Thursday, January 29, 2009


This blog was passed along to me recently, and my heart is breaking.

Please click on the picture above and be in serious prayer for this sweet baby girl and her precious family. I cannot even begin to imagine the pain...

From their blog:

My deepest fears were confirmed. Tomorrow we take our precious daughter home. Her cancer doubled in size in less than a week proving once and for all that it is horribly aggressive and no longer chemo sensitive. We have no idea how to do this but we have no doubt we will be cared for every step of the way. This is all I have in me. Please pray for peace for our children, our parents and our siblings. Tuesday, full of grace, you are our so very loved.

post signature


Darron and Ashlie said...

makes you thank god for a healthy child!!! (or children in your case) Much love mama

The McNulty Family said...

makes all our little and even big problems see so unimportant.

i love you mama... separated at birth!

Terri said...

Thank you so much for bringing attention to this wonderful family. I love them so much and need all the thoughts and prayers possible right now!

The Pifer's said...

That breaks my heart, thank you so much for sharing. I will def. keep there family in my prayers.

By, the way, I'm Tiffany and I love your blog and following it regularly. You are amazing!!!

mrs boo radley said...

Suz, thank you SO MUCH for posting about Tuesday on your blog. What a wonderful way to get more thoughts and prayers to this family. Tuesday and gang mean so much to us, and our hearts are shattered right now...but we know that God will bring healing peace in time.

Thank you again,
Leah and Thomas

Jill said...

thanks, Suz :)

debi9kids said...

Thank you so much for mentioning Tuesday. I know you have lots of readers and it's wonderful to get so many people praying for this sweet baby girl.
It is just breaking my heart.
Thank you so much.

Momma and Her Doodle said...

WOW, that out things in perspective. Prayers and big hugs to Tuesday and her family.


Momma and Her Doodle said...

WOW, that puts life into perspective. I wish this family time, time to laugh with Tuesday and built a lifetime of good happy memories.

All my best to Tuesday and her entire family! Thank you for sharing her blog, I will leave them a supportive message.

Stacy ( a blog fan )

Penny said...

Thanks for sharing! We will start praying for this weet family.

Heather said...

My heart breaks for these parents. I have been praying for this sweet baby and family since you posted this.

My Office is in the middle of a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society here in Jackson, MS. We are doing the Relay for Life in honor of a 3 year old girl here in our area diagnosed with a brain tumor. We have individually set goals ourselves to raise money for this cause. I have a personal goal of $200 I am trying to raise in honor of a friend of mine that I lost to a brain tumor. I am also going to raise money in honor of this sweet baby as well.


Laura Marchant said...

I have been praying all day for them. I can't even imagine!

Michael and Hannah said...

I can't even imagine... will be praying.

ashleigha said...

We will remember the family in
our prayers

Hamilton Family said...

Thank you for sharing this. It absolutely breaks my heart. I will be sure to send prayers.

BTW... Thank you for the post on Savannah walking. My son is 15 months old and is still not walking. Your post brought tears to my eyes in anticipation of the day Oliver walks too. Thanks :)

Frugal Jen said...

Thank you for posting, we are now praying for this family.

Ellis said...

I found this blog today also, which I don't think is an accident. I am constantly praying for this entire family. I can't even imagine...

PS- I don't think I've commented before, but I enjoy reading your blog. :) I am in Mobile, Alabama

Amanda's News said...

That breaks my heart! I can't even imgaine what they are going through. They are definitely in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for passing along the link. I read their blog yesterday...and see today that little Tuesday left this Earth today. Continued prayers for the family...

Danielle said...

Just read Tuesday's update on her blog... She passed away today. Thought you'd want to know. My heart is breaking for their family.

Anonymous said...

Praying for this family during the most difficult time of their lives. Breaks my heart.

Bethany said...

I have been following Tuesday's story ever since she was diagnosed and cried all weekend since hearing about her death. Thank you for posting about her and asking people to pray. We do all have so much to be thankful for with our healthy children.

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