Monday, July 11, 2011

Steece’s Pieces~ aka: Ghost Town USA

DUUUUUUDES! If anyone is still out there and checking this blog…

“HI! So great to have you! WOW~ you are loyal! Much love…” Winking smile


Our family has been traveling all across the US on various vacations. We have been out of town/out of state for 4 of the last 5 weeks! I have lots to update and some great pics of our awesome adventures. Here are some sneak peeks/teasers, and proof that yes, we are indeed, still alive and well! :


(Ethan, Sav, Drew, and Ben for a project I made for Joe on Father’s Day~ it turned out super cute!)

06 june 20111


Oh, the places we’ll go!…Lots of new “firsts” for the kiddos!


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06 june 2011 308


06 june 2011 401


06 june 2011 415


06 june 2011 440


06 june 2011 538


07 july 2011 005


07 july 2011 034

suz signature


  1. Oh my gosh they are SO PRECIOUS! I love the Father's Day photo!!!

  2. I check your blog every now and then b/c the nurses at Dr. Tabor's told me about it, then the nurses at Harris NICU told me about it. I have triplets that are 20 months. Living in the same area I think we cross a lot of paths. We have also been out of town and it looks like we went to at least some of the same places. We drove up to Minnesota last week and went to the MOA and Twins games too (I have fam up there)! I am currently uploading pics to put on my own blog...there are SO many ( Your foursome is adorable and I admire your strength, faith, and energy!

  3. So many adventures!! Great pics - looks like LOTS of fun!!

  4. My word - you guys look busy, busy and with BIG smiles. So glad you are able to enjoy times like these with you quickly growing children. God has blessed your family and will continue to do so =]

  5. Anonymous4:15 PM

    So happy that you blogged! I have been waiting for a new post for weeks! I love hearing about your family. Glad to see you're enjoying your summer to the fullest!

  6. so so cute! Love your blog! your kids just keep getting cuter :) Thanks for sharing your moments of life and joy with us! You guys are such a special family!

  7. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Go TWINS! Hope your visit to the great state of Minnesota was fun! I have been a long time lurker but have never commented. Love, Love, Love your blog! It puts a smile on my face when I read the updates and watch the kids grow. They are soo cute and adorable and its fun to see their little personalities through pictures. Can't wait to hear all about your travels!

  8. Sure! You betcha! Looks like you had a fun time up here in Minnesoooota! And hopefully the twins pulled out a win for ya while you were here! I'm sure the kids had a BLAST at MOA and the water park!! It sure is a great place, especially during the summer! can't wait to see more pics!

  9. What is the name of the place with the train you have pictured? Looks cool!

  10. I don't always comment, but I ALWAYS read. :)

    That indoor water park w/ the train slide looks so cool!!!

  11. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Suz- I have been a creeper for awhile but wanted to comment. I am amazed by all that you all accomplish!! I also wanted to say thanks- after your glowing recommendation for the Puddle Jumpers I ordered some for my two little ones and they are a DREAM!!! So from one mama to another- Thanks!!

    Bethany Beach, Delaware

  12. Love reading about your adventures - looking forward to reading about where you've spent summer vacation(s)! :o) The kids are simply adorable! (those red/white and blue outfits were for the 4th of July? SO cute!)

  13. I have never commented before, because I personally don't know you, BUT today I am! You and your blog make me crack up, and I am often reiterating your stories to my friends because they are 100% real life!

    ...I am from Minnesota and I just screamed when I saw the Target Field picture! I hope you had a great time here :)

  14. Hello from right here in Minnesota. Hope you enjoyed our state and Joe's family. Are the beach pics one of our fine MN lakes? Lake superior? or a different trip.

    Take Care!
    Andrea in MN

  15. I peek in on a regular basis. So glad to hear you're safe and home again.

  16. I am *finally* catching up on all of my favorite blogs after having the baby. Your summer adventures look like a blast!
