Friday, September 23, 2011

2 Sets of Twins for a Weekend

Joe took Ethan and Savannah to Austin for a weekend with Grammy and Grampy. They had oodles of fun!

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Grammy and Savi playing and eating at Angels!

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Grampy and Ebud with his new train

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They headed over to our buddies house to watch the Aggie game and had a nice little playdate with T.

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Gettin' some love from Uncle Dan before heading back to Waco.

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I took Ben and Drew to Waco for the weekend, to play with Papa and Granna. Papa wanted to take the boys to Kiddieland all by himself! (Uh—good luck, Dad!)

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They had a blast and apparently did great, until it was time to leave…and Ben flung himself on the ground kicking and screaming. (sorry, Pops!)

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But he recovered in time for his very first college football game! Baylor vs. SFA.

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Dad supporting his local Bears in his green and gold.

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Joe tried to get me to dress the boys in their Aggie gear---but I decided to go with the more “peaceful” route- neutral colors.

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Isn’t this the most “forced” picture you’ve ever seen?! Hahaha. Too bad we weren’t able to watch the bands perform at halftime---lightening was all around and they stopped the game. Oh well- they had a good time.

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All-in-all, it was a great weekend! Ethan had a difficult time in the beginning about leaving the brothers behind in Waco…separation anxiety…but was perfectly fine once he got to Austin. Andrew kept asking about Ethan throughout the weekend. He was constantly aware of the fact that E was not there.


Its funny how they recognize that pieces of their hearts are missing when they are away from each other. Too cute.


Happy Friday y’all! Hope you have a great weekend!

(and Gig ‘Em Aggies!!! Super excited to be on a double date, with my honey & BFFs, to the game this Saturday!! Woo Hoo!)

suz signature


  1. Suz, thanks so much for sharing your feelings about having "balance" in your life. It really hit home with me. I agree with all the advice for a schedule...I need to work on that myself. I think one of the best things we can do as moms is pray that we will stop believing the lie that we can have it all together, at some point in time we will be completely "caught up", that our lives will one day be in "balance". I believe Satan tells us this lie to try to steal quality time away from our children, and I believe it every day. I pray that we will all be able to break free from this lie and fully enjoy our blessings!

  2. It looks like they were at Angels on 71, they have great burgers! I went to high school with Joe and my parents still live out in Spicewood. You have an amazing family!

  3. I have a set of 2yo twin girls & a 4yo daughter. My mom took one of the twins for a few hours & she spent the whole time looking & asking for her sisters! When they were reunited, she ran across the house, screaming their names the entire way. She wouldn't stop hugging them either. It's amazing how connected they are since they spend their days fighting.

  4. I can relate to the little ones' separation anxiety. My two are rarely apart. My daughter recently started Dance - something she was very excited about - until she gets to class. I wasn't sure what was going on but I finally realized I think its because its the first big thing she's ever done without her twin brother! Hoping her anxiety settles down soon!
