Friday, February 10, 2012

They Call Me “Crazy Hair Drew”

This cracks me up to no end…

Identical twins…100% same exact DNA…right down to their hair follicles.


Ethan & Andrew have the exact same hair cut.

02 february 2012 004




They both go to sleep looking “socially presentable” (with DRY hair)…yet, when they wake up (whether it be a cat nap, or an entire night’s rest), this is how they wake up…

02 february 2012 027-1




I have NO idea what this kid does in his sleep! Bwahahaha.

02 february 2012 028-1

All I can say, is the hair matches the personality, perfectly.



I love you, my sweet, CrAzY, quirky Andrew Paul!

Don’t ever change.


suz signature


  1. So what do you do to tame the do? Our boys have wild hair and I'm at a loss on what to do (other than buzz) it...I think in some ways boy hair is harder than girl hair.

  2. I actually think it looks better that way than plastered flat to his forehead!! He looks stylish! Yay Drew!

  3. My son goes to bed with nice hair and wakes up with a mess, too! Some days it's all I can do to not have to completely wet his hair down just so it looks nice again!

  4. How precious! Gotta love that bed head! haha

    By the way - new blog reader, after seeing you on the show. You're such a down to earth, happy person! Read your whole blog story and I have to say you seem exactly how the show portrayed you. Such an amazing lady!

  5. This is so cute! My Tyler has the same problem. Hilarious!

  6. Brandy10:38 AM

    That reminds me so much of my boys. They are the exact same way and most days I have to gel it down for it to stay.

  7. My boys have the same crazy bed head!! I don't know what it is! It have a difficult time trying to get it to lay down again until they get a bath again!
    Love the crazy hair!!

  8. sadly, I always end up waking up with hair like this. and my hair is long! My hubby is always like WOAH what did you do last night??? lol I think your boys are super cute. crazy hair and all!!!

  9. They are so cute with the same haircut.
