Saturday, February 06, 2010

Every Gal Needs a Night Out Every Once in a While!

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  1. Awwwww...I miss you girls!!! =(

    So glad you got out together!!!!

  2. What a treat! You all look so happy and relaxed...or you sure cover it up good!!!

  3. Anonymous2:28 PM

    You got that right! Especially moms of multiples or even moms of several children or even moms with one child! lol! Moms need girl time for sure! Hope you all had a wonderful time!
    Cathy in Frisco

  4. Totally agree, looks like you had fun

  5. Awwwww, I miss y'all like crazy!!! Love you beautiful girls!!!

  6. Oh yes, and I need one too.

  7. I am boggled you have 20 kids between you.

  8. Hi Suz....been a follower for the life of the quads and have commented a few times, but not often. Just curious for an update...what is the current sleeping arrangements for the kids now that they are 2-1/2, and what are your plans as they grow older? Have you had one kid do better in their crib than the other? Or one do terrible in the crib? If this sounds wierd, I just wondered because I just looked at the blog entry where y'all brought in the cribs and the changing tables when they babies were still in the hospital and it made me wonder if they were still in them. I am a mother of 2...ages 6 and 4 now...struggled with infertility. Our son (6) was adopted from here in US at 6 wks old and our daughter (4) was a surprise pregnancy. God is Good!!

  9. Anonymous6:49 PM

    looks like fun:)
    so i know you've talked before about the peapod's and how much you love them. which ones do you have? and how long will they last you, do you know? i have a 2yr old and i'm looking at getting one but not sure which one to get or how long it will last us.
    thanks, love your blog:)

  10. I'm turning green, I think....

    Can't wait to see you all again one of these days! Hope you all had fun and had a beverage for me!


  11. UGH. I wanna move to Tx! Let's see how many times I can say that THIS WEEK! ;)

    I love you!

  12. Look at all those pretty mommas!!!
    Hope you all had a great time!!
