Friday, September 17, 2010

Arrr! Captain Savvy Scuttleboots of the High Seas

Ever since the quads were little babies, they thought it was hilarious when Joe would talk like a pirate. Now that they are older, we will randomly catch them walking around talking “pirate lingo” to each other.


Tonight Sav was busting out some awesome phrases (faces and all), so I quickly grabbed the camera:


suz signature


  1. LOVE IT!!!! I just had the whole family come in here to see her! CUTE!

  2. Anonymous9:06 PM

    That is something else! Savannah, the tu-tu wearing pirate. Now you have to post Joe talking in his pirate voice so we can hear him too!
    Cathy in Frisco

  3. Freakin' hilarious Suz... I watched it over and over again!

  4. SO FUNNY!! And, FYI, Sunday the 19th is Talk Like A Pirate Day. :)

  5. That is hilarious! Thanks for the laugh this morning!

  6. Thanks for that. I needed a good laugh this morning. :)

  7. That is the cutest thing I think I have EVER seen! hahahaha She is too adorable! I needed that laugh! Thanks girlie! Hope yall have a great weekend! :)

  8. Anonymous2:51 PM

    I stumbled onto your blog a few nights ago. I work the "graveyard" shift at a children's hospital as a unit secretary in the level 3 NICU. Some nights, when there are few sick babies, I need something to keep me up at nights. I have enjoyed starting from the beginning of your story. I have a 7 month old and remember when my boy was in the NICU as well. Keep the posts-a-coming! They are great and you and your whole family are BEAUTIFUL!!! *Carie*

  9. I love it. Happy Talk like a pirate day Sav!

  10. Anonymous8:30 PM

    I'm so glad I stopped by your blog ! I'm loving it and am now your newest follower !!! I'll be stopping by often !

  11. yes, happy talk like a pirate day! you guys should eat some chips ahoy cookies today to celebrate!! :)

  12. That is hilarious! Thanks for sharing, it made me laugh. I particularly love the juxtaposition of the ballet leotard and pirate talk!

  13. SO FUNNY!

    My Aunt sent me a message thru fb to tell me it was 'International Talk Like a Pirate Day' on Sunday! She thought I needed to know since Kole talks like a pirate a lot too!

    Too PRECIOUS! I hope you guys are doing well! HUGS!

  14. OMG-Savvy Lou is TOO funny! Absolutly hilarious!

  15. mom2one5:10 PM

    That is too funny.

  16. Freakin' hysterical!!! Thanks for the smile Suz :) Hope all is well in Texas!!!
