Thursday, September 30, 2010

Pecan = (“PEE-can”)

Last weekend, we took the kids to the good ‘ole Pecan Street Festival in downtown Austin.

Sav, Drew (blue), Ben, and E (green) were ready to have some fun!



The kids were excited about the petting zoo- here with Auntie Dani (btw- Mama made sure there was plenty of hand sanitizer to go around, CRINGE!)



Yes, Sav…it is bloody hot!



Uncle Dan and little E- checking out the animals



The kids quickly tired from the ridiculous Texas heat, and rode on shoulders for the rest of the morning! Benny catching a ride on Dad.



Uncle Dan and Ethan- having a grand ‘ole time!



Sweet little Sav and adorable Auntie Dani




Mama and Drew- all sweaty smiles!



Savannah scored some balloon animals that she was super excited about…



and Mama was super excited about miss thang’s cute little messy pigtails. Her hair just refuses to grow…but its getting longer. I have SOOOO many fun styles in store for her! ;)



Here is the “kiddie section” of the big street festival



My 3 little men, heading up…



…and flying down

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Ethan and Andrew are the only ones brave enough to ride on the ponies.

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Finishing off the day with some much-loved tortillas and queso at our favorite Mexican food place with our favorite kiddie playground~ Flores!



Thank you Grammy and Grampy for a wonderful weekend!!! (as always) Hugs and Love,

suz signature


& the gang ;)


  1. My little girl loves to wear her hair how Sav has hers. She calls them her "Mickey Mouse ears". Love it!

  2. Love it all Suz! They're getting so big and looking SO grown up, especially Sav...and her pigtails - holy cute! Can't wait til my girls have that much hair!

    Love You!!!!
    BTW It's "puh-con" ;)

  3. This looks like a blast! You all must have been whooped by the end of the day! Hugs and love!

  4. I just came across your blog and your kiddos are precious! I taught a set of quads in one of my K and 1st grade classes. It was so neat to see the bond between all of them.

  5. This post made me cry this morning. I just realized that I started reading your blog when I was pregnant w/ my twins and your babies were super tiny and you had help from your church coming in for feedings. And now look at them! They are big, beautiful, healthy kids having a fantastic time! LOVE IT!

  6. great pictures and lots of fun..Oh my...are you a pee can girl? We grow puh con trees for a living and have always known them as puh cons....

    Have a blessed week..

  7. Ha - love the pictures - especially Benny grabbing a ride from his daddy! Whenever I give shoulder rides to my twins - I end up with some pretty crazy hair - can't keep their hands out of my hair!!!!
