Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Pheww! Lots to POST!

A LOOOONG, LONG weekend! I am SO behind on emails, blog reading, posting...(you know, the important stuff! Ha!). It will take a while to catch back up, so I'll try to pick up where I left off: My INSANE day of baking/cooking/decorating/getting ready for the baby shower and Joe's Birthday Party.

Here's the Diaper Cake I decorated for Ashley's shower...(I had never "done one" before)

Some food I prepared for the shower:

Sausage balls, Spinach Dip in a Hawaiian Bread Bowl, Veggie Tray, Mini-Quiche, cheese tray...

And for Joe's party...the Giant Cupcake...oh my word. FRUSTRATING! It just cooks weird. It is going to take some practice until I get it perfect. This was my first attempt. Looks good right? Well, it was HARD AS A ROCK on the outside, but the inside was gooey. The taste was amazing...but it simply would not do.

The first recipe--see above--(that came with the pan) was VERY labor intensive--especially for those of us who have always WANTED a Kitchen Aid Mixer,
but have never been able to spend the money on one--so, I used cake mix from a box. (times 2) I tried some different tricks and tips that I researched on the web before cooking---it still cooked funky, but was OK. I was NOT about to try it for the 3rd time! I am going to keep playing with the recipe until I perfect it. This is my quick attempt at decorating. (Another thing about this cake is that it is VERY high and no container I had would work, so....it got a little smushed during the 3 hour transport to Austin...pics to follow)

Other things that I worked on that day (Yes, the same 24 hours...I was insane!)...click on the description if you are interested in the recipe. These are all of Joe's favorites.

Kellogg's K-bars

Mini-Strawberry Cheesecakes

Moist Chocolate Cupcakes with Vanilla Buttercream Frosting (made from scratch!)

My parents & Aunt Judy came into town Saturday morning to watch the quads (Thank you SO MUCH! LOVE YOU!) The ladies (me, mom, Judy) headed over to the LOVELY baby shower--Ashley is SO cute...love her SO much! Can't wait for Baby Carter's arrival!

I left the shower early to start the 3 hour drive to Austin- the place of Joe's Birthday Party (yah, did I mention that part??)- and arrived JUST IN TIME to change clothes, help Kate with the set up, and greet the guests! PHEWW! (Kate was SUCH a huge help in getting all of the decorations up and ordering the food and such! Thank you SOOOO much!!!)

Like I said earlier, the Giant Cupcake was smashed! So, I used those creative skills to jam a cupcake on top! (just don't look too closely) LOL! Joe, you are such a huge nerd and I love you.

The Birthday Boy blowing out his candles at 3:30am.

More posts to come--we had a great time! 6 years of marriage (3/1), and 30 years of life for Joe (3/2)!

(Update on Savannah's walking/braces---that girl is walking EVERYWHERE! She hates her braces and refuses to try to walk when I have them on her--which is only 2 hrs/day at MOST. But the second I take them off of her---there she goes! Just needed a little extra time. Stubborn little princess....God love her.)

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  1. You are FREAKING AMAZING my friend. I think I'll be calling you Betty for a long time to come.

    Your new hair is so darn cute, SUZ! You look beautiful.. even after all that hard work and driving... so not fair!! ;)

    Happy Birthday Joeface!!! Welcome to the club. Things are great on this side of 29! I wish we could have been there to celebrate in Steece fashion. Dids and Kate, man.. we miss you guys too!

    I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures!

    I love you all!

  2. I love your diaper cake! I make my own too, but they've only been for girl showers. This is total inspiration for a boy shower diaper cake! So adorable.

  3. Love your diaper cake! I just made one myself for a friends shower. I loved how you did the ribbon on it.

  4. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Ok, that made me tired just reading about it!! WOW!!
    Love the Cup Cake Cake!

  5. Joe's pictures always crack me up! He is such a fun guy. Happy Birthday to Joe and Happy Anniversary to you TWO! What festivities!

    ...seriously, 3:30 in the AM????

    You are one HOT Betty Crocker!..or Martha Stewart... or, just a gorgeous Suz!!

  6. You are amazing!! And look beautiful doing it ALL!!! Fun times!

  7. How fun!!!! But I bet you are glad it's all said and done :) Your outfit for Joe's party is sooo cute :) Love it!

  8. You are amazing! I can't believe all that you accomplished within that 24 hour period!! Love the huge cupcake idea!

    Oh side note, our hubs share the same birthday only mine turned 31 on Monday. :) Tell Joe 30 isn't so bad! HA

  9. Wow! I can't believe you made all those tasty treats in one day! I am trying my hand at a diaper cake this weekend for a friends baby shower. Sounds like you are having a great time celebrating babies, anniversaries, and birthdays!

  10. Anonymous12:46 PM

    If you need a bigger container for cake transfers use one of those plastic hard storage containers,you can buy either the clear ones or they come in multi colors. They are especially great to use for sheet cakes. ~Darlene

  11. I think the cake looks alright -- I mean, I've seen worse! :)

    Happy birthday to Joe & congrats on 6 years of marriage!

    Oh, and would you mind making ME some of those mini strawberry cheesecakes...YUM!

  12. OH GIRL! As if I wasn't already amazed by you! HOLY SMOKES! LOVE the smashed cupcake. It looks just like you meant for a smaller one to top it. PERFECTION! BTW, you 2 look FANTASTIC! How in the world did you do all that cooking, planning, driving and manage to look like that?! SO unfair!

  13. OH GIRL! As if I wasn't already amazed by you! HOLY SMOKES! LOVE the smashed cupcake. It looks just like you meant for a smaller one to top it. PERFECTION! BTW, you 2 look FANTASTIC! How in the world did you do all that cooking, planning, driving and manage to look like that?! SO unfair!

  14. Joe's pictures totally crack me up. Seriously! 3:30am? WoW...you guys are PARTY animals in Austin! Glad you all had a great weekend!

  15. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Okay, that's how much baking I do in an entire year! The shower food looks delicious! I love that kind of stuff over sweets any day. Joe's cake is cute! At least you tried. I'm sure he was in hog heaven with the Kelloggs bars anyway.
    Y'all both look great! Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary!
    Cathy in Frisco

  16. Ok, you really ARE Super Woman! Holy Smokes! You accomplished all that - it all turned out beautifully - dealt with 4 1 year olds, traveled AND partied all night! WHOA! I'm tired just thinking about all that!

    Glad it was all a success!! Happy Birthday to Joe and Happy Anniversary to you both!

  17. i've made a diaper cake for a shower recently, which was a huge hit! good job on the giant cupcake...you are much braver than i would have been at trying it for the shower. it turned out great!

  18. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Wow, you're a super mommy. Those home meade cupcakes look awesome...and I'm sure you'll get the mega cupcake down pat soon enough.

    Cute outfit too!! happy 30th Joe!

  19. Anonymous1:24 PM

    You made ALL of those things yourself in such a short period of time?!? Incredible!

    Congratulations to Savannah for walking!

  20. WOW!Congratulations on all your hard work prepearing for the baby shower and birthday party, your anniversary, and Happy Birthday Joe! We just celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary and my husband's 36th birthday (4/25-yes, both on the same day) I threw him a party Saturday too! I'm tired too!

  21. I think you've legitimately earned the title of "Superwoman"! Hey, maybe we should make you a shirt ;>

    Looks like you guys had a great (and totally exhausting) time. Congrats on the 6 year anniversary and happy birthday to the old man!

    Love, love, love you!

  22. Okay, so I got the same cupcake pan for Christmas, waited until my morning sickness passed, and am now wanting to bake something with it BUT like you, the recipe seemed too labor intensive for me! Please play with your recipe, and then post the perfect way to make the giant cupcake for the rest of us! I'm completely intimidated by it!!!

  23. Anonymous2:17 PM


  24. Happy Birthday Joe!!! Welcome to the 30 club, it's not that bad.

  25. Happy Anniversary to y'all and Happy 30th to Joe!! You did a great job on everything! I'm taking notes for my hubby's 30th coming soon!

  26. Just courious, how do you manage all this baking and preparation with quadruplets? Are you some kind of witch or did you manage to get 48 hours in a day lol

  27. Well, please do tell us when you perfect the recipe and baking of the cupcake pan. I LOVE it and really want to do one!

  28. WOW! SUPER-WOMAN!!! It exhausts me just thinking about it! I will be 3-0 in t-minus 37 days and counting...yikes! I think we're going on a cruise, but not until the summer. I did say to R, though, he MUST plan something because a girl is no longer in he her twenties only once in her whole life! LOL! Y'all look awesome...what a hot couple you are! :) Love ya!

  29. Oh, and Happy Anniversary!

  30. Oooh, good to know about the giant cupcake. I was going to make one for my daughter's 3rd birthday, but I don't know if I will now.

    Love the recipes! I'm saving several of them. :)

  31. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Ooooo I love the diaper cake. Its fantastic! And girl 3-d cakes are tough to make sometimes. My mom is a professional baker and she has a fabulous recipe for textured cake for this type of pan like the cupcake. If you want it I would be more than happy to e-mail it over to you. Its wonderful, moist, and holds up so great. You can make it chocolate or vanilla. Yum!

  32. hey suz!! i know how you are with bows and headbands for sweet little sav, so why not invest your money into something/someone who really needs it!?!? please read this story of a family that just lost their sweet little cora and is not trying to build playground in her honor. the blog is www.themcclenahans.blogspot.com. thank you and please add them to your prayer list!!!


  33. I love your diaper cake, would you please tell me how to do it. I also like the bigggggggg cupcake(no matter what you said it looks wonderful).

    You did a great job.

  34. SUUUPPPEEERRWWWOOMMAANN!!! Holy Cow! I can't believe you did all that and still looked like a Smokin Hot Momma!! You didn't even look like you gave birth to one, let alone 4! And as far as being up at 3:30, that's not really considered a party animal, it's considered a Quad Daddy and Mommy! We're up at least once a week at that time, aren't we? I'm with one of the above commenters, I'm gonna start calling you Betty!!! Love You!

  35. Wow, great job on all the food and party stuff! You are an inspiring mom:)

  36. You are a rockstar! I've followed your blog from the time the quads were born and I love reading about your family. Your constant positive energy and adorable personality bring me lots of joy! Keep it up, please! (you have nothing ELSE to do, right?) ;)
    Oh yeah.. Hello, I'm Kayla.. I'm a blog stalker!

  37. Girl, that cupcake cake looks fantastic! Very cool, and I need to find one of those! But I understand about how perfectionists us women can be. Although men seem to not care too much how it tasts, especially with all the frosting. Hope you're taking a rest this week!!! : )

  38. Miss Martha Stewart over there, my goodness! You are making the rest of us look bad - you've got to stop! :) You must have gotten help from the mini-steeces for all of the frosting! :) Looks like you had a fantastic time - hope you got to enjoy an anniversary celebration as well! Love and Miss You! Mari & Gang

  39. What a weekend you had! But so much fun!

  40. OMG...how did you have time to make all of that fabulous stuff! I only have one little ankle biter (LOL) running around, (a two 6 month olds) and it's almost IMPOSSIBLE for me to cook supper, let alone bake! Yay for you!

    P.S. The giant cupcake looks awesome!

  41. OMGosh! I am so glad you bought that giant cupcake and tried it. I was thinking of getting it for my son's party and now I'm thinking not. LOL
    PS How was it to cut that huge mama up???

    oh, and I wanted to tell you that Will has been fitted for his braces and his therapists have been bringing braces for him to "borrow" until his are done (they aren't perfect, but it gives us an idea..)Anyway, Will loves the braces on! I couldn't believe it!

    It sounds like Sav is just like my son henry. We paid a fortune to get braces made and he never wore them. REFUSED. :O

  42. Wow, Suz. It all looks fabulous. Sincerely great. Sooo wish we could have been there to take it all in...can't wait to catch up with you.

    PS The leggings make those sexy legs of yours look even better. I sported me some leggings this weekend too - wonder where I got them. =)

  43. Once again...you have outdone yourself. Is there anything you can't do? You are just amazing girly!

    Love all the pictures...I want cake now!

  44. Great job! I gripe about trying to cook with one. I don't know how you do it!! And I love Ashley! I didn't know you guys were friends. We pledged together. Please tell her I said Congratulations! She looks so freakin cute!

  45. Suz~
    I agree that is a lot to post! (= First of all you can tell how much you love all that come into your life by your actions. I think the cake came out wonderful smushed and all! I hope he had a wonderful 30th birthday! I agree with Jac, this side of 29 is great! This June we will celebrate 6 years of marriage. I cannot believe it! Looking forward to your next post!

    Love, Cathy & the quads

  46. Anonymous11:16 PM

    yum! love the cupcakes! how did you get those colors so bright? what brand frosting did you use?

  47. Anonymous11:17 PM

    okay you are soo lucky girl! You seem to have a lot of hands to help you so you have so much free time to bake, and go to parties without your kids! I am jealous! I never get a minute to myself and I have only 3 kids! lol

  48. So ... as it turns out, I know where you can enter a CONTEST to win a KitchenAid mixer this coming Friday. Since it's all in the name of cancer research, it's a GOOD thing.


    And let me tell you, a KitchenAid will transform your life. Mixing by hand?? That was so yesterday...!!

  49. Harry bday and anniversary!

  50. Love the diaper cake, jumbo birthday cupcake, and all the grub you made for the shower.

    And are those 4 inch heels on your feet???? My word! How do you do it??

  51. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Harry birthday and anniversary!
