Thursday, November 19, 2009

Down in the West TX Town of Uvalde

Whelp...I did it! I drove 5.5 hours, with the quads, all by myself to visit great grandparents and family in south Texas (Uvalde and Brackettville). The kiddos did surprisingly well during the car ride (thank you, Jesus!). There are a billion pictures, so I am splitting this post up into 2 days! Meanwhile, its back to laundry, cleaning, and packing for our next big adventure...

LOOOOOOVE my grandparents' beautiful backyard! So neat to see my little ones playing in the same yard where I spent countless days as a child.

Sweet Savannah and her tiny baby doll (Okay, so funny story...Joe, I'm about to "throw you under the bus": I had to run errands before our trip on Thursday night so I left right when Joe came home from work. When I got the kids out on Friday morning, I noticed Sav had a black eye and Ben had bite marks all up and down his arms. I called Joe and asked him what in the heck happened the night before? Why did Sav have a black eye? To which he replied, "what black eye?"...........oh heavens. So, to answer several questions a couple of posts ago---I have no idea how she got it! lol. It started to look more like an insect bite after a few days)

Sweet Benny giving Grandpapa a kees kees

Ben and Drew with their "emergency vehicles"

Enjoying a little Saturday afternoon in the gorgeous weather!

LOOOOOVE this pic of Papa and Sav giggling

Ok, so don't ask me why---but the kids love putting anything on top of their head and saying, "bucket head", Buckethead Sav

and Buckethead Ethan

Boo Bear...handsome lil devil

E-bud enjoying a little "me" time with his beloved cars

Twinkie-dinks (Andrew, Ethan)

...couldn't stage this stuff if I tried!

Papa and his Grandquads

Mama giving Sav a piggy-back ride (someone is ALWAYS on my back)

"Oooooh...elephaaant ears"

Stephen Calvin, Jr...Benjamin Stephen...& Stephen Calvin, Sr (notice a trend? Ben was named after his maternal grandfathers)

"Air-pane...zooooom!" (Sav acting as a koala and Drew soaring through the air)

Grandpapa & Andrew

Aunt Sandra, Uncle Mike, and cousin Andrew stopped by to love on the kiddies! SOOOO good to see you guys!

Big Andrew and Ben

Here's some footage of "the clock"...Andrew was OBSESSED with Grandpapa's clock and the sounds it made. FYI: the kid doesn't have a "mute" button. Drew talks nonstop, all the time. (Its funny for...maybe the first 5 minutes) He gets stuck on certain words like "vacuuuum" and "lawnmower" and then repeats them in sentences over and over and over...(many of you know exactly what I'm talking about)...kid is so quirky-hilarious. This particular evening, Andrew kept talking about the clock ("there's a clock in there")...the numbers on the clock, etc. So funny to watch kids attempt to learn new things and figure stuff out.

Part 2 coming up tomorrow!

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  1. Suz- looks like a great trip... It kills me how much the twins act and do the same thing at the same time!

  2. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Hey Suz,

    Hope everything is going well with you guys up there!! I know how many people read your blog so I thought you could help. We've gotten involved with this organization called Chandler's Tree Farm. Our Chandler will be delivering the presents to the kids at Texas Children's Hospital and making them all special cards. Anyways, if you get a chance please visit her website to find out more about it. I'm so excited to see their little faces when they get the presents...things like this really make you charish everyday with the kids!!

    Talk to you later!!
    Jodi, Ryan, Chandler, and Charlie!

  3. I haven't attempted that trip alone, yet. You are a brave woman!

  4. Suz, I flippin' LOVE this post. You can just feel the family love all over it! =) Your fam is so stinkin' sweet. Love the video and can so relate to those repeated broken record phrases.

    Love you to PIECES, friend!

  5. Awesome!!!! Love the pics and the mommy plane!!! LOVE YOU!

  6. Oh my of your best posts! LOVE all the pictures and their precious!

  7. Looks like a great time by glad I could check in with you!!! Baby Morgan is arriving on Tuesday so it may be a bit before I get to check in again...wishing a blessed Thanksgiving with the Steece Fam!!!

  8. That is so cute! Ethan and Andrew are looking more and more alike! What a wonderful family you have....Happy Thanksgiving to you all! Your friend in East Texas, Pam.

  9. Suz,
    I'd write an email, but I don't have your address! I was wondering what kind of car you ended up having to get. We are thinking of the larger minivan (town and country/grand caravan) or a Suburban. If you have a van or something not as big as a Suburban, do you have enough space to take little weekend trips with all that you have to bring? (stroller, travel cribs diapers, ETC) plus, do you have a dog? Our dog is a 90 lb lab so needless to say we have to consider space for him. Hubby brought up buying a car ON BLACK FRIDAY which I think is too soon, but I am trying to do more research just in case!

  10. I am SOO impressed you took the trip by yourself!! It looks like Y'all had an Awesome time!! Your kiddos are too darn cute!!

  11. Love the plane and koala pic!!
    They are just growing up to be such amazing little kids!! They are all so stinking cute!!!
    The twin pics crack me up too!!
