ~Elyse~ :)

  30. Anonymous9:45 AM

    How cute are they?! How do you get them all out of the tub--what do you do with 2 babies crawling away and 2 babies in the tub! I wish I could spend a day with you to see how you do it all! :)

  31. Seriously the cutest bath time video ever! Savannah didn't even mind so much when she was getting splashed in the face by her brothers. ha ha...What a trooper!
    Thanks for sharing your life with us!
    Angie in Portland, OR

  32. My two kids watched this with me and just giggled. Love it! I just found your blog, you are supermom with the quads!

  33. Adorable!!! :) OXOX

  34. Oh my gosh that is the cutest thing I have ever seen...ever!!!

  35. Anonymous8:26 PM

    It's a shame that the quads aren't happy babies. LOL! I love those BIG smiles...such happy faces. I agree with some of the other comments. Looks like Sav is thinking "what does a girl gotta do to have some privacy?".
    Nothing like fresh, clean babies.

    Cathy in Frisco

  36. Well, I have to come out of hiding on this one. I have your blog bookmarked and read it on a weekly basis. You amaze me...I get tired thinking of giving my 2 year old and 3 month old a bath, I can't imagine how you do it. You rock. You have a beautiful family.

  37. Your babies have got to be the most well-behaved and happy children! That speaks volumes of your mothering. I love that they play so well together.

  38. That is so stinkin precious! You inspired me to give it another whirl with mine. Our first attempt was a few months ago on vaction and it was a disaster. We gave it another whirl last night and I'm blaming this failure on you and your make it look so easy, but we were complete failures again. You might want to check my blog :)

    Love you guys,

  39. Your kids are the cutest!!! Hey-- I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions about the cranial bands? My little girl is going to have to go in to have her head assessed and my doctor seems to think she will end up needing one....

    sheenataber @ yahoo . com


  40. Darling little duckies!!!! ;o)

  41. You're crazy! I can't get mine to all SMILE in a tub, let alone try and get them all in it together!

  42. Precious! LOVE Ethan's hair in the video!

  43. They are so stinkin cute!

    I was watching the video when my son (6) came in and said "Hey! There is Jon and Kate plus eight....Where are the other kids?!!??" :0)

    They are darling!

  44. Hi! I've been following your blog for several months. You are such an inspiration to me. Thanks for sharing your life stories!

  45. Love reading your blog! My twins were born on the same day exactly (same year even) at 31 weeks, 2 days. Now if only I could look as glamorous as you while raising only 3 children!

  46. How do you tell Ethan and Drew apart when they're in the buff?!! I guess only a mama could tell!

  47. M & H: good question! mama knows. ;) mama has known since day one. its just many different things--ethan's face is rounder, drew's is a little longer. but now, their personalities totally give it away--just the way they look at me. however, in pictures, i sometimes have a difficult time--especially pictures that were taken months ago! that is where drew's stripes come in handy! years from now, i bet i will have a VERY difficult time telling them apart in pics...

  48. Very cute! Love the title too! I too could not tell them apart. I still have a hard time telling my Avery from Lindsey in pictures! Cathy

  49. I just wanted to ask that very same question about telling ethan and drew apart! it's amazing how alike they are. and so CUTE!!!!

  50. I have followed your blog for awhile and have always just wanted to tell you that I think you are an amazing woman and mother. I can see the happiness in your children's faces and the joy on their parent's faces. God has a plan for the Steece family!
