Monday, December 19, 2011

Holiday in the Park!

We traveled to Waco for my Dad’s work Christmas party---and low and behold~ Santa, himself, was there to greet us!

Ben, Sav, Sawyer, Drew, Carter, Ethan

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I made my parents take a picture with all of their grandkids!

Sav, Sawyer, Carter, Andrew, Ethan, Benjamin

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The next day, we headed to Holiday in the Park at Six Flags! I absolutely LOOOOOVE amusement parks and roller coasters. I have been dreaming of the day that I could take my kids to Six Flags and thanks to Auntie Lizzie, we scored a ridiculously sweet deal.

Andrew, Joe, Ben, Me, Sav, Ethan

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The Tarrants!

Maddie, Chris, Liz, Kinley

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Drew, Ethan, Ben and a crazy old man in the teacups

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Love this picture of sweet Lizzie and her Maddie pie!

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LOVE that our kids are tall enough to ride SO many of the rides in the park! Awesomeness.

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Uncle Col, Aunt Ash, Carter and Sawyer also met up with us for some Holiday fun! Carter is not so sure about these rides…Drew is LOVING it!

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Up and Away on the airplane~ Joe, a random, Drew, Ethan, Ben, and me

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The runaway mine train! Collin and Ethan

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Suzy and Savi

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Ashley and Andrew

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Daddy and Benny

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The Yosemite Sam Boat ride was a huge hit~ very cool

Ethan, me, Sav

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Liz and Suz, ridin’ some buckin’ broncos!

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Those precious Tarrant twins! Kinley and Maddie12 december 2011 263




Watching the light show and closing number~ Ethan, Andrew, Ben, and Sav

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I can honestly say that everyone had such a blast! Even the adults!!! Now, it was NOT fun dragging the kids, kicking and screaming, out of the park because they wanted to ride more rides…I could have done without that! Ha.

It was a wee bit chilly, but hardly anyone was at the park! No lines on the rides = an incredible time! And I can proudly say that I now have FIVE roller coaster riders in the family!!! Daddy Joe will have to hold our stuff at each gate~ (wimp!). LOL.


The next day, was the North Pole Express in Grapevine on the Vintage Railroad! Something the kids have been looking forward to and talking about all year long!

Stay tuned for some Christmas magic…


suz signature


  1. Looks like a great time! XO

  2. ahh...taking the kids to Six Flags this week. Hoping the weather holds for us.

  3. i dream of the day when i can take my 19 month old triplets to holiday in the park! Seeing the joy on your childrens' faces warms my heart! Merry Christmas

  4. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Hi Suz, my name is Abby. I fell across your blog in school last week while typing in "multiples blog" on google. Hahaaha. I have been catching up starting with the oldest blog, to todays. Let me tell you, it was well worth the 10 hours it took me! I have learned alot. Me, alike you, enjoys to research and blogs. Keep in mind Im a 16 year old junior in high school. I was so upset I was getting up to date, I wanted to keep reading more! But then you mentioned a tv show! You're gonna be taking up all of my free time! ;D But I left this initially to let you know how highly I think of you and your family. You're all such beautiful and strong people. You and Joe make the best parents Ive ever seen, hands down and I'm certain that all four of your kids will grow up to make a significant impact. Your gentleheartedness as a mother is very inspiring, I hope to continue to learn as much as I can through you guys.
    *Don't turn into Kate Gosselin from the TV show, it would devastate me. ;D
