…2 seconds is the amount of time I had to react to a woman who had just pulled out right in front of me…
…on one of the busiest streets in Arlington, while taking the quads to school. YES- all FOUR of my precious children were in the burb with me…
…it could have turned out a lot differently, and for that, I am truly thankful. It only takes seconds…
The other driver was sent to the hospital with shoulder pain. I did not have a chance to check on her before the paramedics arrived. I was too busy checking all 4 of my kids to make sure they were okay. And honestly, I was REALLY upset/angry/shaken. I would not have been able to control my Mama-bear emotions at the time… good thing I stayed in my burb. I just kept thinking:
(settle down, Suz…breathe...breathe…accidents happen)
The kids yelled “WHOAAAAAA!!!!” after we were hit…as the burb came to rest inches away from a massive tree. I think it was more of an amusement park ride to them.
I’m guessing I yelled out: “JEEEEEZ!” (my choice of wording when oblivious drivers pull out in front of me)…because Ethan kept repeating:
“baby Jesus!…baby Jesus!”
I was shaking and in shock, but I had to turn around and giggle for a second. I couldn’t understand where Ethan had heard “baby Jesus” being used in “vain”. He ended it with:
“Awwwwww…. baby Jesus is sad.”
(He must have picked up on my “Jeeez” and just finished it out for me)
Hilarious to think about, after the fact.
The kids were fine…Mama was definitely rattled. They enjoyed all the police cars and the ambulance. I took them to school 2-by-2 in Joe’s explorer as he waited for the tow-truck. (We were blocks away from their school. neato.)
The burb is completely un-drivable…so, we will be pimping a rental van/suv/whatever we can fit 4 carseats into…for who knows how long.
Now, I’m all paranoid when I’m driving. Every time someone pulls out along side of me, I slam on my breaks. I’m SOOOOO tense in the car. (Having flashbacks of my last wreck---that ALSO wasn’t my fault).
When will I feel comfortable driving again?!!! Days? Weeks?
But again…perspective. WE’RE ALL OKAY.
Ughhh...that totally sucks! BUT, your all OK, and thats all that matters, the car can be replaced, you and the kiddo's can't!
P.S. Good for you for keepin' your cool, I would have gotten out and gave that women a piece of my mind, and it wouldn't have been nice!
So glad everyone is ok. I totalled my car on the Tollway in 2007 and it was a terrifying experience. I was freaked out about driving for MONTHS! Remind me to buy you a cocktail next time I see you!!! Hugs!!!
How scary! I am so glad y'all're okay.
This gives me chills. I've been in accidents (only caused by others) but never with my babies in the car. I am so glad everyone is okay!
And I am glad you are getting new car seats. Don't let her insurance give you anything less than what you had (Britax, right?).
I totally understand why you felt angry--I've felt that way about my daughter just when somebody pulls out in front of me! We're protective of our babies! I hope your nerves calm back down soon and that you aren't too shaken by the whole thing. The Lord protected you--place your trust in Him. :) *hugs*
I'm so glad everyone was OK. Things like that are so scary, and thankfully it wasn't worse. A guy in a "monster" truck ran my car over backing out of a parking lot when my kids were 6 years and 9 months. I FLIPPED! I was bawling, screaming at the guy, scared to death. It was pretty traumatic for me. I still can't see how that guy could not see me or hear my horn blaring...
Glad you are all OK!
Oh my goodness! How scary. So glad you & the quads are all ok. Sorry about the burb!
Why would you need new car seats? Did something happen to the ones they have? I thought the kids were fine and if so then why would you want to get new seats. Thats just a misuse of insurance or is that fraud.
dear sweet anon~ it is recommended that EVERY car seat be replaced regardless of the severity of the accident. insurance covers this without question, but thanks for your concern...
I'm glad you're all okay!
Before I had kids, I rear ended a car in bumper to bumper traffic on the freeway one day. It was low speed, did a decent amount of damage to my crappy car, but not much to the minivan in front of me, which contained a family with four kids. I felt terrible and apologized up and down. That mother FLIPPED out on me. It was really scary and upsetting, and at the time I didn't get it. With little ones of my own now, I've thought back to that accident and I get why that mom flipped out. Not that I agree with how she actually acted, but I get the mama bear instinct!
Big hugs! Glad that everyone is okay. I am 100% with you on the car seats, better safe than sorry and they are completely covered. Fraud...REALLY!?! Hope that you get a new ride fast and everything gets back to "normal" including your nerves!
Anonymous must not have children and doesn't know about carseat safety. If they had they would know it states that once a carseat has been involved in an accident, it is not deemed safe anymore.
Glad you guys are alright, I can imagine how scared you were.
We were in an accident with our two kiddos and a Navigator hit us from behind. The kids always tell us, even now 3 years later, do you remember when the alligator crossed the road and we had to get a new car....Funny!
Thank goodness you guys weren't injured! A terrible scare and a huge hassle, but also a perfect opportunity to count our blessings!
Prayers for you and your fam's nerves and emotional healing!
So thankful you are all OK. :)
I am with you on the nervous driving after an accident. Twelve years ago, two teenagers turned in front of me without the arrow light. They simply thought they had the right of way, since the main light was green, but mine was too. Both vehicles were completely totalled, but all three of us walked away with abrasions. Today, I teach at the same school (30 miles from my house) that their children attend and have their niece in my class now. Funny how that worked out. :) Glad you are all safe and sound.
Why are negative people almost always anonymous?! Good grief!
So glad you are all OK!
Anonymous...wow...duh...we were rear ended with our two babies in the back and were instructed by the police that it was mandatory to get new carseats, regardless of whether there was any damage to them or not. Just hit google next time instead of commenting!
I'm so glad you and your children are okay!
I am so so so so so glad that you and the quads are okay! That is so scary. I hope the burb gets fixed quickly!
OH MY GOODNESS! I'm so thankful you ALL are alright! That is my one of my biggiest fears, gettin in an accident with my children in the Van with me. I would have been feeling the SAME outrage you were. HELLO how do you NOT see a HUGE WHITE SUBURBAN?
I nailed a deer last year with my 3 littles in it with me (didn't know I was pg with the 4th) I replaced all the kids seats with Sunshine Kids Radians. I LOVE the seats.. Their heavy duty and are the narrowest seats I've found. I can EASILY fit 3 accross the back of the van with a LITTLE space in between. GOOD LUCK with your shopping. and again I'm so THANKFUL you and your littles are alright!
I'm so glad you guys are okay. I was rear ended during rush hour in Oct and wanted to get out and scream at the lady that hit me "I'm 4 months pregnant what were your thinking?" Of course that wouldn't have helped anything. I'm still afraid to drive, I do it, but I assume everyone is trying to hit me.
I just have to comment, I never do, but I have to! I so feel your stress, fear and pain!! I was in a terrible accident in October with my sweet mom in the car but thank God NOT my three kids. My comment is about finding a rent car that will hold all four carseats. We needed one to hold three and we had so much trouble getting the companies ( yes we went through two) to understand. I will be praying for you and what you are about to go through with insurance, car seat replacement, car replacement and most of all the millions of phone calls trying to be made with four(I only had three) little ones at your side! :) My car was totalled, so sad and it was not my fault either.
I am driving pretty normally now but it has taken three months to not drive like an 80 year old woman! LOL!! Jen H
OK just read through the comments. I worked at Cooks for 13 years and we ALWAYS gave out new carseats no matter the severity of the accident. It is most certainly not insurance fraud but required safety for our precious children!
Jen H
I was in the back seat of my parents' car with my grandma and 1 month old daughter when we got broadsided. It is terrifying!
I drive into and out of downtown Dallas everyday. I've had 3 or 4 wrecks (none my fault) and I can't tell you how many near misses. Probably in the hundreds!
All you can do is maintain really good insurance and drive a big vehicle.
My last one - a suburban turned into my F150 and did thousands of $ worth of damage. I walked away with a sprained finger.
I count myself lucky everyday when I have arrived safely to my destination!
Glad everyone is ok. I freak out when people get to close to the back of my car (I was rear-ended when I was stopped) Im bad when I got the twins in the car, cant imagine what would happen if one of them got hurt.
Glad to hear that everyone is ok. Don't you just love anonymous comments? Why bother even posting a comment? And YES, being an insurance agent myself....you are ALWAYS supposed to replace a car seat even if you are involved in the smallest of fender benders!!
Glad to hear that you are all okay!
It's understandable that you got overprotective of yourself and children.
Poor ol' burban- she is like another member of the family! She has seen you through the newborn and toddler tears and tantrums. Locked you out (oh that post was hilarious) been on many memorable driving vacations. Now some stranger hurts her! I hope she is "all better" soon!
BTW please show a pic of your rocking the VAN like a soccer quad Mom! I call mini vans grocery go getters... HA HA...
Seriosuly, glad you are all well. Thank god for insurance and big tanks as trucks!
Big hugs,
oh my goodness. I can only imagine what was going through your head about that crazy driver. I know what I would have said! I am so glad that all the kids (and you!) are okay. Is the burb totally a goner or can it be fixed. if not - go luck hunting for a new car - I know how hard it is to find a car that fits a large family.
I'm glad you are all ok. I had an accident when my oldest was 11 months old. Scariest thing I had ever been through- and yet- I didnt think about myself once, just my precious baby in the backseat!
I am so glad you are all ok! All accidents are scary...
oh man that is awful...I had a semi pull out in front of me Dec 20th blocking both highway lanes I was on. Weather as so awful I couldn't stop, my car went under it, the semi wall pushed my windshield to the steering wheel. I can't imagine having kids with..my 4 kids were at daycare/school. All our carseats were replaced too..my insurance only covered $150 on the first one and 90% up to $150 on the second but because it was $100 his fault they are fully payed for. With the glass everywhere, the jolts and seat belts tugging on the seats it's THE LEAST the other insurance can do to keep our kids save. I'm so glad you are all ok, except mentally and emotionally I'm sure.
oh my goodness! how scary! Thank goodness it wasn't any worse than it was but I know that had to still have been so nerve wracking and terrifying! My kids hate that I'm such a stickler about their car seats and tight belts...but I don't mess around with that. They will be in their 5 pt harnesses until they outweigh them and they will be pulled tight - like it or not!
I'm so glad you weren't hurt! I'm thrilled to know that their insurance will be paying for your new car seats! I was reading about your last accident and I just had to say that I love the Commander! We had one as a rental this summer and if I could afford it, I think I'd get one!
Wow, so glad you are all O.K. I pray for peace for you as you deal with the memories of this accident. I also pray that insurance will come through quickly so you can get all of this settled. As far as the carseats, so glad you knew to get them replaced. Anonymous-I am an insurance agent and if a carseat is ever in a car that is in an accident we are instructed to destroy that carseat asap.
What a blessing that you were paying attention! Anytime I get distracted in the car (phone,text,etc) I always have a panic moment that I wouldn't have time to react if someone pulled out in front of me. This just reminds me to put away the phone!
Glad you're all o.k.!
Lissa, I have a child but I had no idea that car seats must be replaced, until recently. I don't think that's such a widely known thing as noone speaks about it. But yes, of course, regardless the severity, even if its a fender bender, the car seats cannot be reused and if they are, the future accidents woudln't be covered. Also, the motorcycle or bike helmets, if they just drop, without anything breaking visibly, cannot be used anymore. I don't think people know that either
Hi Suz,
I have been reading your blog since your little cuties were born! So glad you guys are all ok!
and on a side note....enjoy the crazy Packer fans in your neck of the woods the next week!! Best fans you'll ever meet!
Go Pack Go!
and to the person who doesn't know why you would replace carseats after an accident......Suz, remember you can't fix stupid!!!
Wow, that bites. I am so glad you were all ok!!!!!!!!!!! And you are not the only Momma who has a mini-freak-out... just reading about what happened with you guys gave me the shakes! :)
Question: how bad of an accident does it need to be for new carseats to be required? I was rear ended not too long ago, a pretty good jolt but only required a new bumper, but I didn't pursue new car seats. Thoughts??
OH my goodness, So glad that no one was hurt! How scary, I can totally understand not wanting to drive after that! Hope the Burb gets fixed quickly!
i'm glad you are all okay! i'm a total grandma driver because i'm terrified of getting into an accident with my kids (or just by myself, but you know). hugs!
So Scary. So glad you and the kids are okay. I always worry about that when traveling with my child. People are in to big of hurry now days.
Glad everyone is ok, a wreck is bad, but having your kids with you is definitely worse. As a fire-medic's wife there is no way I would not replace my carseats for my boys! Hubby was hit in our pristine 1986 4Runner and it was determined to be toatled. One of our carseats was in the car but not occupied and we insisted the woman at fault's insurance replace our seat. We weren't willing to take any chances that the integrity of the seat was compromised they were pretty good about it we got a new seat and had to send in a copy of the reciept and they reimbursed us in like a week (and we had a $300 Recaro seat). I'm not sure you know this but seat belts are also "one time" use when it comes to a crash. So you might want to have all occupied seatbelts replaced. The insurance will most likely not want to do it but keep insisting that they write you a letter that states that the insurance company will be liable if those belts failed in another accident, they will usually give in and do it if you stand your ground (it's probably going to take a lot of standing your ground too).
aww so glad you guys are okay! as much as I am sure you are shook up! I know how scary it was when I was in an accident by my self and totaled my car so i can only imagine having your sweet kiddos with you! God was watching out for you! What Ethan said in response was too precious! I'm sorry you had such a scare! Try to remember that it wasn't your fault and that God is always protecting you guys! Take care!
soooo sorry to hear about your accident. Terrifying. SOOO very thankful you and your precious cargo are ok!
Suz, How scary! Thank goodness you and the kiddos are ok! I would have been angry too! So sorry this happened to you guys!
So glad that you are all okay.
I had driving phobia for a long time after my last wreck (also, not my fault). It's just scary out there!
Prayers to you and your kiddos! I'm thankful you are all okay and am very glad the quads will be getting new car seats. Also, I understand being shaken up, so please don't take it the wrong way. However, as a Christian and a popular blogger, YOU have a lot of influence. It seems like you still are harboring anger, but like you said, accidents happen. I don't know the driver, and I do think everyone should try to be safe. I don't think though that anyone sets out trying to be a bad driver or hit a car full of kids. I would be horrified and thankfully have never caused any accidents. However, please remember the spirit of forgiveness. The other driver of that car was once someone's sweet baby, so offer prayers and seek to forgive, pray for that person rather than place judgment. I think that would be a wonderful example to your children, the value of forgiveness along with the importance of safe driving as we never know the circumstances of another person's life (e.g.the driver). God Bless!
OH MY GOOD GRACIOUS, PEOPLE!!!! for the love.
this is MY BLOG. i write down my feelings as i feel them. i am open and honest. 100%. not fake. my life is not perfect, and i hope that you can tell that i do not try to make our lives seem perfect on our blog (like some may choose to do).
i am not "harboring anger". i do not judge the other driver. i am simply stating the emotions that went through a MOM of 4 kids AT THAT VERY SPECIFIC POINT IN TIME who had just been involved in an automobile accident.
i wrote these feelings down because this is my JOURNAL.
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