Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Scuff Brothers

Hi. I’m E-bud. (black eye)

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and I’m Drew-bud. (facial scuffs)

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and together, we are known as…





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(Ethan left, Andrew right- such a scary looking duo, eh?)


Oh…these two little tweedles. What are we going to do with you? On the drive home from Austin, we couldn’t help but laugh when we saw these guys sleeping so peacefully. They were so banged up and bruised from various falls and whatnot. Just a normal day raising 3 rough and tumble 4 year old boys.


Joe thought it was funny to get them to repeat “I’m Drew-bud, and this is E-bud, and together we are… the Scuff Brothers.”


We couldn’t stop laughing. Cute little nerds.



suz signature


  1. Nothing you can do but to laugh all day long. have a nice day of laughing with your cute kids.

  2. Our little L had a huge blue eye from a fall and gosh, the comments he got! All in fun though
