Monday, May 03, 2010

The Many Different Hairstyles of Suz Steece

I had fun with a review I just finished for COFFEE-MATE! I posted pics of all the different hairstyles I have had in the past couple of know, to always keep things fun and is how I add *flavor* to my life! ;)

Head on over to my review blog and check it out. Leave me a comment for a chance to win a $100 VISA GIFT CARD!

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  1. Hey Suz,

    I've been reading your blog for years and love how it's designed! I was wondering who designed it and if you have contact info.? I know you're a busy mama, so if you can't reply, I understand.

    Thanks for sharing your kiddos with us. They are growing up so fast and just beautifully!

    God Bless!

  2. How fun! I think you are one of those people that always has a fabulous hairstyle! Can't wait to see Suz through the years :)

  3. You are the coolest. I love every hairstyle on you, you beautiful thang you.

  4. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Love, love the blonde! Would you mind sharing which hair products you use? And do you use a flat-iron or just blow it out? Too cute :)

  5. Love love LOVE the "sleep deprived mom" mug featured in one of your pics in the Coffeemate review. Know where you got it? (hubby needs ideas for my mother's day gift and that is perfect!)

    ~ Katie

  6. I wish I could be so adventurous, I have had the same hair style for years! long and straight, BORING
