Friday, February 04, 2011

This is not normal in Texas!

We had SO much fun playing in the snow this morning! I’ll let the pictures do the talking!

(Sav, Drew-blue, E-green & a scratch on his face, Ben-orange)

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I have some super cute video that I’m trying to load on Vimeo---its taking FOREVER! I will post it as soon as it finishes.

Stay warm, my friends! And can I just say---I’d sure LOOOOVE to go on that cruise right about now! Winking smile

suz signature


  1. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Granna and Papa love your snow pictures. Andrew, Ben, Ethan, & Savi, sure looks like fun! We love you....

  2. Precious! Just love the smiles on those kids of yours ;)

  3. It was great snow for 4 little Steeces. Glad they had a good time.

  4. We have never done that cruise line, but have done 2 others and LOVED it. Very relaxing vacation because there's no where to go on your days at sea. I don't get motion sickness, but I saw a lot of people with the seabands or the dots behind their ears. The ships purser usually has something if you need it, but definitely pack your own. As for the excursions, they usually have a meeting your first day at sea where the ships entertainment director will tell you all about the excursion, show you pictures, and tell you how to get discounts when you shop. Plan to attend this meeting! Also, find out if you need special clothing for any "themed" nights. Hope you have a blast! Can't wait to hear all about it! And way to go Joe!

  5. Loving the snow ! We took the kids out today too....Can you believe it is snowing here and we have had a record 4 days off of school? Looking forward to warmer weather and the waterpark =]

  6. oh I love it!! Every child should experience the snow! My cousin lives in TN and the first site of snow they called school know what MN is school was 2 hours late a couple weeks ago but my children's wasn' was -28 at 8am w/o the windchill!! oh but I love it! We haven't a full snow day yet and we have 2 feet of snow! hehe Enjoy it while it lasts!!

  7. Long-time reader, first time commenter. Living in TX, I'm surprised you own snow-appropriate clothes! (Here in New England I feel like I live in them!)

  8. Good GRIEF! Could they be any cuter? I can hardly stand it! Happy Snow Day! We're having lots of them here, but so crazy to see it there!

  9. Does the state of Texas even have a snow plow? I know a dusting isn't totally out of the norm there, but that's a legit snow storm! I'm really starting to question Al Gore's credibility with this "global warming" business. Darling pics, glad y'all had fun!!!

  10. Gosh, I am so jealous!!!! Unfortunately where we live we will NEVER be able to have the snow or your kiddies wonderful experiences in the snow! Instead at the moment we swelter in temperatures of 38-40.c!

    Gorgeous pics, they sure do look like they are having fun!!

  11. WOW. I thought Texas was like where I am!!!!! Cute pix!

  12. Hi, Catherine here. Im a long time follower and just had to comment! Im so jealous. I love in Houston and we had a "snow day" yesterday with NO , not one speck, of snow. Instead we got icy roads and news coverage of how bad things were in Dallas! :)I wouldn't want it every day, and God bless the northerners for putting up with that, but I would have loved to have it yesterday. Enjoyed your pictures looks like a BLAST! Stay warm. It'll be 80 degrees out before you know it! :)

  13. SNOW MUCH FUN!!!!


  14. It looks like they had an absolute ball.
    Sav's coat is just gorgeous.

  15. Oh how I love snow, which here in Illinois is not a popular sentiment. My nearly 17-year-old daughter spent two days sledding through our recent snow days. It never gets old.

    And how cute your little ones are! Funny how your little lady is nearly covered head to toe in the white stuff while your boys are relatively snow-free. Girls work hard and play hard.

  16. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Hi - I am a fellow blogger and I just wanted you to know there is an "award" for you/your blog that a bunch of us are passing around to the blogs we like. :) You have a great blog! Check out the award at :)

  17. I think you need to get a 4-slot photo frame and frame pics #11-14. Precious!

  18. Anonymous11:28 PM

    I'm praying for you and your precious family! I wrote in my prayer journal that tomorrow is a big day for your little girl. I'll be praying for strength and wisdom for the doctors and nurses, peace of mind for you and other loved ones, and most importantly a speedy recovery!

    You and your husband continue to inspire me, I'm in college full-time and a part-time nanny as well. The opportunities you provide your children and the "no-fear" attitude is so admirable! I WISH THERE WERE MORE PARENTS LIKE THAT! You are a wonderful example of the blessing of parenthood with a foundation in Him.

  19. OOOOH I am so happy to see that the Texas cousin had snow to play in. The Oklahoma Tracy twins sure wondered, I'll have to show t hem the pictures over the weekend.
