Thursday, March 11, 2010


Sweet cousins! Ben, Carter, Sav, Drew, and Ethan

LOOOOOVE this picture! (Mr. Carter-man is on the move! Glad we were able to get one good snapshot out of 30!) Reminds me of a time not so long ago!

We (Me, the quads, Mom, Ashley & baby Carter) just got back from an awesome trip down to South Texas (Uvalde, Brackettville) to visit the great grandparents and family! We had such a wonderful time playing together and enjoying the beeeeeautiful weather!

Needless to say, I'm getting the house in order and loving on my hubby before I get to editing and posting those 200+ pics! ;)

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  1. OMG!!! They are just so precious!!! Love that Ben has a little smile!

  2. Look at little Miss with her hands folded and her eyes big and wide! Love that pic!

    Wish we could have been down South at the same time!

    Some day...some day!

  3. Welcome home, sweet friend!

    Glad to hear you are safe and "sound". (giggle, giggle)

  4. Just Precious! Your little Ben looks 5 years old in that picture!

  5. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Except for the eye color, I think Ben and Carter look a lot alike! This is a very sweet picture!!
    Cathy in Frisco

  6. Too cute! I can totally relate to the miracle that is that photo! What a cute!

  7. I was going to say the same thing. Ben and Carter look a lot alike. Do y'all think so too?? I saw on FB that Susan was going down to hang out with y'all, glad it was fun! Your kids are precious as always!!

  8. Suz, Ben looks like such a big boy in that picture!

  9. Every time I see your brother's pics, I feel like I know him. Did he ever live in Tyler?

  10. Oh my gosh...when did your babies turn into mini people!!

  11. Anonymous3:10 PM

    WOW i feel like Carter was just born!!!!
    I love Sav's sweet smile in this photo, what an angel (hehe).
    Love you miss you must see you soon!

  12. Do you still think Ethan and Drew are mirror image twins? I had a set I worked with in a classroom several years ago and it never failed to crack me up to watch them working! =)

  13. Suz,

    I am not sure if you have already found the blog of a new quad momma.. but if not, I wanted to pass her link your way. I figured that if anyone can share some encouragement, it's you!
