Friday, January 20, 2012

Joe & I Have a Stalker

So, these are what have become of our fun-tastic Friday nights…We are wild & crazy, let me tell ya! A game of Parcheesi! (I laugh, so I don’t cry…)

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Joe noticed something odd, hanging from the upstiars balcony around 10pm last Friday night. (nevermind the furniture in the entry way, the carpets were getting cleaned)

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Going in for a closer look…

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Oh, little Savi-stalker…what are we going to do with you?

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This is a nightly occurrence. Savannah always sneaks out of her bedroom and will just sit at the top of the stairs, and spy on us.

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It is annoying, yet hilarious at the same time because we will find her asleep in some pretty crazy positions/places.

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I guess Mama and Daddy were just having too much fun on our little “Friday-night-in”. Sav wanted to join in on all the excitement. Little Stinker.

Winking smile


Happy Friday, y’all! Get those game boards out…

suz signature


  1. Oh my word! I thought it was a snake at first-that scarf or whatever hanging on the rail. So glad it was only SAV!!! Cutie pie!

  2. That is so funny!!! She's probably lonely since the boys are all in the other room. I used to spy on my mom all the time to get the "gossip". She still laughs about it today.

  3. That's awesome! Recently, my husband and I were laughing at a tv show and our 4 year old came out of his room and said, "What is so funny out here?!!?!!!" Oops, guess we were too loud for him while he was trying to sleep. :)

  4. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Ummmmm......Savannah is too funny. Oh the other hand, what what I focused on in your "closer look" photo was whatever was wrapped on the railing! I thought it was a SNAKE!!! I thought a snake was your stalker! I was relieved to read it was Savannah.

    Jamie Pugh

  5. We use to have a cat walk like yours and our dd would fall asleep right there! It was hilarious! We finally figured out why she chose that spot. It was directly above xl duct so the floor was SO warm! It was cute. I miss those days! She's now 8 1/2 :(

  6. Love this! Our 3 1/2 year old does the same thing. Always good for a laugh if he falls asleep before we can find him. :)

  7. I just wanted to comment and say how precious your little ones are and how much i enjoy watching "Texas Multi mama's". Ive been recording it lately and watch it during nap time :)

  8. Yep, thought it was a snake too! So cute though. Could you blame her?

  9. Looking at Savannah reminds me of the good''ol days! My three daughters are 22, 20 and 15. They now catch me asleep at the top of the stairs! :) Enjoy it while you can.

  10. Your living room looks COZY ! no wonder she spies on that !

    Oh and those snake comments reminded me of this picture.... ( I too first thought that's why you're posting it...)

  11. So glad it was just Savannah. By the title I thought some crazy person was stalking you guys.

  12. Ooo... I thought you were going to say a bat! This stalker is much better!

  13. What a little sweetheart!
    BTW, I'm loving your show. I just fast forward all the Stephanie parts. You and Kasey are the BEST!

  14. That is too funny! Great pic of her passed out at the top of the stairs!

  15. My now 10 year old still occasionally does it. We have pics of her much like yours. Love it!

  16. HILARIOUS! That girl cracks me up!!! Love that she will just give up and crash in the hallway.

  17. I can see how it could be annoying but it's SO HILARIOUS to see! LOL She is something else, that little one. What a personality.

  18. Anonymous11:56 AM

    this made me laugh. My twins do the same, often. It actually freaks me out when I stumble across one in the middle of the night.
