Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Our Top Secret V-Day Mission

Yesterday, the kids were SOOOO excited to go to school and handout their Valentine’s Day cards/candy to their buddies. They put together their own cards so they were especially sentimental.

Cute little Sav in her heart outfit from Granna

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A quick pic before piling in the burb (E, Sav, Ben, Drew)

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I picked up the kiddos from school and told them that we were going on a top secret adventure! (*they squealed with delight*)


We headed to Walgreens and I let them pick out goodies/cards/etc. for Daddy…then, we hopped in the car and snuck on over to Joe’s place of work.


We drove around the huge parking lot and were on a mission to scout out Dad’s car! You can just imagine the kids totally getting into this…all stealth-like and giggly!


We located one Tahoe that looked exactly like Joe’s (same color, make, everything)…but when we drove past the rear, it had a longhorn emblem. “DEFINITELY NOT DADDY’S CAR!” tee hee hee.


Aha! We finally found it! Followed by more squeals of excitement and incessant giggling (Sav, Ben, Drew, Ethan)

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Next stage of this covert op? Decorate the inside of Dad’s car like a Valentine had exploded.

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Little Miss Priss picked out the balloon, a sweet card, and some pink Mentos strawberry bubblegum for her knight in shining armor.

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Ethan, naturally, picked out a GREEN box of mike-n-ikes and thought that Daddy would absolutely LOVE them.

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Andrew chose Dad’s favorite- a giant Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup with extra Peanut Butter. (I think Drew has seen these around the house a time or two)02 february 20122-1



Ben picked out a box of mini-Charleston Chews (another of Dad’s fav’s)…

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Side note: Joe is lucky those made it into his car. Mama has a sweet spot for CC’s…(and Jordan Almonds for that matter---I am constantly getting made fun of by my fellow quads moms. JORDAN ALMONDS ARE DANG GOOD, Y’ALL!)


Mama gave him a tub of new Lysol wipes (the ones with the rough part on one side). I know the way to my man’s heart!


Mission Completed! (FYI~ the Little Einstein’s theme song was playing in my head the entire time)

Ben, Drew, Ethan, Sav

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The part that Mom loved the best about this endeavor???…

Joe parks up front with all of the big wigs. Bwahahaha! LOVE that everyone and their dog could look into the car and see this…

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tee hee hee

Winking smile

We received a phone call from dear ‘ole Daddio around 5:30p and it was hilarious. Operation “Surprise-Dad-At-Work” was a complete success.


What a fun day had by all!


suz signature


  1. Absolutely WONDERFUL!!! FUN! Fun!!!

  2. what an awesome thing to do with your children for their Dad! I think it is wonderful for his co-workers to see how much Joe is loved by his family. They are also old enough that they will remember doing this for a long time as well. Nice job Mama!

    PS - how is Sav feeling?

  3. Haha, very cool!

  4. Looks like a perfect day!

  5. Oh dad will never forget it. Priceless.

  6. I love reading your blog! I watched the first season of Texas MM and found your blog! I am also from the North Texas area! What a great idea to surprise your husband! Super cute!!

  7. You are WAY too cute and creative. LOVE IT!

  8. LOVE that idea, I might have to use that one-very creative!!

  9. How awesome!! and fun for all of you!

  10. What a great idea!!!! Happy Valentine's Day to you and your cuties.

  11. So, so cute!! What a fun idea - I can just imagine the kids' squeals of excitement and what a fun surprise for Joe!!! LOVE this idea!!

  12. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Like someone else already said-- you are just too cute and creative!! I really love the memories that you create for your family. You're all so lucky to have one another.

  13. Oh Sav looks so stinkin cute...and those tights...I can't take it!!!

  14. How sweet for Joe!

    P.S. his registration is out on his truck...LOL.

  15. SO fun! Next year, get a bunch of balloons and tie them all over the outside, too! Maybe some window paint, too!

  16. Anonymous10:19 PM

    I wish my twins and I could do this for my husband, but he parks in a restricted-access lot at work. Boo!

  17. Hi Suz! What a great Valentines day mission! I have been reading your blog since I was pregnant with my almost 4 year old...sorry for being a lurker and not speaking up. :) I love reading about your adventures, thanks for blogging!

  18. I am going to be a SAHM very*very soon!
    I am sooooo stealing this idea!


  19. this is super cute idea!!! and love the pics of your kiddos with their individual hearts.

  20. I just stumbled across your blog and am in LOVE with it! I love your honesty on her!
