Wednesday, November 16, 2011

4 Yr Old Height & Weight STATS (Oh- & Shots!)

Okay, yes…I understand that my children turned four on August 1st, 2011 and it is now NOVEMBER 2011 and they JUST NOW had their 4 year check ups. Better late than never, right?!!


I strategically planned this wellness exam (and ungodly amount of shots) on a school day. 2 kiddos would go on a “date” with Mom to the pediatrician’s office in the morning while the other 2 were at school…and then we’d flip flop in the afternoon. It worked out perfectly- thanks to Aunt Ashley for picking up Sav & Ben after school!


Savannah and Ben- the morning crew, awaiting their turn (and actually excited to be at the doctor’s office. They ALL were… crazies!)

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Upon the advice of my BFF, Mari, I decided to talk to the kids the day before about what to expect. Our pedi and nurses had warned us last year about how rough the 4 year old shots were (and NOT to bring all 4 at once like I usually do)---maybe that is why I put the appointments off for so long. My anxieties were solidified when my BFF, Jac, told me about her *glorious* day at the pedi with four, 4 year olds getting shots as well! EEEEK!


We practiced giving injections on Savi’s baby dolls and I even let them pretend to give me shots in my leg with a pen. I promised them a treat as soon as the shots were over, etc.

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I was proud of how brave they were…but when it came down to the actual injections, I have NEVER, I repeat- NEVERRRRR heard my kids scream like that before.




My heart broke for them- but as soon as the last needle was pulled from their legs- the tears stopped and the smiles reappeared. God bless the resilience of little ones, amen?



Time for the hooligans to enjoy their afternoon at the pedi’s office- Ethan and Andrew.

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Yep- while Dr. Archer was asking Mom questions, Cheech and Chong were giggling and digging in to each others’ nostrils. Not to mention, I caught them licking each other as well. I mean… SERIOUSLY?!!! In a germ infested pediatrician’s office?!!! I mean, REALLY DUDES? I’m pretty sure my heart stopped. GOONS!

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Andrew was the bravest…bless his little heart. It killed me to see him scream in pain. He rarely cries (unlike Ben and Sav). Ebud too- the sounds that came out of their lungs just made me want to die. But it was all over within seconds.

Drew looks completely traumatized! LOL.

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(He wasn’t traumatized… trust me, he perked right up as he picked out his tasty treat at the ‘ole neighborhood Starbucks)


So are you ready for the height and weight stats?…


All 4 kids weigh the exact same at 35 lbs! The nurse couldn’t believe it. Isn’t that crazy?! 

And they are almost all the same exact height! Let me tell ya- they definitely stick out in a crowd as 4 year old quadruplets! LOL. 4 little clones of each other.


The heights:

Ethan (still the tallest)- 42”

Drew- 41 3/4”

Ben- 41 1/2”

Sav- 40 1/2”




And I’ll leave you with this picture of the 20 Band-Aids that I peeled off of the kids that night. Can you even imagine?

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I wasn’t really planning on it- but this Mama was absolutely exhausted… wiped out physically and emotionally more than anything. PHEWWW. Glad that is OVERRRR and praising God for healthy little 4 year old preemies who have beaten all the odds.




Lots to be thankful for.

suz signature


  1. Esther8:12 AM

    Funny on the heights, Suz. My twins (fraternal) have always always always been within 1lb of each other and I am amazed that they are keeping it the same way even now that they are just over 3 years old.
    Your kiddos are quite tall! Nice percentiles for sure (I had to look them up, sorry)...
    Not looking for the 4-year shots next year, either..but thanks for the heads-up!

  2. thank goodness I have 9 months until our 4 year appointment. Yikes!!!! 5 shots each? Oh my! glad they were troopers!

  3. Your post is so precious and some of your comments just made me laugh. What beautiful children. You are SUCH a great mom. Miracles - what a gift!

  4. Anonymous10:24 AM

    They really had 5 shots each?? I'd scream too! I had my 4 yr old get 2 shots and wait for the rest til they're 5. They've gotten over it by then:)

  5. Oh poor babies, glad it is over with for all of do hubbies seem to miss out on all this fun action! Just kidding....but mine missed out on it too even though it was 18 years ago when my youngest went through this. They are just precious and so you are....keep up the good work and thanks again for sharing....your friend in East Texas, Pam!

  6. Ouch, poor kiddos! Great weights & so tall too! I have learned to prep my kids before appointments too. Glad to hear they are doing so well. My two were 28 weekers so I really understand what you mean by beating all the odds - amazing!

  7. Now you have me terrified! My lil man turns 4 in January. 5 shots at once??? that seems terrible! I don't know how you did it with having 4 get shots! That's a lot of shots! you should get a fun treat as well! :)

  8. They are getting so big and really look like big kids now.
    November 17th is World Prematurity Day, please consider sharing your story with before and after photo's of the quads on and in honor of all the babies born premature each year.

  9. Well done to them! And you mom.

  10. Nancy L10:47 AM

    They are so brave! (and funny!)
    We did not know going in to our 4yo checkups that our girls (frat twins) would be getting so many shots, so you were at least ahead of us there. They had been telling me "no shots, mom" I felt like such a heel! So they each got 4 shots - IN THE ARM THIS TIME (not the thigh), including their flu shots. Poor kids.

    Now, almost daily, they talk about how they only have to have one shot a year (flu) until they are 11 -- I think they are grateful for that!

    I love reading about your kiddos -- just two weeks younger than mine. My girls have flipped flopped from their birth sizes -- now Baby B is 2" and 5# bigger.

  11. My son handled his 4 yr shots really well - he tried SO hard to be brave and not cry but finally gave in after shot #4. Such a big kid! His sister on the other hand...needed to be held down and I'm certain EVERYONE in the office heard her screaming. She was even hiding under a chair! Drama queen!!

    So crazy that they all weighed exactly the same!! My twins are about 2" different but almost 10 lbs separate them!!

  12. YAY! Happy to hear everyone is big and healthy. I have one little nugget and when she gets a shot my heart breaks into pieces as she wails in pain. I cannot imagine doing that 4 times. Seriously.
