Saturday, April 16, 2011

Savi’s Big Girl Room

We put Savannah’s bed together last night (and by “we”…of course I mean, Joe). Smile

Here is a pic of the bedrooms from the hallway.

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Sav’s bedding is the Brooke theme from Pottery Barn. (again, I fell in love with this pattern FOREVER ago and have been saving up ever since!).

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I love it because it is not too girly and I can throw in cute pink accents. I found some fantastic cheap sheets at Target that have adorable pink bird houses & stripes.

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Sav is not happy or anything…

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…not excited one bit

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Cute pic of Ben and Daddy, checking out the new room

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It is blurry because she was rolling around and giggling. So cute!

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Tucked in for the night and I’m pretty sure the ear-to-ear grin followed her into her dreams.

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BTW- Savannah is sporting a new sassy pixie haircut (and Mama’s new cut is VERRRRY similar! SHORT! Yikes!)


Next up on the ‘ole remodeling process: wall art, decals, and decor


suz signature


  1. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Cute room and happy girl!

  2. The kids rooms look great! I have been checking out PB for big boy bedding and love the classic sports theme. Can't wait to see what all you add to both rooms, besides your cute kids of course!

  3. Love that bedding! Totally my favorite which we too have been looking at. BTW Target has some wall decals that match it.

  4. Is Sav's bed a convertible Baby Italia crib?? I think we have this one too currently in the toddler bed phase. It looks SO nice! I'm excited to use it as a big girl bed for my little girl!

  5. Anonymous12:20 PM

    The rooms look lovely! Where did you buy her bed??

  6. You totally should have added a barber chair for her fantastic haircutting abilities! :) Room looks great!

  7. That looks phenomenal! You did a great job on both rooms, love them! Sav cracks me up with her little personality!!

  8. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Sav's bed is bigger than her brothers! I wonder if they mind? Love the bedding!

  9. Brooke is my favorite bedding ever from PBK. The room looks great & she so happy in it!
    Can't believe I'm admitting this but I asked for the sheets for my birthday two years ago for our guest room. :) Makes me smile whenever I make up that bed.

  10. Another very cute room! You guys did a great job!!

  11. Love the rooms! I think these would be a GREAT addition their rooms!

    Wall Art:

  12. Just gorgeous, Sav is one lucky little princess.

  13. Any little girl would be proud to have a room like that. Awesome, well done

  14. what a cute room! and what a happy girl!!!

    April is Autism Awareness Month. I'm dedicating my blog all month long to Autism.

  15. Precious!!! Can't wait to see your new cut!!!

  16. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Absolutely cute cute cute. Love Savi's enthusiasm and smiles even more!! Miss Debbie

  17. Another super cute room! And Savi looks so excited to have her very own big girl room, all to herself! She is so darn cute, I could just eat her up!

  18. Her room is adorable!! I have always loved that bedding, too!
